School vouchers discussion draws crowd
A panel discussion on school vouchers drew a standing-room-only crowd to Vanderbilt's Commons Center Feb. 7. Peabody College and The League of Women Voters of Nashville hosted the discussion. Read MoreFeb 11, 2013
Diverse Issues in Education: College students poorly served by current financial aid system
A recently released policy brief by Will Doyle, associate professor of higher education, lays out a detailed proposal to reform what is widely considered to be a broken financial aid system. Read MoreFeb 11, 2013
Vanderbilt Business: Q&A with financial markets expert Hans Stoll
In May 2012 Vanderbilt’s Financial Markets Research Center hosted its 25th annual spring conference. In honor of the anniversary, Professor Hans Stoll shared some thoughts with Vanderbilt Business about the FMRC’s past quarter century and where it goes from here. Read MoreFeb 11, 2013
The Tennessean: TN school voucher issues ripple far
Peabody professors Claire Smrekar and Ron Zimmer weighed in on school vouchers during a panel discussion sponsored by the League of Women Voters in collaboration with Vanderbilt’s Peabody College. Read MoreFeb 8, 2013
Mitchell to lead effort on minority engineering enrollment
Burgess Mitchell, assistant dean for student services at Vanderbilt's School of Engineering, has been named president-elect of the National Association of Minority Engineering Program Advocates. Read MoreFeb 8, 2013
Grissom selected as Frontiers in Bioengineering Workshop Young Investigator
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering William Grissom has been selected as one of the 2013 Frontiers in Bioengineering Workshop Young Investigators and will participate in the event Feb. 25-26 at Georgia Tech’s Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience. Read MoreFeb 6, 2013
Linking oxygen, iron and red blood cells
The HIF oxygen-sensing pathway and its responses to low oxygen may be targeted for treatments of anemia and disorders of iron balance. Read MoreFeb 6, 2013
What a prison sentence continues to take after release
New research shows that every year spent in prison lowers overall life expectancy two years. Read MoreFeb 5, 2013
What beer, dogs, cats and soy sauce have in common: The movie
A new video report of research by Antonis Rokas and John Gibbons describes how humans domesticated microbes like yeast just as we domesticated cats and dogs. Read MoreFeb 5, 2013
Evidence moles can smell in stereo
Neuroscientist Kenneth Catania has resolved a long-standing scientific debate by showing that the common mole can smell in stereo. Read MoreFeb 5, 2013
Peabody College offers ‘summer school’ for teachers
Higher education and K-12 professionals will converge on Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College campus in June for a grown-up version of summer school—the Peabody Professional Institutes (PPI). Five week-long institutes run June 10-28. Read MoreFeb 4, 2013
Media Advisory: Peabody College to host panel discussion on school vouchers
Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College and The League of Women Voters of Nashville will host a panel discussion on school vouchers, featuring industry experts on the subject on Feb. 7. Read MoreFeb 4, 2013
Brain tumor TIP reveals new target
The protein TIP-1 appears to be a novel prognostic marker for glioblastoma and may be a good therapeutic target for disrupting tumor-driven blood vessel development. Read MoreFeb 4, 2013
Cell source of heart’s blood vessels
An unexpected group of cells generates the coronary arteries and may be useful for regeneration therapies following injury to the heart. Read MoreFeb 1, 2013
Vanderbilt student team competes in amphibious vehicle race
A team of engineering undergraduates designed and built a one-fifth-scale model of an amphibious vehicle that competed successfully in a national competition sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency held in mid-January. Read MoreJan 31, 2013
Do-it-yourself repair in the kidney
The kidney can mediate its own repair through proliferation of resident immune system cells. Read MoreJan 31, 2013
New steps in immigration reform: Vanderbilt experts available
Congress and President Obama are taking up the debate over comprehensive immigration reform yet again. Vanderbilt has a diverse array of experts researching various aspects of the immigration debate. Read MoreJan 29, 2013
Congresswomen in minority party more effective than male counterparts
Research by Vanderbilt political science professor Alan Wiseman and his coauthors find women in Congress in the minority party are more effective than their male counterparts when it comes to introducing and negotiating bills, spurring action on those bills, and ultimately seeing them become law. Read MoreJan 29, 2013
Your Universe Today podcast: How stars die and black holes form (Part 2)
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, assistant professor of astronomy, continues her discussion of black holes in the second part of this interview for Red Orbit. Read MoreJan 28, 2013
New tool for mining bacterial genome for novel drugs
Vanderbilt biochemists have discovered that the process bacteria undergo when they become drug resistant can act as a powerful tool for drug discovery. Read MoreJan 25, 2013