Intestinal artillery launches anti-bacterial attack
The epithelial cells that line the intestines have a newly discovered mechanism for protecting us against microbes: they fire anti-bacterial "bullets" into the gut. Read MoreMay 14, 2012
Perfect timing for sensory processing
Identification of brain regions involved in processing sights and sounds may offer insights into disorders like autism and dyslexia. Read MoreMay 11, 2012
Vision study changes how we see the brain
Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that the pulvinar, a mysterious structure buried in the center of our brains, determines how we see the world — and whether we see at all. Read MoreMay 10, 2012
Probing epilepsy’s molecular sparks
Understanding how mutations in neuronal receptors contribute to epilepsy could lead to improved therapies. Read MoreMay 10, 2012
‘Extractionator’ could bring cheap and effective malaria diagnostics to millions
The "Extractionator" is a sophisticated little device that automates the diagnostic sample collection and preparation process so it can be operated by individuals in remote environments with minimal training. Read MoreMay 9, 2012
Quantum dots brighten the future of lighting
Vanderbilt researchers have boosted the efficiency of a novel source of white light called quantum dots more than tenfold, making them of potential interest for commercial applications. Read MoreMay 8, 2012
New York Times op-ed: Black women and fat
"My goal is to be the last fat black woman in my family," writes Alice Randall, writer in residence at Vanderbilt and author of "Ada's Rules." Read MoreMay 7, 2012
Seigenthaler to speak on history of Metro Nashville government May 9
John Seigenthaler (Vanderbilt) John Seigenthaler will be hosting a speaking engagement at the University Club of Nashville on May 9, at 6 p.m. for the Club’s Getting To Know Nashville series. Read MoreMay 4, 2012
Tennessean column: Mentors play critical role in teacher preparation
Early experience with mentor teachers is critical for teachers in training, writes Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development at Peabody. Read MoreMay 3, 2012
Two Vanderbilt professors elected to National Academy of Sciences
Vanderbilt's Larry Bartels and Randolph Blake were elected to the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the government on science and technology. Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Early stomach troubles augur anxiety
Children with stomach troubles grow up to be anxious adolescents and young adults, according to a recent study. Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Hand surgeons scarce for emergency surgery
Wrist, hand and finger trauma are the most common injuries presenting to emergency departments nationwide, yet only 7 percent of Tennessee hospitals have a hand specialist on call 24/7 to treat these patients, according to a Vanderbilt study published online today in the Annals of Plastic Surgery. Read MoreMay 2, 2012
Next My Health Chat to explore ‘Discoveries in Neuroscience’ May 16
Reid Thompson talks with Lola Chambless in the neurosurgery OR. (Anne Rayner/VUMC) The May program for My Health Chat will be the fascinating field of neuroscience. Panelists will be Reid Thompson, chair of neurosurgery and director of the Vanderbilt Brain Tumor Center, and Jeff Conn,… Read MoreMay 1, 2012
Dopamine impacts your willingness to work
A new brain imaging study that has found an individual’s willingness to work hard to earn money is strongly influenced by the chemistry in three specific areas of the brain. Read MoreMay 1, 2012
Rogue stars ejected from the galaxy found in intergalactic space
Astronomers have identified nearly 700 rogue stars that appear to have been ejected from the Milky Way galaxy. Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Better blood pressure-reducing drugs?
A newer version of an old class of blood pressure lowering drugs may offer advantages for obese patients with metabolic syndrome. Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Family life impedes political participation by women
The responsibilities of family life tend to impede political participation by women in the Americas, a new study from the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University shows. Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Vanderbilt digital archive recovers lost Civil Rights voices
Digitized versions of the original reel-to-reel recordings that author Robert Penn Warren conducted with Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and other key leaders in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement are now searchable through the Who Speaks for the Negro website housed at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreApr 27, 2012
Dengue antibodies give vaccine leads
New information may help speed development of a vaccine or treatment for dengue fever. Read MoreApr 27, 2012
Cost study shows timing crucial in appendectomies
Removing a child’s ruptured appendix sooner rather than later significantly lowers hospital costs and charges, according to a recently published study. Read MoreApr 26, 2012