MyVU News
Wente celebrates early Thanksgiving with students staying on campus during the break
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente joined nearly 150 undergraduate students on Nov. 25 for a Thanksgiving-style dinner in the Student Life Center Ballroom. The students were among those staying on campus during the weeklong break. Read MoreNov 26, 2019
Lifelong learners over 50 invited to sign up for Vanderbilt Osher winter classes
Winter 2020 classes offered by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Vanderbilt include the history of Fort Negley, memoir writing, brain disorders and a Shakespeare production. Read MoreNov 26, 2019
Eight Vanderbilt faculty elected AAAS fellows for 2019
Eight Vanderbilt University faculty members have been named 2019 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers. Read MoreNov 26, 2019
Ask Fidelity: Pizza Party Social scheduled for Dec. 4
Do you have questions about your 403(b) retirement account? Are you wondering how to invest your health savings account? Come get your questions answered at the Ask Fidelity: Pizza Party Social on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Read MoreNov 26, 2019
Wente, Balser commend TN members of Congress for research support, urge finalization of funding for FY 2020
Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente and Jeff Balser, president and CEO at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and dean of the School of Medicine, sent a joint letter last week to members of the Tennessee congressional delegation applauding recent bipartisan efforts to invest in programs that support scientific research, public health and education, and urging Congress to finalize funding for fiscal year 2020. Read MoreNov 25, 2019
School of Nursing professor elected to leadership in three organizations
Ruth Kleinpell, the Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing Education, has been elected to leadership roles with three key health care organizations: the Council of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, American Nurses Credentialing Center Board of Directors and Tennessee Nurses Association Political Action Committee Board. Read MoreNov 24, 2019
Vanderbilt University Turkey Toss set for Dec. 20 in new location
Vanderbilt University’s 2019 Turkey Toss is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 20, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event for university employees will be held in a new location this year: the E. Bronson Ingram College Dining Hall. Read MoreNov 24, 2019
Noguera: Education policymakers are focused on the wrong things
Twenty years after “No Child Left Behind,” America is still failing its most vulnerable students, particularly students of color, said acclaimed education scholar, author and activist Pedro Noguera during his invited lecture at Vanderbilt Peabody College on Nov. 20. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Emerita professor who was ‘heart’ of Arts and Science experience dies
M. Fräncille Bergquist, a professor of Spanish, emerita, and retired College of Arts and Science administrator who devoted much of her life to mentoring thousands of undergraduate students, has died. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Al Gore leads off 24 Hours of Reality climate crisis events at Vanderbilt
Former Vice President Al Gore delivered the "flagship" presentation by The Climate Reality Project on the global climate crisis to a filled Langford Auditorium on Nov. 20. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Staff Women’s Advancement and Equity Council to hold listening session Dec. 4
The Staff Women’s Advancement and Equity Council invites Vanderbilt staff to a listening session on Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Calhoun Hall, Room 109. The session will provide an opportunity for staff to learn about the council’s work, meet its members and engage in conversation on the status of women at Vanderbilt. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Vanderbilt earns regional Emmy nominations
Vanderbilt University has received four regional Emmy nominations from the Midsouth Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for excellence in television and video, the industry’s highest honor. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Adichie captures power of storytelling in feminism, empowerment during Chancellor’s Lecture
The power of storytelling—as a way to dismantle, re-envision and understand our culture and ourselves—resonated throughout the Nov. 21 Chancellor’s Lecture Series talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The world-renowned Nigerian author spoke to a completely full audience at Langford Auditorium, receiving standing ovations at several points throughout her lecture. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Employee Engagement: Baker Building’s Movable Feast
Looking for more ways to engage your employees? Why not try a movable feast? On Nov. 19, the Baker Building hosted its annual Movable Feast, with every office in the building providing a different course and hosting a fun game. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Expect brief WiFi outages on Nov. 26
To maintain security and supportability of the VU wireless networks, VUIT will be working on the networks on Tuesday, Nov. 26, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be 10-minute WiFi outages in each of the buildings on campus (excluding residence halls) within the maintenance window. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Division of Administration issues FutureVU progress report
Sustainable building and landscape projects, safety and accessibility improvements and transportation and mobility accomplishments are just a few of the many achievements outlined in the first FutureVU progress report, released online by the Division of Administration. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Our favorite #vandygram of the week
Once you're part of the Vanderbilt family, you're in it for life! This week our favorite #vandygram goes to @sevargo for sharing these snapshots of her and Vandy friends at their 10-year reunion. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
Carter, professor of biological sciences, emeritus, has died
Clint E. Carter, an emeritus professor of biological sciences whose research focused on immunology and tropical diseases, died Nov. 9. Carter is being remembered by former colleagues and students for his unfailing kindness and warmth. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
University launches new series of unconscious bias workshops
In support of Vanderbilt’s ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion on campus, the university has announced a new series of educational workshops on unconscious bias. The workshops are customized to meet the unique needs of and issues affecting the Vanderbilt community. Read MoreNov 22, 2019
School of Nursing announces new Dean’s Advisory Board
Corporate executives, chief nursing officers, entrepreneurs, nursing school deans, alumni and community representatives are among the leaders sharing their expertise on a new advisory board for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. Read MoreNov 21, 2019