Trans-institutional Programs
Geer named vice provost for academic and strategic affairs
Noted political scientist John Geer has been named vice provost of academic and strategic affairs at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 1, 2014
Vanderbilt begins academic year in position of strength, despite challenges
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos told the opening Faculty Assembly on Aug. 21 that Vanderbilt begins the academic year in an exceptionally strong position—academically, financially and culturally. Read MoreAug 22, 2014
Event celebrates products of student learning
The Center for Teaching's Celebration of Learning featured students and the products of their learning experiences in courses at Vanderbilt this year. Read MoreApr 22, 2014
Restoring surgeons’ sense of touch during minimally invasive surgeries
A team of engineers and doctors have developed a new wireless capsule that can give surgeons back their sense of touch when performing minimally invasive surgery. Read MoreOct 15, 2013
Robot uses steerable needles to treat brain clots
Surgery to relieve the damaging pressure caused by hemorrhaging in the brain is a perfect job for a robot. That is the basic premise of a new image-guided surgical system under development at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreAug 8, 2013
Deans offer outlook on Vanderbilt’s teaching landscape at Celebration of Teaching event
Changes in instructional technology as well as changes among the student body present opportunities and challenges in today's university classrooms, said three Vanderbilt deans at a recent Celebration of Teaching event. Read MoreMay 6, 2013
What’s your story? Vanderbilt mobile video booth collects and shares personal stories
Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt Curb Creative Campus Initiative have launched a highly customizable mobile video booth designed to collect and share real-time, authentic stories and voices. Read MoreNov 6, 2012