Ellen Fanning, DNA researcher and mentor of young scientists, dies
Ellen Fanning, Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences and a professor of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, died on Sunday morning, Sept.1, after a lengthy battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). She was 67 years old. Read MoreSep 3, 2013
Vanderbilt startup BioNanovations gets accelerated
Vanderbilt graduate student Charleson Bell, who is the president of the high tech startup BioNanovations, is participating in a 12-week accelerator program in Silicon Valley specifically designed to encourage underrepresented tech entrepeneurs. Read MoreAug 30, 2013
Basic science training grants hit NIH funding ‘grand slam’
When it comes to government funding of basic science training programs for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, Vanderbilt University Medical Center hit a grand slam this year, officials said. Read MoreAug 29, 2013
Probing intestinal immune cell roles
A new in vitro system will allow investigators to explore how immune system T cells develop specialized functions. Read MoreAug 28, 2013
$10M grant establishes center to boost outcomes for children with learning disabilities
A team of Vanderbilt professors will develop new math and reading strategies aimed at improving student success with the support of a new $10 million federal grant. Read MoreAug 27, 2013
Study examines problem physician behaviors
A study of 381 non-Vanderbilt physicians referred to the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Assessment Program (VCAP) in the Department of Psychiatry has shown that those referred for mental health, substance abuse and improper sexual boundary issues are less likely to receive a fit for duty recommendation than those referred for disruptive behavior. Read MoreAug 27, 2013
$9M NSF grant to help engineers expand cyber-physical systems
Vanderbilt engineers are part of a multi-university project to help determine the most efficient approach to designing and operating cyber-physical systems that support national health, energy and transportation priorities. Read MoreAug 27, 2013
Tumor factor spurs blood vessel growth
A newly identified factor regulates blood vessel growth in colorectal tumors and could be a promising target for cancer therapies. Read MoreAug 26, 2013
Pregnancy promoter and protector
Alkaline phosphatase enzymes appear to play roles in promoting pregnancy and in protecting the uterus from bacterial infection. Read MoreAug 23, 2013
Antipsychotic drug use in children for mood/behavior disorders increases type 2 diabetes risk
Prescribing “atypical” antipsychotic medications to children and young adults with behavioral problems or mood disorders may put them at unnecessary risk for type 2 diabetes, a Vanderbilt University Medical Center study shows. Read MoreAug 22, 2013
LAPOP: Jamaicans feeling more secure as relations with police improve
Vanderbilt researchers are finding that Jamaicans are feeling more confidence in their local police as they report decreasing incidences of bribe solicitation. Read MoreAug 22, 2013
VU investigators land ‘bridge grants’ from hematology society
Utpal Davé, M.D., and Sandra Zinkel, M.D., Ph.D., have each received one-year, $100,000 “bridge grants” from the American Society of Hematology (ASH) to support research that has not been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) due to budget cuts. Read MoreAug 22, 2013
Overcoming resistance in ovarian cancer
The nuclear receptor TR3 contributes to ovarian cancer cell death in response to platinum-based chemotherapy – and may be a good target for overcoming cell resistance to certain treatments. Read MoreAug 22, 2013
A brighter method for measuring the surface gravity of distant stars
Astronomers have found a clever new way to slice and dice the flickering light from a distant star in a way that reveals the strength of gravity on its surface. Read MoreAug 21, 2013
Tennessean op-ed: Solar energy is still in shadows
More can be done with sun-powered electricity source, writes Dennis Hall, vice provost for research, dean of the Graduate School, professor of physics and professor of electrical engineering. Read MoreAug 20, 2013
Vanderbilt’s Center for Medicine, Health and Society expands
With close to 400 undergraduate majors, a new master’s program, a major health conference this fall and a series of new faculty hires, Medicine, Health and Society marks a second consecutive year of expansion. Read MoreAug 20, 2013
Fulbright winner James Crimmins to research at Vanderbilt
A leading scholar of political theory is using his Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at Vanderbilt to research the relationship between rights and utility in American political and philosophical thought since 1776. Read MoreAug 20, 2013
Argonne National Laboratory: Dissolving brittle stars hint at implications of ocean acidification
Scientists at Vanderbilt University and the New York Health Department say colonies of Antarctic brittle stars may be especially vulnerable to the effects of ocean acidification. Read MoreAug 20, 2013
$5.2M NIH grant bolsters colorectal cancer research
Robert Coffey Jr., M.D., Ingram Professor of Cancer Research at Vanderbilt University, has received a five-year, $5.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the role of extracellular RNA (ex-RNA) in colorectal cancer. Read MoreAug 15, 2013
Komen grants bolster breast cancer research
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center investigators are receiving $1 million in breast cancer research grant funds from Susan G. Komen, the largest nonprofit foundation supporting breast cancer research. Read MoreAug 15, 2013