Engineering And Technology
Nanoscale optical switch breaks miniaturization barrier
An ultra-fast and ultra-small optical switch has been invented that could advance the day when photons replace electrons in the innards of consumer products ranging from cell phones to automobiles. Read MoreMar 13, 2014
Engineering professors edit journal’s special issue on augmented reality
Vanderbilt engineering professors Jules White and Doug Schmidt, and University of Illinois professor Mani Golparvar-Fard, are guest editors of the February issue of "Proceedings of the IEEE," the most highly-cited general interest journal in electrical engineering and computer science. Read MoreMar 6, 2014
Engineering graduate student selected to attend Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates
School of Engineering graduate student Alex Walsh has been selected to attend the 64th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, this summer. Read MoreMar 5, 2014
Four professors elected into AIMBE’s College of Fellows
Four biomedical engineering professors in Vanderbilt’s School of Engineering have been elected into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s (AIMBE) College of Fellows. Read MoreFeb 26, 2014
Valentine receives NSF Early Career award
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jason Valentine has received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development grant. Read MoreFeb 20, 2014
Nashville team’s ‘Harmony House’ scores a spot in international Solar Decathlon
Team Music City, an interdisciplinary group from Vanderbilt, MTSU and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville, has been selected to compete in the Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon 2015, challenging students to design and build a functioning, energy-efficient, solar-powered house. Read MoreFeb 14, 2014
- Researchers work to secure military smartphones
Soldiers in Afghanistan are experimenting with smartphones engineered to better protect operational data designed by scientists at Vanderbilt University’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems. Douglas Schmidt, professor of computer science, is quoted. Read MoreFeb 13, 2014
Vanderbilt “rocket cam” to capture landing hazards during NASA contest
The Vanderbilt Aerospace Club will outfit its NASA Student Launch Project rocket with a modified camera to capture landing hazards. Read MoreJan 17, 2014
Graduate student lead author of study of electron particles that can zap technology
A paper first-authored by Vanderbilt graduate engineering student Michael King concludes that electronics designed to operate with ultra-low power likely will exhibit high sensitivity to electron-induced single-event upsets due to interference from solar flares, cosmic rays and the like. Read MoreJan 15, 2014
Gizmodo: How Vanderbilt’s secret software lab is saving America
On a quiet street just off of Nashville's historic Music Row, a dedicated team of more than 100 researchers are developing software systems that may very well revolutionize the modern world. Read MoreJan 14, 2014
Making waves: In the hunt for invisibility, other benefits seen
A new way of assembling things, called metamaterials, may in the not too distant future help to protect a building from earthquakes by bending seismic waves around it, the way invisibility cloaks bend light. Jason Valentine, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is quoted. Read MoreDec 26, 2013
Biodegradable scaffold may spur wound healing
Biomedical and chemical engineers at Vanderbilt University, working with a pathologist, have constructed a sponge-like, biodegradable tissue “scaffold” that releases an enzyme-blocking molecule to indirectly activate endogenous pathways and enhance tissue regeneration and wound healing. Read MoreDec 19, 2013
Third environmental engineering professor is certified by U.S. academy
Eugene LeBoeuf is the third Vanderbilt environmental engineering faculty member in two years to be accepted into the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists as a board certified environmental engineering member. Read MoreDec 12, 2013
Two Vanderbilt engineers named 2014 IEEE Fellows
School of Engineering faculty members Gautam Biswas and Robert Reed have been named fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Read MoreDec 9, 2013
Robot Evolution
The fall 2013 cover story of "Vanderbilt Magazine" explores research projects involving robots that are making us faster, smarter and safer. From bomb disposal to painless colonoscopies, these precocious partners boldly go where man prefers not to. Read MoreDec 5, 2013
Vanderbilt research institute celebrates regional impact, global reach
Founded in 1998, the Institute for Software Integrated Systems at Vanderbilt is a key national player in an effort to design the software-integrated systems that have become an integral part of human lives today – in consumer appliances, vehicles, planes, hospitals, schools, design shops, factories, space systems and energy. Read MoreNov 15, 2013
Robotic advances promise artificial legs that emulate healthy limbs
Recent advances in robotics technology make it possible to create prosthetics that can duplicate the natural movement of human legs which promises to dramatically improve the mobility of lower-limb amputees. Read MoreNov 7, 2013
National Robotics Initiative grant will provide surgical robots with a new level of machine intelligence
Providing surgical robots with a new kind of machine intelligence that significantly extends their capabilities and makes them much easier and more intuitive for surgeons to operate is the goal of a major new grant announced as part of the National Robotics Initiative. Read MoreOct 25, 2013
Using sound waves for bomb detection
A remote acoustic detection system designed to identify homemade bombs can determine the difference between those that contain low-yield and high-yield explosives. Read MoreOct 23, 2013
New device stores electricity on silicon chips
Solar cells that produce electricity 24/7. Cell phones with built-in power cells that recharge in seconds and work for weeks between charges: These are just two of the possibilities raised by a novel supercapacitor design invented by material scientists at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 22, 2013