Ideas In Action
Report: Racial isolation affects TN Black teachers’ turnover rates
A Vanderbilt study finds that teachers of color are more likely to transfer schools than White teachers, especially when they are racially isolated. Read MoreNov 29, 2018
Career and technical education is focus of $5M research network
Vanderbilt Education Policy Researcher Shaun M. Dougherty will help lead the Career and Technical Education Research Network, a new $5 million research project designed to increase the evidence base on career and technical education. Read MoreNov 22, 2018
SAILS math remediation eliminated students’ delay in entering college-level courses; did not increase math achievement
Researchers evaluated Tennessee's online course that students complete during high school to avoid taking remedial math in college. Read MoreNov 20, 2018
Vanderbilt earns $6.6M in special education training grants
The Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of education and human development has received five grants totaling $6.6 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. Read MoreNov 2, 2018
Peabody colloquium series focuses on K-12 and higher education policy
Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of education and human development kicked off a yearlong series of colloquiums in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations in September. Read MoreOct 24, 2018
Laurie Cutting, Vanderbilt educational neuroscientist, honored with NIH Merit Award
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Special Education Laurie Cutting has received a $3 million NIH Merit Award from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Read MoreOct 5, 2018
Effective principals see lower turnover of high-performing teachers
Principals with higher performance ratings are much more likely to retain higher-performing teachers and move out low performers, according to a new Vanderbilt study. Read MoreSep 29, 2018
When Differences are Strengths: Helping those with intellectual disabilities thrive
A whiz at data entry, typing with accuracy at 90 words a minute, Jamal Underwood, who has autism, has turned his learning differences into strengths. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Effective principals see lower turnover of high-performing teachers
Principals with higher performance ratings are much more likely to retain higher-performing teachers and move out low performers, according to a new Vanderbilt study. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Peabody adds two new education policy scholars
The Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations welcomes Sean P. Corcoran and Shaun M. Dougherty as associate professors of public policy and education. Read MoreSep 27, 2018
Can colorful blocks prep preschoolers for a future in math? This study says yes.
Patterning and spatial activities like block play are simple yet powerful activities in which preschoolers develop early math skills, according to a growing body of research by Vanderbilt scholars. Read MoreSep 25, 2018
Tennessee Education Research Alliance marks second year of research-practice partnership
The Tennessee Education Research Alliance (TERA) recently completed its second year having made valuable contributions to education policy and practice in its home state and beyond. Read MoreSep 25, 2018
How the brain learns a second language is focus of Vanderbilt study
Vanderbilt University has received a four-year, $552,273 grant from the National Science Foundation to fund an exciting new research project that will examine how the brain learns a second language. Read MoreSep 24, 2018
H. Richard Milner IV selected to deliver 2018 Brown Lecture in Education Research
H. Richard Milner IV, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Teaching and Learning, has been tapped by the American Educational Research Association to deliver the 2018 Brown Lecture in Education Research. Read MoreSep 21, 2018
Upside-down jellyfish teach land-locked teens about ocean conservation
More than a dozen Cassiopea, more commonly known as “upside-down jellyfish,” from the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, have taken up residence as part of the marine science program at the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt, a program of Peabody College's Department of Teaching and Learning and the Center for Science Outreach. Read MoreAug 19, 2018
How six school districts changed the principal supervisor role to better support principals
Principals and districts benefit when principal supervisors move beyond the role of administrator to coach and mentor, according to a new Vanderbilt University report. Read MoreJul 11, 2018
Haslam shares insights on leadership at Governor’s Academy
In June, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam discussed leadership with a group of aspiring principals as part of the Governor’s Academy for School Leadership. Read MoreJul 10, 2018
Report: How six school districts changed the principal supervisor role to better support principals
Principals and districts benefit when principal supervisors move beyond the role of administrator to coach and mentor, according to a new Vanderbilt University report. Read MoreJul 9, 2018
Peabody College faculty earn awards and honors in 2017-18
2017-’18 was another outstanding year for Peabody College faculty members whose scholarship, teaching, and service earned the admiration of peers near and far. Read MoreMay 29, 2018
Vanderbilt education faculty honored for scholarship
The American Educational Research Association honored several Vanderbilt University professors at its 2018 annual conference, April 13–17, in New York City. Read MoreApr 24, 2018