Peabody Reflector
From the Dean, Summer 2016
Sometimes researchers must face that their work has produced unexpected and counterintuitive results. Read MoreJul 7, 2016
The Power of Pre-K: Fact of Fiction?
When Peabody professors Mark Lipsey and Dale Farran embarked on a study to evaluate the long-term benefits of Tennessee’s multimillion-dollar voluntary prekindergarten program, they fully expected conventional wisdom to prevail. After all, pre-K is known to close the achievement gap, prepare children for school, and jump-start early learning. The numbers should bear that out, right? Turns out it wasn't that simple. Read MoreJul 7, 2016
Minding the Gap
Despite strides in educational equity, it hasn’t gotten much easier for black children to be recognized for their giftedness. Read MoreJul 6, 2016
Taking Flight
Charity McCracken defied odds and worked hard to realize her dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Read MoreJul 6, 2016
Around the Mall
Diversity officer welcomed Benbow, Hill, Robinson-Nichols (Steve Green/Vanderbilt) The Peabody Office of Professional and Graduate Education held a reception in honor of George C. Hill, vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion. Hill was named Vanderbilt’s chief diversity officer last November. Learn more. Perry Wallace… Read MoreJul 5, 2016
For the love of reading
Author James Patterson has partnered with Vanderbilt to create two youth reading programs for children in Nashville. Read MoreJul 5, 2016
Teachers vital to pre-K success
Researchers have found that quality early-grade teachers are key to maintaining pre-K gains. Read MoreJul 4, 2016
Inside Out
Having grown up in a bilingual family, new professor Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez brings unique insight to teaching English language learners. Read MoreJul 4, 2016
Awards and Honors
Lubinski (left) being presented the Mensa Award by Mensa trustee Phyllis Miller. (Vanderbilt) David Lubinski, professor of psychology, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation in July. The award was presented by Phyllis Miller, a trustee of the Mensa Foundation and… Read MoreJan 6, 2016
Research News
A new Peabody study shows that interventions for teens with depression are effective and long-lasting. (iStock) Early intervention key to stopping family depression cycle Early intervention may be key to curbing depression in families An estimated 16 percent of people in the U.S. will experience depression at… Read MoreJan 6, 2016
From the Dean, Winter 2016
Peabody College is a research powerhouse, yet undergraduate education remains at the heart of the college’s mission. Read MoreJan 5, 2016
Band of Brothers
In 1961, fraternities were nearly unheard of at Peabody—there was only one, in fact. So, several students decided to create one. Now the Sigma Epsilon brothers have joined forces to endow a new scholarship at Peabody. Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Winter 2016 Staff
The Peabody Reflector is published twice annually, in January and July, by Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development in cooperation with Vanderbilt University News and Communications, 110 21st Ave. S., Suite 802, Nashville, TN 37203. It is produced by Vanderbilt’s Creative Services and Printing Services, and University… Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Campus News
Pre-K panelists (Vanderbilt) Pre-K discussion draws Nashville stakeholders Creating and maintaining high-quality pre-kindergarten programs that prepare students for school and shrink achievement gaps was the topic of discussion at a panel discussion in September at the Nashville Public Library’s downtown branch. Mark Lipsey and Dale Farran… Read MoreDec 1, 2015
The first time one of Ebony McGee's engineering colleagues questioned her intelligence she brushed it off. But years later, the jabs hadn’t stopped. Now an assistant professor at Peabody, her research is focused on the barriers black scholars and professionals have in the STEM workforce. Read MoreDec 1, 2015
A Constellation of Talent
Imagine a sky full of stars. Each gleaming light represents a bright young student. Now imagine one shines a bit brighter than the rest. What will become of this gifted child, who could be the next Albert Einstein, Marie Curie or W.E.B. Du Bois? Read MoreDec 1, 2015
Double Duty
There is new hope for students with learning difficulties who also have severe behavioral disorders. A $7.5 million grant has enabled Peabody's special education researchers to equip teachers to manage academic needs as well as behavioral disorders. Read MoreNov 30, 2015
Intensive Intervention
For Joseph Lambert, developing the very best teaching standards in special education is not just a profession, it’s personal. After observing his own brother's behavioral challenges, he pursued a life advocating for young people with autism. Read MoreNov 29, 2015
Summer 2015 Staff
The Peabody Reflector is published twice annually by Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development in cooperation with Vanderbilt University News and Communications, 110 21st Ave. S., Suite 802, Nashville, TN 37203. It is produced by Vanderbilt’s Creative Services and Printing Services, and University Web Communications… Read MoreJul 15, 2015