Reflector Fall 2014
Peabody ‘Pioneers’ honored
Each year, on the Friday of Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, the Pioneer Luncheon is held. During Vanderbilt’s Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, Peabody honored alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago at the annual Pioneer Luncheon. The Class of 1964 was the newest group to be included in the… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
Yudin visits Susan Gray School
Michael Yudin interacts with young students at the Susan Gray School. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) As part of the “Partners in Progress” Back-to-School Bus Tour with U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Michael Yudin visited Peabody in September. Yudin is acting assistant secretary for the Office of Special… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
Fall 2014 Staff
Illustration by Stephanie Dalton Visit Peabody College’s website at Camilla Persson Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development Joan Brasher, Editor Jan Read, Senior Director, Integrated Communications Donna Pritchett, Art Director Chris Collins, Designer Bonnie Arant… Read MoreDec 30, 2014
The Peabody Spirit: Celebrating 100 years of innovation, advocacy and outreach
Peabody College is celebrating 100 years on its current campus—a century of championing education for the for all children, including those marginalized by ability, socioeconomic status or race. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Research News
The SMPY gifted child study was covered by the Washington Post, Huffington Post, Nature, Scientific American and many other media outlets. Gifted men and women define success differently Researchers spent four decades studying a group of mathematically talented adolescents, finding that by midlife they… Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Honors and Achievements
Wyatt Center East Hall/Vanderbilt Evans, Boatman present on AP credits, student loans Angela Boatman, assistant professor of public policy and higher education, will participate in the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness, a new $10 million center based… Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Forever Friends
Betsy Hurd Bourner, BS’42, and Christine Slayden Tibbott, BS’42, MA’44, first met at Peabody as undergraduates and have remained friends ever since. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Dean’s personal connection to Susan Gray
Two of Benbow’s 12 grandchildren attend Susan Gray School on the Peabody Campus. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Korean statue gets new home
A rare Korean funerary statue guarding outside Payne Hall has been relocated indoors. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Opening Doors, Transforming Lives
Fifty years after its formation, the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center's commitment to children remains. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
From the Dean
"We hold firm our historic concern for individual learners and for underserved populations." Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Breaking Down Barriers
Roslyn Clark Artis is Florida Memorial’s 13th president—and its first woman president. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
On the Air
John Wanzung learned the art of selling during his human development classes. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
Turning Theory into Practice
Alumni created a scholarship in honor of HOD founder Bob Innes. Read MoreDec 23, 2014
USN marks 100 years
When the Peabody Demonstration School was on the verge of closing, parents put up their own money to keep the doors open. Read MoreDec 22, 2014
Head Start Begins Here
Peabody psychologist Susan Gray laid the framework for the national Head Start program. Read MoreDec 21, 2014
Grad student uses video games to teach
Ty Hollett at Studio NPL at the downtown Nashville Public Library. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Doctoral candidate Ty Hollett has created a pilot program for a new “makerspace” called Studio NPL at the downtown Nashville Public Library. Hollett has been using the video… Read MoreDec 19, 2014