Vanderbilt Law School
Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells law students to ‘use your voices’
Vanderbilt law students were visited March 31 by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who urged them to fight for the uplifting of the middle class. Read MoreMar 31, 2017
Barry Friedman discusses policing reform on ‘The Zeppos Report’
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos interviews Barry Friedman, a noted constitutional law scholar and director of the Policing Project, on the third episode of "The Zeppos Report" podcast. Read MoreMar 16, 2017
Vanderbilt law students file amicus brief in African human rights case
Law students are taking part in a case before the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights by filing a brief about an anti-terrorist statute in Ethiopia. Read MoreMar 3, 2017
Trade and Migration with Mexico: Facts vs. Rhetoric
A discussion centered around issues of trade and migration with Mexico was held on Monday, Feb. 27, at the First Amendment Center in Nashville. The event was co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Vanderbilt International Legal Studies Program, and the Turner Family for Social Ventures. The discussion… Read MoreFeb 27, 2017
Obituary: E. Melvin Porter, LLB’59
Civil rights leader E. Melvin Porter, one of the first African American graduates of Vanderbilt Law School and the first African American to be elected state senator of Oklahoma, died July 26 in Oklahoma City. He was 86. Read MoreNov 20, 2016
Spring 2017 University Courses to examine health policy, mass incarceration and mobile cloud computing
Enrollment opens Oct. 31 for three University Courses being offered this spring to tackle significant societal and technological issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Read MoreOct 21, 2016
New faculty: Sara Mayeux studies criminal law and advocates for social justice
While the biggest legal questions are debated before the U.S. Supreme Court, new Assistant Professor of Law Sara Mayeux is more interested in what happens in less prestigious settings. Read MoreOct 17, 2016
Perry Brandt, BA’74, JD’77: Lifelong Loyalty
Forty-six years ago Perry Brandt arrived at Vanderbilt for a seven-year experience that remarkably changed the trajectory of his life. Read MoreAug 10, 2016
13 cross-college collaborative projects win TIPs funding
Thirteen interdisciplinary projects, ranging from cellular processes and smart cities to global health care issues, have been selected as the 2016 awardees of the Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) initiative. Read MoreJun 2, 2016
Obituary: Fred Thompson, JD’67, Law and Order
RUSTY RUSSELL Fred Thompson, who went on to an illustrious career as an attorney, counsel for the Watergate Committee, U.S. senator, Republican presidential candidate, and film and television actor after graduating from Vanderbilt Law School in 1967, died of cancer Nov. 1, 2015, in Nashville. He was 73. “We… Read MoreFeb 29, 2016