MyVU News
Vanderbilt, Nashville commemorate 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment
Vanderbilt University is celebrating the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which opened the door for a woman’s right to vote, with a series of upcoming events. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Student accountability: Your actions on and off campus
Each year, off-campus residents are asked to adhere to the university’s Good Neighbor Guidelines as representatives of Vanderbilt in their interactions with the Nashville community. This year, the principles underlying the Good Neighbor Guidelines are more important than ever, whether living on or off campus. It is the responsibility of each community member to fully commit to protecting the Vanderbilt community’s collective health and well-being and play their individual part in ensuring a successful fall semester. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
VCFC to launch Art Adventures Enrichment Program for Vanderbilt parents with school-age children
The Vanderbilt Child and Family Center will launch a recreational art enrichment program for Vanderbilt University community members with school-age children entering first through fifth grades. The new Art Adventures Enrichment Program will run Aug. 24–Nov. 25. The launch of this program comes as the university explores ways to support Vanderbilt community members with school-age children. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Researchers can update on-campus research ramp-up plans during Phase II+
In Phase II+, lead researchers have the opportunity to update their on-campus research ramp-up plans if needed. The new RedCAP forms for Phase II+ are now available. For faculty who would like to mentor VU undergraduate students in a research project that involves in-person activities, as is customary, faculty should work with the undergraduate student to plan the research activities they propose to undertake. During Phase II+, these plans must be reviewed and approved before they can be implemented. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Undergraduate students attending in-person classes required to complete arrival testing
All Vanderbilt undergraduates attending in-person classes (living on or off campus) will be tested after arriving on campus for the semester. Undergraduate students moving into on-campus housing will have their test kit waiting in their room. Undergraduate students living off campus will pick up their test kit on campus. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Vanderbilt shares updates to masking requirements
Face masks/coverings must be worn by all individuals on campus at all times in public indoor settings. Based on CDC guidance and recent updated studies, the university has made updates to its face masks/coverings guidelines. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Vanderbilt to launch COVID-19 surveillance testing program
Undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, faculty, staff and postdocs who are authorized to be on campus, and are engaged in on-campus, in-person activities, will be included in the institution’s ongoing COVID-19 surveillance testing program which will begin by Sept.1. Read MoreAug 17, 2020
Return to Campus video series launches
A new video series is highlighting Vanderbilt's Return to Campus Plan and informing members of the campus community what will be different this semester. More videos will be added over the coming weeks. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Symptom assessment tool mandatory for students returning for in-person classes
Individuals who have been authorized to return to campus, including all undergraduate, graduate and professional students, must conduct symptom monitoring every day before coming to campus or leaving their residence hall room. A symptom assessment tool has been created within the existing VandySafe app to aid those coming to and living on campus. The tool is also recommended for faculty, staff and postdocs coming to campus. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Library 101: Hitting the Books Successfully
The libraries are following university protocols to enhance safety and promote physical distancing, while delivering excellent services and resources for learning and research. Remote resources and services have been expanded over the course of the last few months. Central, Peabody, and Science and Engineering libraries will be open for undergraduate students living off campus to use as an on-campus place to take their online courses. VUID card access is required to enter these buildings and each building has set its own hours. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Vanderbilt welcomes transfer students to campus
The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs has launched an online Transfer Student Orientation program to help support the fall 2020 incoming transfer cohort. During the two-week orientation period, transfer students will meet virtually with their Transfer Group, a smaller cohort of 13-15 incoming transfers led by an upper-division Transfer Student Leader. All new transfers will also be invited to visit campus for a drop-by welcome event, where they’ll have the opportunity to meet their TSL in person and participate in a campus tour, led by an orientation leader. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Move-in week to offer activities and orientation for incoming undergraduate students
As move-in commences this week, a mix of in-person and virtual activities will be available to students. This includes nightly welcome and orientation activities with residential faculty, orientation leaders and residential colleges staff, as well as the separate CommonVU orientation modules that became available on Aug. 15. There will also be small-group campus tours, scavenger hunts, floor meetings, virtual roommate activities and much more. Additionally, Parents and Family Orientation, typically hosted the Sunday following move-in, will be held in three virtual sessions this year. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Everything you need to know about move-in
Undergraduate move-in begins Monday, Aug. 17, and continues through Sunday, Aug. 23. All students scheduled to move into campus housing must have a negative result from their pre-arrival test or complete a pre-arrival testing waiver request if the student has been COVID-19-positive (confirmed with a PCR test) in the past three months. Students and families also should be prepared to follow campus protocols, including wearing face masks/coverings at all times while on campus. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Vanderbilt offers new daily parking option; annual permit registration now available
In response to feedback from the campus community about the desire for more commute options and flexibility when parking, the university is piloting a new daily parking option for up to 1,400 faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate and professional students. Those who are selected for the program will have access to the Terrace Place, Wesley Place and Sony garages and will pay to park only on the days they drive to campus. The daily parking rate for this program will be $3. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Graduate and professional students: New daily parking option offered; annual permit registration now available
In response to feedback from the campus community about the desire for more commute options and flexibility when parking, the university is piloting a new daily parking option for up to 1,400 faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate and professional students. Those selected for the program will have access to the Terrace Place, Wesley Place and Sony garages and will pay to park only on the days they drive to campus. The daily parking rate for this program will be $3. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Vanderbilt offers new daily parking option; annual permit registration now open
In response to feedback from the campus community about the desire for more commute options and flexibility when parking, the university is piloting a new daily parking option for up to 1,400 faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate and professional students. Those selected for the program will have access to the Terrace Place, Wesley Place and Sony garages and will pay to park only on the days they drive to campus. The daily parking rate for this program will be $3. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Parking registration for undergraduate students is now open
VUPS Parking Services opened registration for vehicle permits on Monday, Aug. 10. Students needing a permit may log in online with their VUnetID and password to register their vehicle for the 2020-2021 academic year. Additionally, locations where undergraduate students can park for the 2020-2021 academic year have been modified to provide more flexibility. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Public Health AmbassaDores prepare for community’s return to campus with new hotline
When you return to Vanderbilt this week, you may notice some community members decked out in Public Health AmbassaDore shirts or buttons. These PHAs help educate the community on the new Return to Campus protocols and provide resources that help create a safe environment. If you notice COVID-19 protocols are not being followed, report it by calling the PHA hotline at 615-343-1352. The hotline is run by the VUPS Dispatch Center and should be used to report an active concern on campus regarding protocols not being followed. Read MoreAug 16, 2020
Employee Appreciation: Become a Music City Platinum Ambassador
Vanderbilt Employee Appreciation is teaming with the Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp to offer a series of online training webinars for university employees from Aug. 17 through Sept. 14. Read MoreAug 15, 2020
2020 Fall Faculty Assembly to be virtual on Aug. 27
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier will share his vision and priorities for the new academic year and present many of the university’s highest honors at the Fall Faculty Assembly—to be held virtually—on Thursday, Aug. 27. Read MoreAug 14, 2020