MyVU Latest Headlines
Save the date: REDCap Day slated for Feb. 6
REDCap Day is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018, in Light Hall. The event is open to all Vanderbilt and Meharry REDCap users. Read MoreNov 14, 2017
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2018 Oak Ridge Associated Universities Events Sponsorship Program
Vanderbilt may submit one application to the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Events Sponsorship Program. Applicants may request up to $4,000 to support events that involve participants from more than one ORAU institution. Read MoreNov 13, 2017
Participate in survey gathering feedback on pedestrian and cyclist safety
Faculty, students and staff can access and fill out a five-minute survey created by Vanderbilt Public Safety until Dec. 15. Read MoreNov 10, 2017
My Southern Health: Four myths and facts about weight-loss surgery
Weight-loss surgery is very effective helping some people lose 50 to 75 percent of excess body weight, producing great control of health conditions and improving quality of life. There are several myths associated with surgery; here they are with the facts. Read MoreNov 10, 2017
My Southern Health: Staying healthy during the holidays
The holidays are fast approaching, which means lots of folks are planning trips to visit family. How do we stay healthy when we have so many family and friends together with so much potential to spread germs? Read MoreNov 10, 2017
Special evening InsideOut of the Lunchbox event: ‘A Christmas Carol’ Nov. 28
In this special evening Lunch Box event, we will enjoy Mark Cabus’ one-man performance of the Charles Dickens classic novella A Christmas Carol. In this one-hour version, Cabus plays 18 different parts, acting as both the narrator and the characters that have come to signify the holiday season. Read MoreNov 10, 2017
WOW: ‘Explore Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire’ Nov. 15
International Student and Scholar Services invites you to World on Wednesdays, where the Vanderbilt community engages in presentations, informal conversations and topical lectures on global issues. Read MoreNov 8, 2017
Owen School hosts Creativity Carnival Nov. 16
Come celebrate the holiday season and shop for gifts and treats made by Owen School and Vanderbilt staff and students. Read MoreNov 8, 2017
My Southern Health: Learn about the signs of food allergies
Food allergies continue to be an important topic as more are diagnosed. They can develop for anyone, at any point, at any age. Read MoreNov 6, 2017
Lung cancer survivors and caregivers invited to VUMC event Nov. 16
Lung cancer survivors and their caregivers are invited to attend a free educational evening at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Thursday, Nov. 16, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., at the University Club, 2402 Garland Ave. Read MoreNov 3, 2017
Get discounts on ‘A Christmas Story,’ Manheim Steamroller at TPAC
Vanderbilt University faculty and staff are eligible for a discount on tickets to select performances of the following upcoming shows at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Read MoreNov 2, 2017
Limited Submission Opportunity: NSF Research Traineeship Program
Vanderbilt University has the opportunity to submit up to two letters of intent as a lead or non-lead institution for the NSF Research Traineeship Program, which supports the development and implementation of transformative models for STEM graduate education training. Read MoreNov 1, 2017
Campus gaming tournament set for Nov. 4
Vanderbilt Gaming will host the eighth Vandy_LAN gaming convention from 1 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Nov. 4, in Featheringill Hall. There will be games, tournaments, raffle prizes, and free food and beverages. Read MoreOct 31, 2017
Limited Submission Opportunity: TN Arts Commission Art Access Annual Grant
Vanderbilt University may submit one Tennessee Arts Commission Arts Access Annual Grant application per fiscal year. The Arts Access category offers direct support for arts projects which focus on increasing access to underserved and underrepresented populations, which may include ethnic groups, people with disabilities, people age 65 and older, and active duty military/veterans and their families. Read MoreOct 31, 2017
Faculty, students and alumni will deliver ‘ideas worth sharing’ at TEDx event Nov. 12
The Office of Student Leadership Development is hosting the third annual TEDxVanderbiltUniversity event from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, in Sarratt Cinema. Read MoreOct 26, 2017
Pilot and feasibility grants available for research related to diabetes and obesity
The Vanderbilt Diabetes Center, the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center, and the Vanderbilt Center for Diabetes Translation Research announce the availability of pilot and feasibility grants in the following areas. Read MoreOct 25, 2017
VU Limited Submission Opportunity: Macy Faculty Scholars Program
Vanderbilt is anticipating the opportunity to nominate one candidate each from the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program. Read MoreOct 25, 2017
Limited Submission Opportunity: Mary Kay Foundation Cancer Research Grant
Vanderbilt University is anticipating the opportunity to submit one application for the Mary Kay Foundation Translational Research Grant, which supports innovative translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast or cervical cancer that could lead to improvement in diagnosis, prognosis, prevention or treatment of the cancer. Read MoreOct 25, 2017
TESOL president to speak at Peabody Nov. 2
Luciana de Oliveira, president of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and professor in the Language and Literacy Learning in Multilingual Settings program at the University of Miami, will speak at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College on Thursday, Nov. 2. Read MoreOct 25, 2017
Information sessions for Keegan Traveling Fellowship Nov. 2, 14 and Dec. 8
Seniors interested in the Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship as well as the faculty and staff who advise them can learn more about the program during three upcoming information sessions. Read MoreOct 25, 2017