“The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836″ (part 6)

Watch video of Marshall Eakin, professor of history at Vanderbilt University, speaking April 27 on “The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1836,” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

The revolution that created the United States was only one of many American revolutions. From 1776 to 1836, wars for independence erupted throughout the Americas—from Boston to Buenos Aires—creating 19 new nations. In this course we will look at the American Revolution and the wars for independence in Latin America with an eye on the larger, common patterns in this age that gave birth to the modern world.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Vanderbilt supports lifelong learning. It is an organization that provides adults with educational programs, stimulating tours and trips, and a variety of social events. The program reflects the high academic standards espoused by the university on all levels. By offering non-credit courses, students benefit from the stimulus of lectures and discussions in an informal and relaxed environment. The student body is a cohesive group that projects a true sense of community, always welcoming new members.

The Division of Public Affairs sponsors Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Vanderbilt.