Economist explains impacts of Senate health plan
Vanderbilt University economist Andrew Goodman-Bacon, who studies the long-term effects of public safety net programs like Medicaid, gives his take on the latest Senate health care proposal. Read MoreJul 17, 2017
New tools help surgeons find liver tumors, not nick blood vessels
The liver is a particularly squishy, slippery organ, prone to shifting both deadly tumors and life-preserving blood vessels by inches between the time they’re discovered on a CT scan and when the patient is lying on an operating room table. Vanderbilt University’s Michael Miga and his team have published the potential solution. Read MoreJul 17, 2017
‘Drive to 55’ is focus of new Vanderbilt research with UT-Knoxville
Researchers at Vanderbilt are partnering with colleagues at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville’s Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission to research the effectiveness of initiatives developed under the state’s “Drive to 55” campaign. Read MoreJul 17, 2017
Study seeks to improve emergency event management
Anesthesiology has a long history of scrutinizing its practice and developing strategies for improvement. Read MoreJul 13, 2017
New approach for staph-related skin abscesses explored
New multicenter research that includes Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) investigators, could change treatment approaches to simple skin abscesses, infections often caused by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria. Read MoreJul 13, 2017
Smallwood joins Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative
Teresa Smallwood, a public theologian and attorney with a strong commitment to scholarship and activism, is the new associate director of the Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative. Read MoreJul 11, 2017
Decoding ants’ coat of many odors
A team of biologists report a major advance in deciphering the molecular genetics underlying the ant's high-definition sense of smell, an ability that underpins their highly complex society. Read MoreJul 10, 2017
Alex’s Lemonade grant allows new engineering grad student to join neuroblastoma fight
Graduate student Kyle Garland is diving into his studies with eight weeks of intense immunology research. Read MoreJul 5, 2017
Bile acids, microbiota and colon cancer
Bile acids produced by a western diet alter the composition of the gut microbiota and promote intestinal carcinogenesis. Read MoreJul 5, 2017
NOTCH1 role in heart development
The identification of a genetic culprit for hypoplastic left heart syndrome could lead to new treatments for the condition. Read MoreJul 3, 2017
Trump not elected by the working class, researchers say
President Trump was not elected by white working-class voters, say two researchers who consulted data from the American National Election Studies. Read MoreJun 30, 2017
A message from the Provost: Advocating for federal support of great research
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente responds to the recently announced federal budget proposal that calls for drastic cuts to research funding from the National Institutes of Health. Read MoreJun 30, 2017
Rounds: A message from the President and CEO of VUMC
News from our nation’s capital about budget proposals that would reduce funding that universities and academic medical centers are reimbursed for providing health care to the nation’s poor and underserved, and for conducting research that supports the nation’s health, security, and economic leadership, has reached a cacophony. Read MoreJun 30, 2017
Cytokine linked to blindness
A signaling molecule called interleukin-6 may be a therapeutic target to prevent vision loss or nerve degeneration in glaucoma, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered. Read MoreJun 30, 2017
Team investigates antiviral that inhibits SARS, MERS
A new antiviral drug candidate inhibits a broad range of coronaviruses, including the SARS and MERS coronaviruses, a multi-institutional team of investigators reports this week in Science Translational Medicine. Read MoreJun 29, 2017
Genetics of lung cancer survival
Vanderbilt investigators have conducted a first-of-its-kind genome-wide association study of lung cancer survival in African-Americans. Read MoreJun 29, 2017
Haslam, McQueen talk leadership with aspiring principals
The Governor's Academy of School Leadership is designed to create a pipeline of strong leaders in Tennessee. Read MoreJun 26, 2017
Cotton candy capillaries lead to circuit boards that dissolve when cooled
Leon Bellan made a dissolving circuit board that, so far, just turns on an LED light. Its potential applications are far more promising. Read MoreJun 26, 2017
Vanderbilt project intended to combat fake news receives share of $1M prize
Combating fake news and bolstering the public’s trust in journalism is the aim of a Vanderbilt research project that was selected to receive a share of a $1 million prize. Read MoreJun 26, 2017
VU scientists report a way to calm the sepsis “storm”
Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) have found a way to calm the “genomic storm” that triggers the often-lethal consequences of sepsis. Read MoreJun 22, 2017