Second cohort of Academic Pathways fellows arrives on campus
The Academic Pathways postdoctoral program bridges academic training and entry-level faculty positions with a particular emphasis on scholars with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Read MoreSep 28, 2018
Mass spectrometry team earns grant to map body at the cellular level
Biochemistry professor Richard Caprioli, director of the Mass Spectrometry Research Center, and Jeff Spraggins, research assistant professor of biochemistry, and their team will build a platform to molecularly characterize cells. Read MoreSep 28, 2018
Quantum mechanics work lets oil industry know promise of recovery experiments before they start
Vanderbilt University physicists developed detailed quantum mechanical simulations that accurately predict the outcomes of various additive combinations in water used for enhanced oil recovery. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Team’s potential lung cancer therapy lands award from SBIR
A potential cancer drug aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of ionizing radiation in lung cancer patients is a step closer to development with funding support from the Small Business Innovation Research program. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Cancer Moonshot award to help map tumor progression
A trans-institutional team of researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt University has received an $11 million Cancer Moonshot grant to build a single-cell resolution atlas to map out the routes that benign colonic polyps take to progress to colorectal cancer, the third most common cancer among both men and women in the United States. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Effective principals see lower turnover of high-performing teachers
Principals with higher performance ratings are much more likely to retain higher-performing teachers and move out low performers, according to a new Vanderbilt study. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Earth Horizons partnership to boost minority representation in geosciences
Vanderbilt and Tennessee State universities are joining forces to significantly increase the number of underrepresented minorities studying the geosciences. Read MoreSep 24, 2018
Diabetes drug may prevent liver cancer
A new study by Harvey Murff finds that diabetics who take metformin have lower rates of liver cancer than those who take other diabetes drugs. Read MoreSep 21, 2018
New histoplasmosis risk map
Stephen Deppen and colleagues have developed an updated map showing new areas of increased risk for a common lung infection. Read MoreSep 21, 2018
How microvilli form
Research led by Matthew Tyska gives new insight into the formation of the lining of the gut that helps us absorb nutrients and guard against illness. Read MoreSep 21, 2018
Americans have more faith in legislatures where women are equally represented
According to new research led by Amanda Clayton, Americans have more confidence in both the decisions made and the decision-making process when women are equally represented on a legislative committee versus an all-male committee. Read MoreSep 21, 2018
Labor unions help employees take more paid maternity leave
Labor unions help working mothers take better advantage of their maternity leave benefits but could do more to mitigate the wage penalties that women experience following maternity leave. Read MoreSep 20, 2018
Crime, not money, drives migration from El Salvador and Honduras
A new analysis shows that immigration policies designed to deter economic migrants do not dissuade migrants fleeing crime from seeking asylum. Read MoreSep 18, 2018
Earth’s oldest animals formed complex ecological communities
Ediacara biota were forming complex communities tens of millions of years before the Cambrian explosion. Read MoreSep 17, 2018
Age, race and gender split in political parties could lead to voter discrimination
A vastly expanding gap in age, gender and diversity between the nation’s largest generation—millennials—and baby boomers is exacerbating voter discrimination, according to a Vanderbilt Law School expert. Read MoreSep 14, 2018
Study tracks incidence, timing of immunotherapy-related deaths
Researchers led by melanoma researcher Douglas Johnson have answered questions about the incidence and timing of rare but sometimes fatal reactions to the most widely prescribed class of immunotherapies. Read MoreSep 13, 2018
Research reveals link between immunity, diabetes
An immune cell called CD8+ is supposed to attack disease, but it can also contribute to inflammation, which can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Read MoreSep 13, 2018
Full disclosure? Companies adjust reporting strategies in the face of political uncertainty
Temporary political uncertainty, such as a gubernatorial election, influences the frequency and types of disclosures managers make about their business activities, according to new research by Owen finance professor Josh White. Read MoreSep 13, 2018
What happens in Vegas stays on TripAdvisor? New research on understanding the role of narrativity in consumer reviews
Online reviews that tell a story are more persuasive than those that don't, according to Owen marketing professor Jennifer Edson Escalas. Read MoreSep 13, 2018
Prompting people to listen to each other reduces inequality and improves group performance
Reminding people that nobody has all the answers and everyone has something to contribute can reduce racial inequality and improve outcomes in group projects, according to new research by sociologist Bianca Manago. Read MoreSep 11, 2018