MyVU Latest Headlines
Vanderbilt ‘Harry Potter’ class goes to Oxford over spring break
Two Vanderbilt professors are teaching a psychology class, Harry Potter: Child Development and Children's Literature, in Oxford, England, over spring break. Read MoreMar 1, 2013
Discounts on ‘American Idiot,’ ‘Flashdance’ at TPAC
Vanderbilt staff and faculty are eligible for a discount on tickets to select performances of the upcoming TPAC shows American Idiot and Flashdance. American Idiot March 5, 7:30 p.m. March 6, 7:30 p.m. March 7, 7:30 p.m. Flashdance Mar 19, 7:30 p.m. Mar 20, 7:30… Read MoreMar 1, 2013
Galloway receives Distinguished Service Award
Kenneth F. Galloway, former dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, has been honored with a Distinguished Service Award by the Nashville Chapter of the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers. Read MoreFeb 28, 2013
Watch video of panel celebrating Metro Nashville’s 50th anniversary
Vanderbilt Law School recorded a panel discussion Feb. 15 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the consolidation of Nashville city and Davidson County governments in 1963, featuring former Tennessean publisher John Seigenthaler and Metro Nashville Mayor Karl Dean. Read MoreFeb 28, 2013
Join the global conversation every Wednesday at WOW
World on Wednesdays (WOW), presented by International Students & Scholar Services, features a different topic of global interest each week, with presentations by students, staff and faculty Read MoreFeb 28, 2013
Meet suppliers at Research Expo March 6
Vanderbilt's Procurement and Disbursement Services is hosting its fourth annual research expo in the Light Hall lobby (north) on March 6. Read MoreFeb 28, 2013
‘Four Hundred Years of British Art’ to open at Fine Arts Gallery
"Glow Worms" by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827), etching with watercolor. (Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery) British art constitutes an important part of the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery’s collections. This comprehensive survey will be the first of its kind in over two decades to draw on the nearly 300 British… Read MoreFeb 27, 2013
5K run/walk will support military veterans
The inaugural Run for Our Veterans 5K Run/Walk is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, in the Music Row area of Nashville. Read MoreFeb 26, 2013
Dyer Observatory offers tours, telescope viewings to public
Dyer Observatory will open soon for its 2013 season, offering regular open houses and telescope nights from March to November. Read MoreFeb 22, 2013
Our favorite Tweets and Facebook posts of the week: Vanderbilt’s economic impact on Tennessee
Vanderbilt is proud to call Tennessee home. A new economic analysis released Feb. 21 finds the university and medical center had an $8.6 billion positive impact on the state in the last year. Read how folks on social media responded to the news below. What do YOU love… Read MoreFeb 22, 2013
Get discount on March 9 basketball game
Enjoy a "spring break discount" on the VU vs. South Carolina basketball game on March 9. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) Can’t get away for spring break? Take advantage of the Vanderbilt basketball “Spring Break Special!” All Vanderbilt faculty and staff members are eligible to receive a discount on tickets to… Read MoreFeb 21, 2013
Dress in Blue Day to raise colon cancer awareness
“Nashville Elvis” will be in the building at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks, Friday, March 1, to celebrate colon cancer awareness. Read MoreFeb 21, 2013
‘Translating the Dream’ free screening Feb. 22
A free screening of "NPT Reports: Translating the Dream," a locally produced documentary focused on the troubling graduation rates of Tennessee immigrants and ELL students (English Language Learners), will be held Friday, Feb. 22. Read MoreFeb 20, 2013
Vanderbilt Divinity art exhibit explores spirituality in the human face
Vanderbilt University’s Religion in the Arts and Contemporary Culture program will host an art exhibition titled god:HEAD from Feb. 21 to April 26. Read MoreFeb 20, 2013
Faculty/staff discount available for iD Tech Camps
Get a $125 faculty/staff discount on iD Tech Camps, where children create iPhone and Android apps, video games, websites, movies, robots and more. Read MoreFeb 17, 2013
Shop the scrub sale for a good cause
Images used by permission of Performance Scrubs A scrub sale is planned for Feb. 27 and 28 at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and it’s for a good cause — a portion of sales benefit the Children’s Hospital. The sale will take place from 7 a.m. Read MoreFeb 17, 2013
Registration open for Dyer summer astronomy camps
Dyer Observatory is accepting applications to its weeklong summer astronomy camps for middle-schoolers this year. Read MoreFeb 15, 2013
Join Team Vanderbilt for Nashville Kids Triathlon
(Vanderbilt University) Children ages 6-15 are wanted to join Team Vanderbilt and participate in the 2013 Nashville Kids Triathlon. Read MoreFeb 15, 2013
Our favorite Tweets and Facebook posts of the week, Feb. 8-15
Love was in the air at Vanderbilt this week. For Valentine’s Day, we asked our Twitter and Facebook friends if they fell in love at Vanderbilt. As it turns out, Vanderbilt’s played Cupid to quite a few people! Below are some of our favorite stories. Updated Feb. 18:… Read MoreFeb 15, 2013
Enjoy free food and drink at Aloft Hotel event Feb. 21
Aloft Nashville West End (formerly Hotel Indigo) will host a meet-and-greet event for the Vanderbilt community from 4 to 6 p.m. Feb. 21. Come see the hotel’s new look and meet the staff while enjoying delicious food and drink. Aloft is located at 1719 West End Ave. To… Read MoreFeb 15, 2013