MyVU News
Return to Campus update for faculty for Feb. 24
The latest information about Vanderbilt's COVID-19 public dashboard, what you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines and the VU community, and the reopening of outdoor tents on campus are included in this week's Return to Campus update. Read MoreFeb 24, 2021
What led to the U.S. Capitol insurrection: Vanderbilt political scientists examine social, psychological, legal foundations of Jan. 6 riot
A panel of Vanderbilt political science faculty explored the factors that led to the Jan. 6 riot in a virtual event, “Dissent, Disorder and Democracy: What Led to the U.S. Capitol Insurrection.” Hosted by the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy, the panel also engaged with the event’s serious implications for the strength of the nation's democracy. Read MoreFeb 24, 2021
Evidence suggests climate whiplash may have more extremes in store for California
Vanderbilt paleoclimatologists deploy first calcium isotope analysis of North American stalagmite to show how past weather extremes may predict events in California. Read MoreFeb 24, 2021
Despite limitations of pandemic, research continues in Basic Sciences, Engineering
During the Research Ramp-up process, more than 3,000 Vanderbilt research personnel have returned to in-person research activities, while many others have continued remotely through perseverance and ingenuity. The efforts of the School of Medicine Basic Science's Danny Winder and the School ofEngineering's Ethan Lippmann are highlighted. Read MoreFeb 24, 2021
Vanderbilt University spotlights 2020 Service Award recipients
Vanderbilt University is honoring all employees who reached a service milestone anniversary during calendar year 2020. Read MoreFeb 24, 2021
Two-day virtual event celebrates, supports Black trans faith community
The co-editors of "The Black Trans Prayer Book," an interfaith collection of stories, poems, prayers, meditations and more about the experiences of trans and nonbinary Black people, were the featured guests during a two-day virtual event hosted by the Vanderbilt community. Read MoreFeb 23, 2021
Enrolled in the CDHP plan? Don’t forget to open your Health Savings Account
If you selected the Choice CDHP as your medical plan during Open Enrollment for 2021 benefits, your Health Savings Account must be activated before you can receive the Vanderbilt seed and Go for the Gold dollars. Read MoreFeb 23, 2021
Jen Ellis, maker of Bernie Sanders’ ‘inauguration mittens,’ discusses ‘Making Meaningful Change’ March 2
Jen Ellis, the Vermont schoolteacher who made the now-famous mittens Sen. Bernie Sanders wore to the presidential inauguration in January and have since been immortalized in countless internet memes, will discuss the story behind the mittens and how she decided to use the moment in history for good in a fireside chat with the Vanderbilt community on Tuesday, March 2. Read MoreFeb 23, 2021
Musical Arrangements: Vanderbilt Blair School of Music adapts practices and performances to navigate COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the entire Vanderbilt community to change its routines. But because of the live-performance nature of music schools, the Blair School has implemented numerous precautions to ensure that faculty and students remain safe—all while maintaining a semblance of the highly personalized instruction for which Blair is known. Read MoreFeb 23, 2021
Owen faculty reflect on GameStop stock price surge and the future of community retail investing
As the SEC opens its investigation into the GameStop stock price surge, Vanderbilt researchers caution retail investors against taking large market risks in the name of “making a point.” Read MoreFeb 23, 2021
10 ways to take a break and recharge on campus
With mental and physical wellness at the forefront of this extraordinary year, here are some ways to recharge and reenergize on campus in the coming days. Read MoreFeb 22, 2021
Curb Center and Metro Nashville Arts Commission win grant to expand Racial Equity in Arts Leadership program
Vanderbilt’s Curb Center for Art, Enterprise and Public Policy has won a grant to expand its Racial Equity in Arts Leadership program, in cooperation with the Metro Nashville Arts Commission. The $50,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts will enable the REAL program to expand and deepen its programming. Read MoreFeb 22, 2021
Vanderbilt embarks on $55 million renovation and expansion project at the Owen Graduate School of Management
The Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management will begin work on the renovation and expansion of Management Hall in March 2021. The estimated $55 million project will extend the business school’s space by 50 percent, encompassing a total of 48,000 square feet. Read MoreFeb 22, 2021
Data Science Institute virtual event on Feb. 26 to share COVID-19 data lessons learned
Scenarios manifested by the COVID-19 pandemic gave policymakers, doctors, city planners, biomedical researchers and many others an unprecedented opportunity to put data science to work for the common good. A virtual discussion, “Combating a Pandemic in the Data Age,” will take place on Friday, Feb. 26, at 2 p.m. CT. Read MoreFeb 22, 2021
Author Joan Johnson to give Women’s History Month lecture March 4
Joan Marie Johnson, an author who has written extensively about the history of women’s suffrage, feminism and social activism, will discuss “Race, Rights and the Woman Suffrage Movement: The Stories of Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, Irene Moorman and Rose Schneiderman” on Thursday, March 4, at 5:30 p.m. CT. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021
Photo gallery: Snowy scenes from across campus
Winter weather—including snow accumulation and frigid temperatures—have affected Vanderbilt's campus over the past week. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021
Peabody Dean’s Diversity Lecture: ‘First-gen is not my Only Identity’ March 4
Sonja Ardoin, assistant professor and student affairs administrator at Appalachian State University, will discuss "First-gen is not my Only Identity: Recognizing Intersections" on Thursday, March 4. The talk, part of the Peabody Dean's Diversity Lecture Series, will begin at 7:15 p.m. CT. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021
Vanderbilt employees step up to battle winter weather on campus
Many Vanderbilt employees stepped up to ensure that campus operations continued despite extremely cold temperatures and snow accumulation over the past five days. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021
Award-winning paleontologist and National Academy of Sciences member Kay Behrensmeyer to discuss our understanding of ancient life on Feb. 24
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History senior scientist Kay Behrensmeyer will discuss fossilization and its relevance to our understanding of ancient life on Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 3:10 p.m. CT. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021
COACHE Faculty Survey preliminary report available; faculty input gathered through March
The Faculty Development Committee, charged with analyzing and assessing the results of the COACHE Faculty Survey administered in spring 2020, has prepared a preliminary report on the survey’s topline findings and will share the report and engage faculty at two workshops in March. Read MoreFeb 19, 2021