Stovall receives professional award
Vanderbilt's director of conferences has been honored by the ACCED-I. Read MoreApr 26, 2011
Vanderbilt considers proposal to assist in establishing a school of education in Abu Dhabi
Vanderbilt University officials are exploring a proposal from the government of Abu Dhabi to create a school of education that would train teachers, education leaders and researchers to strengthen the country’s K-12 education system. Read MoreApr 26, 2011
Vanderbilt Faculty Senate supports ban on guns-on-campus
Representatives of the Vanderbilt University faculty have passed a resolution supporting the continued ban of firearms on college campuses in Tennessee. Read MoreApr 26, 2011
Vanderbilt turns in solid performance in RecycleMania competition
The RecycleMania competition is now over and has official winners for 2011. RecycleMania is a friendly recycling competition among colleges and universities across the country sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Keep America Beautiful. Together, participating colleges and universities recycled or composted… Read MoreApr 25, 2011
Critical care nurse, Angel Carter, saves life of local basketball coach
Angel Carter and Joey Spann, along with other responders at the game. As the wife of Lipscomb High School’s basketball coach, David Carter, Angel Carter counted herself rivals with Joey Spann, basketball coach for Goodpasture Christian School. Read MoreApr 25, 2011
Applications being accepted for Dissertation Writers’ Retreat
(Vanderbilt University) Ph.D. students often use their summers to make significant headway on their dissertations. This June, the Writing Studio will facilitate that progress for 15 dissertation writers by providing a structured environment for five days of writing and revision. Setting aside this time to focus intensely on the… Read MoreApr 25, 2011
A Taste of Williamson to be held May 15
VUMC presents Taste of Williamson at CoolSprings Galleria featuring samples of favorite creations from restaurants, caterers and hotels on Sunday, May 15, from 7-9 p.m. at Cool Spring Galleria. For one night only, the area’s best chefs unite to raise money for United Way of Williamson County and its partner… Read MoreApr 25, 2011
Weight Watchers at Work at Center for Health Services
New Weight Watchers session starting at the Center for Health Services conference room on April 27 at noon. Vanderbilt employees are eligible to a $25 Health Plus credit. For details contact Read MoreApr 25, 2011
Colombian politician to discuss citizenship culture at Vanderbilt
Quirky Colombian politician to discuss citizenship culture during talk sponsored by Center for Latin American Studies. Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Lady Gaga fan dies, brought back to life at Nashville concert
(photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) For 33-year-old Crystal Thornton, of Lyles, Tenn., Tuesday evening’s Lady Gaga concert in Nashville was one she had looked forward to for five years. As she and her best friend, Christina Tugman, settled into their seats in section 103 at the Bridgestone Arena, they… Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Commuting options save money, reduce pollution
Many employees were eager to check out the look and feel of the new, no emission, electric vehicle, the Nissan Leaf. Owner David Lifferth was happy to show it off. (Vanderbilt University/Susan Urmy) Almost 20 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions produced at Vanderbilt are from employees commuting to… Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Idea for community garden grows into reality
Idea for community garden grows into reality Last year, the Vanderbilt Initiative for Vegetarian Awareness (VIVA) had the idea to create a Vanderbilt Community Garden to grow crops for Vanderbilt students in organic and sustainable ways. This month, the garden became a reality with the first planting. The… Read MoreApr 22, 2011
HealthGrades rates Emergency Department one of top in country
For the second straight year, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Emergency Medicine has been rated as one of the top emergency departments in the country by HealthGrades, receiving the HealthGrades Emergency Medicine Excellence Award. HealthGrades is a leading independent health care ratings organization, providing ratings and profiles of… Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Medical Center to bring parking and shuttle operations in-house
After 30 years, the longstanding parking management contract between Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Central Parking is expiring June 30, thus creating an opportunity for operational change. Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Sponsored Research grants for March
The Division of Sponsored Research received notification in March that the following grants in excess of $25,000 had been awarded: Julie A. Adams, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $25,000 by the Department of Defense for “Expeditionary Capabilities Consortium: Urban Operations Laboratory.”… Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Winning name for Vanderbilt library café underscores its purpose
After a Vanderbilt libraries survey of students, faculty staff and alumni generated more than 1,200 responses, the new café in Central Library has been named Food for Thought. Read MoreApr 21, 2011
Academic calendar changes start spring 2012
(Vanderbilt / Steve Green) Starting spring 2012, the first day of classes following winter break will begin on Monday, Jan. 9. Beginning spring semester classes earlier than the traditional Wednesday start will give students and faculty the opportunity to commemorate the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, while maintaining the integrity… Read MoreApr 21, 2011
Melbourne-Vanderbilt Partnership Grants Program seeks funding proposals
The Melbourne-Vanderbilt Partnership Grants Program will provide up to $50,000 per year per project for two years to assist researchers at both universities in bringing together and enhancing their respective research capabilities through collaboration. Read MoreApr 21, 2011
Road closures for Country Music Marathon to minimally impact Vanderbilt campus
Course changes for the 2011 Country Music Marathon and Half-Marathon on Saturday, April 30, are expected to have minimal impact on the streets surrounding the Vanderbilt campus. Read MoreApr 21, 2011
Subscribe to Research News @ Vanderbilt for latest news on discovery
The latest news about discoveries by Vanderbilt researchers is available on the university research news channel, Research News @ Vanderbilt. Read MoreApr 21, 2011