Arts And Science
“The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836″ (part 6)
Watch video of Marshall Eakin, professor of history at Vanderbilt University, speaking April 27 on “The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836,” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The revolution that created the United States was only one of many American revolutions. From 1776 to 1836, wars for… Read MoreApr 28, 2011
How old is the universe? (part 6)
Watch video of Vanderbilt Professor David A. Weintraub speaking April 27 on “How Old is the Universe?” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. David A. Weintraub is professor of astronomy, director of the Communication of Science & Technology program, and director of Undergraduate Studies for Department of Physics… Read MoreApr 28, 2011
Stephen Ash: “William G. Brownlow, Saint or Sinner? A Fresh Look at one of Tennessee’s Most Controversial Civil War Figures”
Watch video of Stephen Ash discussing “William G. Brownlow, Saint or Sinner? A Fresh Look at one of Tennessee’s Most Controversial Civil War Figures” April 21. Ash, professor of history at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is author of The Black Experience in the Civil War South and Firebrand of Liberty: The Story of… Read MoreApr 25, 2011
“The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836” (part 5)
Watch video of Marshall Eakin, professor of history at Vanderbilt University, speaking April 20 on “The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836,” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The revolution that created the United States was only one of many American revolutions. From 1776 to 1836, wars for… Read MoreApr 21, 2011
How old is the universe? (part 5)
Watch video of Vanderbilt Professor David A. Weintraub speaking April 20 on “How Old is the Universe?” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. David A. Weintraub is professor of astronomy, director of the Communication of Science & Technology program, and director of Undergraduate Studies for Department of Physics… Read MoreApr 21, 2011
Listen: History of blood transfusion speaks to stem cell debate
Holly Tucker, an associate professor of French, has written a fascinating early history of blood transfusions that reads like an eerie murder mystery. Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution has implications for modern ethical dilemmas such as cloning and stem cell procedures. Read MoreApr 18, 2011
Two Vanderbilt University students selected as Goldwater Scholars for 2010-2011 academic year
Two Vanderbilt University students have been selected as Goldwater Scholars. Each will receive a two-year scholarship worth $7,500 a year for educational expenses. Each year, Vanderbilt and other four-year universities are given the opportunity to nominate up to four outstanding sophomore and junior students in the math, science and engineering… Read MoreApr 18, 2011
Illegal immigrants finding it harder to pay taxes, submit tax returns
Illegal immigrants are finding it increasingly harder to find work, pay taxes and submit tax returns because of tighter immigration restrictions. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Memorial service set for Russian professor David Lowe
David Lowe, an expert in Russian literature who taught at Vanderbilt for three decades, died April 9. He was 63. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
How old is the universe? (part 4)
Watch video of Vanderbilt Professor David A. Weintraub speaking April 13 on “How Old is the Universe?” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. David A. Weintraub is professor of astronomy, director of the Communication of Science & Technology program, and director of Undergraduate Studies for Department of Physics… Read MoreApr 14, 2011
“The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836” (part 4)
Watch video of Marshall Eakin, professor of history at Vanderbilt University, speaking April 13 on “The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836,” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The revolution that created the United States was only one of many American revolutions. From 1776 to 1836, wars for… Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Sleep strategy used by night nurses throws off their circadian clocks
As many as 25 percent of hospital nurses use sleep deprivation to adjust to working on the night shift, the poorest strategy for adapting their internal, circadian clocks to a night-time schedule. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Bobby Lovett: “Nashville and the Civil War, 1860-1866, and the Economic, Social and Political Transformations”
Watch the April 7 talk by Bobby Lovett, professor of history at Tennessee State University, “Nashville and the Civil War, 1860-1866, and the Economic, Social and Political Transformations.” Lovett’s areas of expertise include African-American history and Tennessee as well as Nashville history. His books include The African American History of… Read MoreApr 13, 2011
“The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836” (part 3)
osher_eakin_110406e Read MoreApr 11, 2011
“Dreams in the 20th Century”
Watch video from the April 6 Thinking Out of the Lunchbox event. Barbara Hahn, Distinguished Professor, Germanic and Slavic Languages, spoke on ”Dreams in the 20th Century.” Why write down dreams? Why try to share these strange experiences that determine our nights? Obviously, there is a need to remember and not to… Read MoreApr 11, 2011
How old is the universe? (part 3)
Watch video of Vanderbilt Professor David A. Weintraub speaking April 6 on “How Old is the Universe?” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. David A. Weintraub is professor of astronomy, director of the Communication of Science & Technology program, and director of Undergraduate Studies for Department of Physics… Read MoreApr 11, 2011
“Before Orientalism: From Paris to Patna in the 17th Century”
Watch video of the annual Byrn Lecture by Sanjay Subrahmanyam speaking April 6 on “Before Orientalism: From Paris to Patna in the 17th Century” Sanjay Subrahmanyam, the Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair of Indian History at UCLA is the author or co-author of nine books. He received his doctorate… Read MoreApr 11, 2011
Fields Medalist joins Vanderbilt faculty
One of the world’s foremost mathematicians, Vaughan F. R. Jones, has accepted a position as distinguished professor of mathematics at Vanderbilt University beginning in the fall of 2011. Read MoreApr 6, 2011
Thicker than Water
French professor Holly Tucker delves into the fascinating history of blood transfusions Watching the State of the Union address by President George W. Bush in 2006, Holly Tucker was struck by the president’s strong statements about interspecies stem cell research. In the speech, Bush called for “legislation to prohibit the… Read MoreApr 4, 2011
Carl Johnson has the Last Word
If you hear a booming voice singing Beethoven’s Ninth or Verdi’s Requiem in Wesley Place Garage one morning, it’s probably Carl Johnson practicing his repertoire for the Nashville Symphony Chorus. Read MoreApr 4, 2011