VUCast: Stock Obsession
This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: Why our obsession with stock prices is killing U.S. companies. How powerful is the shrinking undecided voter? Vanderbilt takes you from farm to fork [vucastblurb]… Read MoreOct 5, 2012
VU move-in day sees 83 percent increase in cardboard recycling
During the student move-in time period this year, Vanderbilt successfully recycled 32.66 tons of cardboard. This number is an 83 percent increase in cardboard recycling from last year, and a 400 percent increase in cardboard recycling since 2008. This huge accomplishment was the result of strong collaboration between the… Read MoreSep 21, 2012
Commodore fans can tackle recycling at home football games
(image courtesy of IMG Marketing) Recycling will be available at Vanderbilt football’s season opener against South Carolina Aug. 30 and at all home games this year. The Sustainability and Environmental Management Office (SEMO), Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Responsibility (SPEAR) and Vanderbilt Athletics are teaming… Read MoreAug 28, 2012
Metro bike share program coming to campus; demonstration Aug. 1
(image courtesy of B-cycle) Nashville is expanding its bike-share program to include a fee-based, automated kiosk system called Nashville B-cycle, and two kiosks will be located on the Vanderbilt campus – one at the corner of 21st Avenue South and Terrace Place, and the other in the park near… Read MoreJul 27, 2012
Time is winding down on Recyclemania challenge
Recycled "tin man" (image courtesy of SustainVU/Vanderbilt University) With recycling bins in most hallways and break rooms throughout Vanderbilt’s campus, it’s easier than ever to “pitch in.” Doing so through the end of March will help Vanderbilt’s standings in the annual Recyclemania challenge. RecycleMania began in… Read MoreMar 8, 2012
Vanderbilt campus expands plastics recycling
Just in time for a strong finish in RecycleMania, the Vanderbilt campus recycling program is expanding plastics recycling to include all plastic containers. Previous recycling vendor restrictions only allowed for the recycling of plastic bottles with resin codes 1 and 2 on Vanderbilt’s main academic campus and student… Read MoreFeb 28, 2012
‘Pitch in’ for RecycleMania during February and March
Recycled "tin man" (image courtesy of SustainVU/Vanderbilt University) With recycling bins in most hallways and break rooms throughout Vanderbilt’s campus, it’s easier than ever to “pitch in.” RecycleMania, an intercollegiate competition that encourages participation in recycling, provides extra incentive to recycle during the months of February and March. Read MoreFeb 7, 2012
Waste disposal and recycling support service awarded to Waste Management
After nearly 30 years with another disposal service, Vanderbilt has awarded its contract for waste disposal and recycling support service to Waste Management. The new contract became effective Jan. 1. The majority of equipment owned by the previous supplier was replaced with new dumpsters and compactors over… Read MoreFeb 3, 2012
‘Pitch in’ for RecycleMania during February and March
Recycled "tin man" (image courtesy of SustainVU/Vanderbilt University) With recycling bins in most hallways and break rooms throughout Vanderbilt’s campus, it’s easier than ever to “pitch in.” RecycleMania, an intercollegiate competition that encourages participation in recycling, provides extra incentive to recycle during the months of February and… Read MoreFeb 2, 2012
Listen: Vandy basketball fans encouraged to recycle
(Steve Green/Vanderbilt) As SEC basketball heats up at Memorial Gym, the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office has an important reminder for fans. Please take advantage of the opportunity to use those green bins awaiting your discarded plastic cups and containers. Read MoreJan 5, 2012
Vanderbilt’s libraries now food friendly
With the recent addition of the Food for Thought Café in Vanderbilt University’s Central Library, food and drinks in covered containers are permitted now in most library areas. Read MoreNov 28, 2011
Free paper shredding offered Nov. 15 to mark America Recycles Day
Vanderbilt’s Sustainability and Environmental Management Office, in conjunction with VU’s confidential paper shredding partner, Cintas, will celebrate America Recycles Day with a Community Paper Shred Day. The event will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., offering free paper, magazine, and book shredding to… Read MoreNov 9, 2011
Vanderbilt takes the EPA Game Day Challenge during the Vanderbilt-Arkansas game Oct. 29
Fans attending the Vanderbilt-Arkansas football game at Vanderbilt Stadium on Saturday are encouraged to get caught “green-handed” as Vanderbilt takes the EPA’s Game Day Challenge. Read MoreOct 27, 2011
Get caught ‘green-handed’ during Game Day Challenge Oct. 29
Mobile recycling collection trikes help tailgaters reduce waste at Vanderbilt football games. (Bill Randles/Vanderbilt University) On Oct. 29, Vanderbilt will compete with more than 65 schools across the country in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Game Day Challenge. This is Vanderbilt’s second year taking the challenge. Last year, participating… Read MoreOct 26, 2011
Walker named recycling coordinator, spearheads recycling effort at Move In
Lindsay Walker was named campus recycling coordinator July 1, in time to spearhead recycling efforts at first-year student Move In in August. Read MoreSep 9, 2011
Have a clean spring: Add some green to your cleaning routine
Now that spring is well underway and the weather is warmer, thoughts turn to freshening up your surroundings. Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition, and can result in simplifying and organizing your home and/or office without impacting the environment by following some simple strategies. “Spring cleaning is a… Read MoreApr 29, 2011
Vanderbilt turns in solid performance in RecycleMania competition
The RecycleMania competition is now over and has official winners for 2011. RecycleMania is a friendly recycling competition among colleges and universities across the country sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Keep America Beautiful. Together, participating colleges and universities recycled or composted… Read MoreApr 25, 2011
Listen: Go green for Valentine’s celebration
Flowers, sweets and time spent with a special someone are great Valentine’s traditions, but the Vanderbilt University Sustainability and Environmental Management Office has suggestions for protecting the earth while you celebrate. Read MoreFeb 11, 2011
Listen: Recycle during basketball games
Recycling at all Vanderbilt men’s and women’s basketball games continues for the second year, thanks to a partnership between the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office and Athletics. Sporting events provide the opportunity to recycle much material that otherwise ends up in local landfills, according to Lindsay Walker, recycling coordinator,… Read MoreDec 31, 2010