New initiative to develop a system that controls prosthetic limbs naturally
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Duco Jansen and Peter Konrad Using beams of light to allow amputees not only to control but also to feel the movement of prosthetic limbs is the ambitious goal of a new $5.6 million Department of Defense initiative. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is tapping the… Read MoreNov 17, 2010
Important brain area organized by color and orientation
Photo courtesy of National Eye Institute A brain area known to play a critical role in vision is divided into compartments that respond separately to different colors and orientations, Vanderbilt University researchers have discovered. The findings have important implications for furthering our understanding of perception and attention. The research… Read MoreNov 15, 2010
Educators need to shift focus from achievement gap to opportunity gap to better serve racially diverse students
A report released this week by the Council of Great City Schools finds black students continue to perform and test at levels significantly below their white counterparts. A new book released this month by Vanderbilt University education professor H. Richard Milner details strategies for closing this persistent achievement gap by… Read MoreNov 10, 2010
Babies learn best from parents, not video
New research from Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia finds that infants learn little to nothing from popular educational videos and learn the most from face-to-face interactions with their parents and other familiar figures. Read MoreNov 10, 2010
Vanderbilt University to collaborate on new $40 million National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning
Helping foster children’s learning and readiness for school through the federal Head Start program is the goal of a new National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, created this fall with a $40 million grant from the Office of Head Start. Read MoreNov 9, 2010
Immigration and education explored in special issue of Peabody Journal of Education
Peabody student Thomas Davis teaching English to Hispanic and minority children Immigration issues are as complex and varied in American classrooms as they are in the courtroom, yet answers on how to tackle these issues are elusive. A special issue of the Peabody Journal of Education released this month brings… Read MoreNov 5, 2010
Analysis of 2010 midterm elections: Vanderbilt experts
[Vanderbilt has a 24/7 video and audio studio with a dedicated fiber optic line and ISDN line. Use of the TV studio with Vanderbilt experts is free, except for reserving fiber time.] Voters didn’t always look at incumbents’ political records: The continued weak economy, widespread public distrust and massive spending… Read MoreNov 3, 2010
Vanderbilt professors develop new Nasdaq indexes that guard against market gyrations
New research by Vanderbilt finance professors Robert Whaley and Jacob Sagi has led to the creation of a recently launched group of Nasdaq indexes. Read MoreNov 3, 2010
Fingers detect typos even when conscious brain doesn’t
Expert typists are able to zoom across the keyboard without ever thinking about which fingers are pressing the keys. New research from Vanderbilt University reveals that this skill is managed by an autopilot, one that is able to catch errors that can fool our conscious brain. Read MoreOct 28, 2010
Vanderbilt value-of-life study shows Mexican immigrants fare far worse than other immigrants, U.S. natives
Joni Hersch (click to download a high-resoultion version of this photo) It has been long suspected that Mexican immigrants often work on dangerous and unpleasant jobs for low pay. New research by Vanderbilt University Law School professors Joni Hersch and… Read MoreOct 26, 2010
Brookings scholar lecture marks official opening of new Vanderbilt center
Noted congressional scholar Thomas E. Mann will speak at Vanderbilt University on Oct. 28 about the outlook for the 2010 midterm elections. The public lecture marks the official launch of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, which is housed within Vanderbilt’s Department of Political Science. Read MoreOct 20, 2010
ARRA grant allows update of nanoscience institute’s air-handling equipment
If there is one thing that nanoscientists need above all else to study the behavior of materials and create devices at the scale of individual atoms, it is an ultra-clean environment. The fresh air that we breathe contains something like one million microscopic particles in a cubic foot,… Read MoreOct 13, 2010
Research briefs offer answers on school choice
The National Center for School Choice at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development has released a series of five research briefs explaining new findings on charter schools. Read MoreOct 13, 2010
Neurons cast votes to guide decision-making
Lead author Braden Purcell We know that casting a ballot in the voting booth involves politics, values and personalities. But before you ever push the button for your candidate, your brain has already carried out an election of its own to make that action possible. New research from Vanderbilt… Read MoreOct 8, 2010
More shake-ups for Obama’s team of rivals, says Vanderbilt political scientist
President Barack Obama’s declining approval ratings increase the challenges of keeping his once-lauded “team of rivals” in place through 2012, according to David E. Lewis, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreSep 30, 2010
TIPSHEET: Vanderbilt University expert on homosexuality and the black church available to media
In light of the charges against Bishop Eddie Long, Vanderbilt sociologist Richard Pitt is available for comment to media. Pitt’s research interests include the intersection of sexual identity and religion. He looks specifically at homosexuality and the black church in his papers “Killing the Messenger: Gay Black Men’s Negotiation… Read MoreSep 29, 2010
Peabody researchers travel to Brazil to discuss education policy
A group of Peabody College Leadership, Policy and Organizations faculty will travel to Universidade de Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for an Oct. 4-5 seminar on education policy in Brazil and the United States. The event is the second in a series of collaborations on education research between… Read MoreSep 28, 2010
New NRC report provides data on 31 Vanderbilt doctoral programs
A new report from the National Research Council offers insights into 31 doctoral programs at Vanderbilt University, and finds the programs to be competitive with those at other top research institutions in the United States. The report is based on data collected for the 2005-2006 academic year… Read MoreSep 28, 2010
Public/private partnerships key to maximizing Nashville’s sports potential: VU study
Nashville should seek new public/private partnerships that generate additional revenue sources if the city wants to maximize its economic potential as a sports city, according to a report prepared by the Vanderbilt Center for Nashville Studies. Read MoreSep 27, 2010
Shame versus guilt when your company misbehaves
New research by Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management professor Ray Friedman found that employees who personally identified with their company felt the most shame for the wrongful acts. These employees wanted to hide from the bad act and disassociate themselves from the organization, which means they were most likely to quit. Read MoreSep 23, 2010