Engineering And Technology
New device stores electricity on silicon chips
Solar cells that produce electricity 24/7. Cell phones with built-in power cells that recharge in seconds and work for weeks between charges: These are just two of the possibilities raised by a novel supercapacitor design invented by material scientists at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 22, 2013
Goldfarb named to ‘Popular Mechanics’ top 10 innovators list
"Popular Mechanics" named Vanderbilt mechanical engineer Michael Goldfarb one of this year's “Ten Innovators Who Changed The World” for an exoskeleton he developed that helps people with paralysis to stand. Read MoreOct 21, 2013
Restoring surgeons’ sense of touch during minimally invasive surgeries
A team of engineers and doctors have developed a new wireless capsule that can give surgeons back their sense of touch when performing minimally invasive surgery. Read MoreOct 15, 2013
Colonoscopy improvement leads to venture with NSF support
Byron Smith was eager to increase the number of people who get screened for colorectal cancer each year. His dedication has led to a new venture – EndoInSight – and a National Science Foundation Innovation Corps Program grant to commercialize a tool for an almost painless colonoscopy. Read MoreOct 9, 2013
Vanderbilt wins top prize in second hurdle of Spectrum Challenge
After two days of live competition, a team of engineers from Vanderbilt’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems emerged as a top winner for their prototype software-defined radio that can communicate in adverse spectrum environments, and earned a $25,000 prize. Read MoreOct 9, 2013
New faculty: Doug Adams studies the science of risk
Vanderbilt is where the science of risk is done. It’s why Doug Adams wants to be here. Read MoreOct 7, 2013
New faculty: John Wilson uses synthetic vaccines to further the fight against diseases
Growing up close to nature in the small timber-and-fishing community of Gold Beach, Ore.—population 2,000—gave John Wilson an early interest in biology and biologically inspired design. Read MoreOct 7, 2013
Pioneers of Discovery: Computer science drives Capra’s biomedical research
Tony Capra, Ph.D., is a new assistant professor of Biomedical Informatics and investigator in the Center for Human Genetics Research at Vanderbilt. His goal is to use the tools of computer science to address problems in genetics, evolution and biomedicine. Read MoreOct 3, 2013
Students receive national award to help commercialize wound-healing foam
A pair of Vanderbilt graduate students has received a national award of $15,000 to pursue the development of an unique synthetic foam as a new treatment for deep skin wounds such as chronic foot ulcers caused by diabetes. Read MoreOct 2, 2013
CEE senior continues award-winning research in graduate school
Two months before graduating with a degree in civil engineering Mason Hickman earned two awards at the 2013 Southeastern Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education for his research on portable structures capable of withstanding blasts from explosives. Read MoreOct 2, 2013
NSF grant helps develop next generation of STEM instructors
A national experiment to develop a new generation of college science and engineering faculty, one equipped to excel in the classroom as well as the lab, is about to shift into high gear. The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, of which Vanderbilt University is a member, has received a three-year, $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. CIRTL is partnering with Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching to offer The Blended and Online Learning Design Fellows program. Read MoreOct 2, 2013
Watershed Event — Vanderbilt ties to ‘worst submarine tragedy’ 50 years ago
Alumnus Pat Garner perished aboard nuclear submarine USS Thresher, which was lost with all 129 hands 50 years ago during deep dive tests 200 miles off the coast of Maine. Steve Krahn, professor of the practice of nuclear environmental engineering, is dedicated to keeping the memory of the Thresher alive. Read MoreSep 24, 2013
Free online course on data management for clinical research now underway
Vanderbilt University's latest offering on the online learning platform Coursera, "Data Management for Clinical Research," went live this week. More than 33,000 number of students have registered for the massive open online course or MOOC. Read MoreSep 18, 2013
Constant innovation helped early MOOC course succeed
Constant innovation helped make one of the first massive open online courses, or MOOCs, at Vanderbilt more like a “real class” and benefited faculty and students by improving on-campus teaching, according to Douglas Schmidt, professor of computer science and of computer engineering at Vanderbilt. Read MoreSep 17, 2013
Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution
In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities. Read MoreSep 11, 2013
Eight engineering students receive NSF graduate fellowships
Meghan Bowler, Erica Curtis, Melanie Gault, Samantha Saratt and Chelsea Stowell, biomedical engineering; Kirsten Heikkinen and Richard Hendrick, mechanical engineering; and Thushara Gunda, civil and environmental engineering, have received graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation. Read MoreSep 4, 2013
Sutherland Prize, Chancellor’s Research Award go to engineers
The Earl Sutherland Prize for Achievement in Research was presented to John Gore by Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos during the Fall Faculty Assembly Sept. 22. Deyu Li, associate professor of mechanical engineering, was one of five faculty members receiving a Chancellor’s Award for Research, which also recognizes excellence in research, scholarship, or creative expression. Read MoreSep 4, 2013
Vanderbilt startup BioNanovations gets accelerated
Vanderbilt graduate student Charleson Bell, who is the president of the high tech startup BioNanovations, is participating in a 12-week accelerator program in Silicon Valley specifically designed to encourage underrepresented tech entrepeneurs. Read MoreAug 30, 2013
$9M NSF grant to help engineers expand cyber-physical systems
Vanderbilt engineers are part of a multi-university project to help determine the most efficient approach to designing and operating cyber-physical systems that support national health, energy and transportation priorities. Read MoreAug 27, 2013
Nashville Scene Innovations 2013: Tankstarter
Vanderbilt’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) was awarded a $9.3 million contract to develop a collaborative software so that other non-government teams could design a new amphibious tank for the Marine Corps. Sandeep Neema, research associate professor of electrical engineering, is quoted. Read MoreAug 9, 2013