First-ever study uses EMRs to spot new disease associations
Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers and co-authors from four other U.S. institutions from the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network are repurposing genetic data and electronic medical records to perform the first large-scale phenome-wide association study (PheWAS), released today in Nature Biotechnology. Read MoreDec 5, 2013
Study gives new meaning to ‘let your fingers do the walking’
A new study has found that skilled typists can’t identify the positions of many of the keys on the QWERTY keyboard and that novice typists don’t appear to learn key locations in the first place. Read MoreDec 4, 2013
Math education expert selected for NGA roundtable
Peabody's Bethany Rittle-Johnson was one of a select group of education professionals invited to participate in the National Governors Association Expert Roundtable for Strengthening Early Mathematics Education. Read MoreDec 3, 2013
How to avoid another financial meltdown like 2008-2009
Tighter regulation of financial institutions - especially "shadow" banking institutions - is needed to avoid another economic disaster like that of 2008-2009, says economist Margaret Blair of Vanderbilt Law School. Read MoreDec 3, 2013
VU researchers report G protein advancement that could lead to more effective drugs
Thanks in part to a computer program named “Rosetta,” Vanderbilt University researchers are closer to understanding how the ubiquitous G protein is activated – a discovery that could lead to the design of more specific and effective drugs. Read MoreDec 2, 2013
Vanderbilt’s Zeppos, Emory’s Wagner urge legislators to work toward federal budget framework, end sequestration
On Nov. 25, Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and Emory University President James W. Wagner sent a letter to Reps. Diane Black (R-TN) and Tom Price (R-GA) regarding the ongoing budget challenges in Washington, D.C. Read MoreNov 27, 2013
Autism narrows brain’s reward response
MRI brain scans reveal that children with autism spectrum disorders respond to a narrower range of familiar rewards. Read MoreNov 27, 2013
Mitochondrial mutations not random
A study of mitochondrial DNA mutations suggests they result from a process that selects for particular mutations in certain tissues. Read MoreNov 25, 2013
Vanderbilt celebrates 18 elected fellows of the AAAS
Eighteen academic and administrative leaders at Vanderbilt University have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this year. Read MoreNov 25, 2013
First VU science communicator named AAAS fellow
David F. Salisbury, senior research writer in Vanderbilt’s Office of News and Communications, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for his achievements in communicating and interpreting science to the public. Read MoreNov 25, 2013
What makes us human?
Using computational tools to search for the genetic basis of what makes us human, Vanderbilt Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics Tony Capra and colleagues at the University of California-San Francisco have identified promising candidate regions. Read MoreNov 22, 2013
Two Vanderbilt organic chemists win Cope Scholars Award
Two organic chemists at Vanderbilt University are among the ten recipients of the 2014 Arthur C. Cope Scholars Award that recognizes and encourages excellence in the field of organic chemistry. Read MoreNov 22, 2013
Therapeutic target for synovial sarcoma
Inhibitors of a signaling pathway that is critical to synovial sarcoma tumorigenesis may be useful treatments for this aggressive cancer. Read MoreNov 21, 2013
Study finds limited resources for injured surgeons
Nearly half of orthopaedic surgeons sustain at least one injury during their career and, in many cases, the resources available to them are inadequate, according to a Vanderbilt study in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. Read MoreNov 21, 2013
Research contributions of VUMC nurses highlighted
Nursing research and evidence-based practice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center was on full display Nov. 13 at the annual Nursing Research Day. Read MoreNov 21, 2013
Chancellor Zeppos to co-chair U.S. Senate task force reviewing higher ed regulations and reporting requirements
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will co-chair the Task Force on Government Regulation of Higher Education, which will examine burdens on institutions of higher education. Read MoreNov 19, 2013
Patents should not have to be ‘useful’ to be approved: Vanderbilt professor
New inventions should not have to be useful to merit a patent, says Vanderbilt professor Sean B. Seymore. Read MoreNov 19, 2013
Vanderbilt research institute celebrates regional impact, global reach
Founded in 1998, the Institute for Software Integrated Systems at Vanderbilt is a key national player in an effort to design the software-integrated systems that have become an integral part of human lives today – in consumer appliances, vehicles, planes, hospitals, schools, design shops, factories, space systems and energy. Read MoreNov 15, 2013
Jon Kaas wins major neuroscience award
Jon Kaas is the 2014 recipient of the George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Neuroscience, which recognizes individuals whose research has had a revolutionary impact on the field. Read MoreNov 14, 2013
Heart Institute studying absorbable coronary stent
Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute is participating in a clinical trial to evaluate a medical device for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Read MoreNov 14, 2013