There’s still time to be part of NCAA Women’s Final Four
(Vanderbilt University/Steve Green) The NCAA Women’s Final Four is right around the corner. This event will take place April 6-8 at Bridgestone Arena, and your help is needed. If you have already registered to volunteer, no need to do so again. All volunteers are required to attend an orientation session prior to… Read MoreMar 31, 2014
Spring Faculty Assembly is April 3
Vanderbilt’s annual Spring Faculty Assembly is scheduled for April 3 in Langford Auditorium. Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will give his annual address and present some of the university’s highest honors to faculty. Read MoreMar 31, 2014
Website features resources, events for Autism Awareness Month
The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders has developed a special online resource for April’s Autism Awareness Month. Read MoreMar 31, 2014
Vanderbilt IT announces plans to partner with Dell
The Division of Information Technology has entered into exclusive negotiations with Dell to provide support for clinical workstations, help desk calls, and desktop and printer support at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Read MoreMar 31, 2014
Important changes to office supply procurement through Guy Brown
Through a new partnership, Staples will now fulfill Guy Brown office supply orders, Vanderbilt Procurement has announced. In addition, Vanderbilt leadership approved two important changes to procurement policies to support cost savings and sustainability efforts at the institution. Read MoreMar 28, 2014
Workplace civility requires courage, says provost at CARE kickoff event
Staff and faculty from across the university and medical center convened March 25 for a discussion about civility in the workplace. Read MoreMar 28, 2014
Vanderbilt Divinity Breakfast will explore ‘Thurman’s habit of stillness’
Vanderbilt Divinity Assistant Dean Amy Steele will discuss "Howard Thurman and the Habit of Stillness" at an April 1 community breakfast. Read MoreMar 28, 2014
Football team honored with state resolution
Senior members of the Vanderbilt football team were honored at the Tennessee State Capitol March 27 with the reading of a House Joint Resolution commending the team on an outstanding 2013 season. Read MoreMar 28, 2014
Vanderbilt forum on the politics of childhood vaccines is April 9
A Center for Medicine, Health and Society forum titled "The Politics of Childhood Vaccines" is set for April 9 in Light Hall. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
HR offers two retirement investment workshops April 15
Vanderbilt Human Resources is partnering with Vanguard to offer two free retirement investing workshops for employees on Tuesday, April 15. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Myanmar topic of World on Wednesdays meeting April 2
International Student and Scholar Services invites you to World on Wednesdays, where members of the Vanderbilt community engage in lectures, presentations and conversations about global issues. The next WOW topic is “Myanmar: Culture and Education,” to be presented by Lu Sam, a visiting Hubert H. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Nashville Opera director at Barnes & Noble April 2
Nashville Opera general and artistic director John Hoomes will appear at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt on Wednesday, April 2, for a special discussion of the opera’s upcoming production of Othello. The free event begins at 5:30 p.m. Shakespeare’s classic play Othello is transformed for the opera stage with… Read MoreMar 27, 2014
See work of student artists at Senior Show 2014
The Department of Art will open its galleries April 11 to reveal the work of seven graduating art majors, as well as work by other Vanderbilt art students completed this semester. Read MoreMar 27, 2014
Meeting will discuss social networks and health research
Join us for light breakfast and coffee as Eric Tesdahl, Ph.D., discusses social network analysis from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Friday, April 4. The event will be held at 2525 West End Ave. on the sixth floor. Over the past decade, researchers have taken a keen interest in the… Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Vanderbilt education faculty’s research featured at AERA April 3-7
The latest research on key education issues will be presented by faculty from Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development at the American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting in Philadelphia April 3-7. Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Poetry night marks first anniversary with new English department partnership
Lyrical Brew, a monthly poetry event, convenes the last Friday of each month at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt. (photo courtesy of Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt) Over the past year, Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt has seen its monthly poetry night grow into a standing-room-only event. Local poet… Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Follow these tips to make your spring garden grow
One of the best things about spring is the amazing assortment of flowers, trees and plants that bloom on campus. Vanderbilt landscapers and groundskeepers offer tips on making your own garden healthy and vibrant while leaving as little negative impact on the environment as possible. Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Calling all fossil hunters: Come to free family event at Fort Negley April 5
Vanderbilt’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is partnering with Metro Parks and Vulcan Materials Company to sponsor “Fossils at the Fort” at Nashville’s Fort Negley on Saturday, April 5. Read MoreMar 26, 2014
Owen School is popular transitional stop for veterans
People with military backgrounds fit comfortably into Vanderbilt’s EMBA and MBA programs, with eight to 12 military students usually part of a typical class of 50 to 60 students. Read MoreMar 25, 2014
Vanderbilt students named 2014 Goldwater winners
Three Vanderbilt students have been recognized in this year’s Goldwater Scholars competition. The scholarship is the premier undergraduate award of its type for the fields of mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. Read MoreMar 25, 2014