Study team uses metabolomics to study longevity
The keys to longevity have been a source of curiosity and the basis of many research studies for years, yet the mechanisms underlying a person’s ability to live a long life are still not fully understood. Read MoreApr 30, 2015
VICC cancer research efforts in spotlight at AACR conference
Adding an investigational drug to an already approved estrogen blocking therapy appears to be safe and provided clinical benefit for some postmenopausal women with estrogen-positive breast cancer. Read MoreApr 30, 2015
Team tracks how kidney responds to blood pressure meds
Changes in the kidney can limit the blood pressure-lowering effects of thiazide diuretics, a new study reports. Read MoreApr 30, 2015
Babies born with drug withdrawal symptoms on rise
The number of infants born in the United States with drug withdrawal symptoms, also known as neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), nearly doubled in a four-year period. Read MoreApr 30, 2015
Gauthier selected 2015 Professor of the Year by SEC
Isabel Gauthier, who studies how the brain develops expertise, has been selected as the 2015 Professor of the Year by the Southeastern Conference of Universities. Read MoreApr 29, 2015
International educators leave Vanderbilt with powerful action plans
Vanderbilt's cohort of Humphrey Fellows are ready to transform education in their home countries. Read MoreApr 28, 2015
Vanderbilt undergrads create Bazaar, a Craigslist for universities only
Just in time for college move-out season, two Vanderbilt University computer science seniors are introducing an app that should make selling all those textbooks, beanbag chairs and outdated laptops a lot easier. Read MoreApr 27, 2015
TSU, Vanderbilt win nearly $1 million to increase minority STEM Ph.D.s
Increasing the number of minority students who earn a Ph.D. in science, technology, engineering and math is the aim of a new “bridge to doctorate” program being launched by a coalition of Tennessee universities and led by Tennessee State University and Vanderbilt University. Read MoreApr 27, 2015
Schauble, Lehrer named to National Academy of Education
Vanderbilt's Richard Lehrer and Leona Schauble, frequent research collaborators, analyze the responsiveness of teaching practices to students’ ways of thinking. Read MoreApr 27, 2015
The Conversation: Robert Scherrer on dark energy
Explainer: the mysterious dark energy that speeds the universe’s rate of expansion Read MoreApr 24, 2015
Scherrer’s new blog explores the science in science fiction
In his new blog “Cosmic Yarns,” Robert Scherrer, who is both chair of the Astronomy and Physics Department and a published science fiction author, explores the intersection between science and science fiction. Read MoreApr 24, 2015
New insight into how brain makes memories
Vanderbilt researchers have identified the role that a key protein associated with autism and the co-occurrence of alcohol dependency and depression plays in forming the spines that create new connections in the brain. Read MoreApr 23, 2015
VU team explores new cholesterol processing pathway
A zebrafish model of a rare genetic disease has revealed an unexpected regulatory pathway for cholesterol absorption and processing. Read MoreApr 23, 2015
Study reveals biomarker of post-injury spinal cord function
Vanderbilt University researchers have demonstrated, for the first time in a primate model, that injury disrupts neural signaling in the spinal cord and that these changes can be measured non-invasively with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Read MoreApr 23, 2015
The Conversation: Hubble Space Telescope’s chief scientist on what it took to get the project off the ground
Bob O'Dell reflects on the challenges of building the Hubble Space Telescope, launched 25 years ago. Read MoreApr 22, 2015
Larry Bartels of Vanderbilt named Andrew Carnegie Fellow
Larry Bartels of political science is one of 32 Andrew Carnegie Fellows selected to spend a year on leave researching and writing. Read MoreApr 22, 2015
Best hospital depends on cancer type
Best hospital rankings for cancer do not take into account the fact that cancer reflects many different diseases. Read MoreApr 22, 2015
Human trafficking researcher can comment on bipartisan bill
Human trafficking expert Cecilia Hyunjung Mo is optimistic about the progress being made on a bipartisan bill to fight human trafficking. But she says additional steps must be taken by lawmakers, companies and consumers. Read MoreApr 21, 2015
Family reunification drives child migration from Latin America
New research by Katharine Donato and Blake Sisk examines why children make the difficult journey north. Read MoreApr 20, 2015
Boosting beta cells in diabetes
New findings suggest that it might be possible to treat diabetes by regenerating insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Read MoreApr 20, 2015