Sponsored Research grants for March

The Division of Sponsored Research received notification in March that the following grants in excess of $25,000 had been awarded:

Julie A. Adams, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $25,000 by the Department of Defense for “Expeditionary Capabilities Consortium:  Urban Operations Laboratory.”

Theodore A. Bapty, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $1,713,738 by the Department of Defense for “META Design Flow Definition and Implementation.”  Gabor Karsai, Sandeep K. Neema and Janos Sztipanovits are co-principal investigators.  Dr. Bapty received an award in the amount of $57,957 by the Research and Engineering Development, Incorporated for “Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Phase I.”  Gabor Karsai, Sandeep K. Neema and Jason M Scott are co-principal investigators.  Dr. Bapty also received an award in the amount of $281,076 by the Research and Engineering Development, Incorporated for “Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Phase II.”  Gabor Karsai, Sandeep K. Neema and Jason M. Scott are co-principal investigators.

George E. Cook, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $49,953 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for “Torque Control of Friction Stir Welding.”  Alvin M. Strauss is co-principal investigator.

David K. Dickinson, Teaching and Learning, has received an award in the amount of $567,969 by the Department of Education for “Increasing Vocabulary in Preschoolers:  Using Cognitive Science to Guide Padagogy.”

Madeleine J. Dunn, Psychology and Human Development, has received an award in the amount of $35,204 by the National Institute on Mental Health for “PTSD Symptoms, Emotion, Regulation and Parenting in Parents of Children with Cancer.”

Douglas H. Fisher, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $30,000 by the National Science Foundation for “Support for the AAAI2011 Spring Symposium of Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Design.”

Joseph H. Hamilton, Physics and Astronomy, has received an award in the amount of $355,000 by the Department of Energy for “Experimental Nuclear Physics.”  Akunuri V. Ramayya is co-principal investigator.

Carolyn Hughes, Special Education, has received an award in the amount of $28,628 by the Autism Speaks Foundation for “Peer-mediated Social Skills Training for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.”

Jeffrey N. Johnston, Chemistry, has received an award in the amount of $130,000 by the National Science Foundation for “Protic Acid Catalysis of Organic Reactions.”

Gabor Karsai, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $83,779 by the Boeing Aerospace Company for “Fault-adaptive Control Technology (FACT) Research and Development.”

David S. Kosson, Civil and Environmental Engineering, has received an award in the amount of $3,000,000 by the Department of Energy for “Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP III).”  Charles W. Powers, Mark D. Abkowitz and James H. Clarke are co-principal investigators.

Deyu Li, Mechanical Engineering, has received an award in the amount of $325,000 by the National Science Foundation for “Thermal Transport through Individual Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes and Their Contacts.”  Yaqiong Xu is co-principal investigator.

Charles F. Maguire, Physics and Astronomy, has received an award in the amount of $583,000 by the Department of Energy for “Relativistic Heavy Ion Experiments.”  Senta Victoria Greene and Julia A. Velkovska are co-principal investigators.

Lloyd W. Massengill, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $350,000 by the Department of Defense for “DTRA BAA Phase II.”

Bruce D. McCandiss, Psychology and Human Development, has received an award in the amount of $474,476 by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders for “The Sensitive Period for Speech Perception.”

Douglas McMahon, Biological Sciences, has received an award in the amount of $350,438 by the National Eye Institute for “Circadian Organization of the Retina.”  Gregg C. Allen and Dao-Qi Zhang are co-principal investigators.

Sandeep K. Neema, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received two awards in the amounts of $1,616,045 and $239,523 by the Department of Defense for “Multi-model Language Suite for Cyber Physical Systems.”  Theodore A. Bapty, Gabor Karsai and Janos Sztipanovits are co-principal investigators. Dr. Neema has also received an award in the amount of $402,566 by the Department of Defense for “Android Mobile Military Middleware Objects (AMMMO).” Theodore A. Bapty, Anirudda S. Gokhale and Douglas C. Schmidt are co-principal investigators.

James G. Patton, Biological Sciences, has received an award in the amount of $175,218 by the National Eye Institute for “Analysis of miRNA Function During Eye Development and Retinal Regeneration.”  Douglas McMahon is co-principal investigator.

Douglas D. Perkins, Human and Organizational Development, has received an award in the amount of $106,345 by the Department of Education for “South Africa Fieldschool in Intercultural Education in Youth and Community Development:  Group Project Abroad Short Term Seminar Report.”  Gina L. Frieden and Maury A. Nation are co-principal investigators.

Douglas C. Schmidt, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $111,791 by the Northrop Grumman Corporation for “Northrop Grumman Cosmic Modifications:  COSMIC (Phase 3):  DDS and AMI for Lightweight CCM, Extensions to CIAO.”

Ronald D. Schrimpf, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $410,990 by the Department of Defense for “Technical, Analytical and Program Services to Support Current and Future SLBM Guidance Requirements.”  William T. Holman, Robert A. Weller and Robert A. Reed are co-principal investigators.

Lilianna Solnica-Krezel, Biological Sciences, has received an award in the amount of $225,397 by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for “TILLING The Zebrafish Genome:  A Reverse Genetic Approach.”  Seok-Hyung Kim and Alsushi Sawada are co-principal investigators.

Michael P. Stone, Chemistry, has received an award in the amount of $330,961 by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for “DNA Adducts of Styrene and Other Vinyl Monomers.”  Mark D. Egli is co-principal investigator.

Janos Sztipanovits, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $29,774 by the Lockheed Martin Corporation for “Support for Multi-modeling and Meta-modeling in the Human Terrain.”  Himanshu Neema is co-principal investigator.

Sharon M. Weiss, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $238,231 by the Defense Thereat Reduction Agency for “Rapid-response Silicon-based Optical Dosimeters for Acute, High Dose Radiation:  Topic N.”  Daniel M. Fleetwood, Robert A. Reed and Robert A. Weller are co-principal investigators.

Jamey D. Young, Chemical Engineering, has received an award in the amount of $182,977 by the National Science Foundation for “Collaborative Research:  GOALI:  Exploiting Metabolism-apoptosis Interactions to Enhance Mammalian Cell Culture.”

Ronald W. Zimmer, Leadership, Policy and Organizations, has received an award in the amount of $40,597 by the Rand Corporation for “Determinants of Student Outcomes in an Urban School District:  Educational Interventions and Family Choices (ER316 Pittsburgh Reform Evaluation).”

Contact: Pat Nelson