MyVU News
Wond’ry launches first Coffee Equity Design Challenge, applications now open
Students interested in systems thinking approaches to global challenges may apply to participate in the Coffee Equity Design Challenge before Nov. 19. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
WATCH: Panel discusses why local governments seem more effective than federal counterparts
A group of former and current municipal leaders came together for a virtual discussion Nov. 3 to talk about how local governments get things done. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Veterans celebrated at breakfast event Nov. 11, Salute to Service game Nov. 13
Military veterans on campus will be celebrated at a breakfast reception on Thursday, Nov. 11, and at the annual Salute to Service football game on Saturday, Nov. 13, just two of the ways Vanderbilt University will commemorate Veterans Day 2021. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Vanderbilt University signs on to U.N.-backed Race to Zero campaign
Vanderbilt University, which already has taken significant steps in its commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, has joined the Race to Zero—Universities and Colleges coalition. At the same time, Assistant Professor Leah Dundon and 14 students are participating in international climate change negotiations. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Strengthening Cybersecurity Across VU: Be aware of identity theft
Identity theft is when someone uses your personal or financial information without your permission to potentially cause you personal or financial harm. Learn some measures you can take to protect yourself from identity theft. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
‘Native Americans in Sports’ panel discussion set for Nov. 19
The Vanderbilt Sports and Society Initiative will host a panel discussion featuring five of the most compelling voices in Native American sports on Friday, Nov. 19, beginning at noon CT. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Initiative for Race Research and Justice seeks applicants for Graduate and Professional Student Board
The Initiative for Race Research and Justice is seeking Vanderbilt graduate and professional students to join its inaugural Graduate and Professional Student Board. The board will commence spring 2022 for a one-year term. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Search committee announced to find next dean of School of Medicine Basic Sciences
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver has appointed a committee to conduct a national search for the next dean of the School of Medicine Basic Sciences. John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science, will serve as chair. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Supporting siblings of children with special needs topic of Parenting Group talk Nov. 16
Emily Holl, director of the Sibling Support Project, will discuss “Siblings: Concerns, Opportunities and Effective Support Strategies” on Tuesday, Nov. 16, beginning at noon CT. Her online talk is sponsored by the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center. Read MoreNov 5, 2021
Learn about tuition benefit for VU employees Nov. 11
Join Human Resources’ Employee Learning and Engagement team for “Back to School with Vanderbilt’s Employee Tuition Program” on Thursday, Nov. 11, from noon to 1:30 p.m. CT. Read MoreNov 5, 2021
Vanderbilt updates COVID-19 protocols to comply with executive order
Vanderbilt University has updated its COVID-19 health and safety protocols in accordance with a new executive order issued by the White House. Read MoreNov 5, 2021
Vanderbilt launches new internal faculty funding opportunity; Seeding Success Grant and Rapid Advancement Micro-grant programs continue
A new internal faculty funding program, the Scaling Success Grant, has been established, joining the existing Seeding Success Grant and Rapid Advancement Micro-grant programs. The Scaling Success Grant is designed to support faculty as they scale up to increasingly impactful team research and scholarship. Read MoreNov 5, 2021
Army ROTC cadets learn to ‘stop the bleed’ with lifesaving training
Cadets in Vanderbilt’s Army Reserve Officers Training Corps recently teamed up with Vanderbilt University Medical Center instructors to learn lifesaving techniques first developed on the battlefield. Read MoreNov 4, 2021
New Multicultural Community Space celebrates grand opening
The Student Center for Social Justice and Identity joined with campus and community partners to host a grand opening Oct. 27 of the Multicultural Community Space, an exciting new venue created for students in more than 30 student organizations that are part of the Multicultural Leadership Council or are supported by SCSJI. Read MoreNov 4, 2021
Cybersecurity Alert: Campus-wide phishing attack
A phishing email with the subject line “Covid Test” has been sent to multiple Vanderbilt addresses. Do not open this or any emails from unknown senders, and do not click on or open any attachments. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Diermeier applauds staff excellence, presents new awards at Fall Staff Assembly
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier commended staff for working “selflessly, tirelessly, and in boldly innovative ways” to set a new standard for the university during his remarks at the second annual Fall Staff Assembly. The event included the presentation of six new awards for staff member and team excellence. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Prepare for upcoming email security enhancement
Vanderbilt University will implement an email security enhancement in January 2022. Users of email campaigns will need to move to the university’s MyEmma solution in order to ensure their messages continue to be delivered. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
HR offers ‘Compliance Fundamentals: Manager Responsibilities at Vanderbilt’
Human Resources is offering a new learning opportunity for university leaders. “Compliance Fundamentals” is intended for leaders who have staff reporting to them as well as for administrative officers and administrative managers. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion launches additional Employee Affinity Groups; upcoming events for existing groups announced
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will launch additional Employee Affinity Groups in the coming weeks and months as part of an ongoing initiative to support university employees. Employee Affinity Groups are employee-led and -facilitated groups formed around interests, backgrounds, identities and common bonds. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Bischoff joins Office of Vice Provost for Research as executive director for research operations
Jennifer Bischoff has joined the Office of the Vice Provost for Research as executive director for research operations. In her new role, Bischoff is responsible for planning and directing operational, financial and administrative activities across all units within the Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Read MoreNov 3, 2021