Study reveals circadian time in a blood sample
A researcher at Vanderbilt has identified a set of 15 genes that together exhibit a 24-hour gene expression pattern in human blood, constituting a circadian clock biomarker. Read MoreMar 2, 2017
Investigators seek new way to define cell identity
Vanderbilt researchers hope their new method to describe cells will be widely adopted and used to generate a “Who’s Who” database of cell types. Read MoreMar 2, 2017
New tool for combating mosquito-borne disease: insect parasite genes
Genes used by the insect parasite Wolbachia to control its hosts' reproduction can be used to help control the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, Zika and malaria. Read MoreFeb 27, 2017
Using game theory to predict cyberattacks on elections and voting machines
New algorithm can help identify vulnerable polling stations and spot tampering after the fact. Read MoreFeb 27, 2017
Team identifies ‘switch’ involved in DNA replication
DNA replication is an extraordinarily complex multi-step process that makes copies of the body’s genetic blueprint. It is necessary for growth and essential to life. Now researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Vanderbilt University have found evidence that one of those steps may involve the telephone-like transmission of electrical signals regulated by a chemical “switch.” Read MoreFeb 23, 2017
Three Vanderbilt student teams advance to next round of ‘Nobel Prize for students’
Three teams from Vanderbilt will compete for the Hult Prize, an international social entrepreneurship competition dubbed “the Nobel Prize for students.” These teams will advance to the next round of competition in hopes of winning a $1 million prize in start-up funds to launch their project. Read MoreFeb 23, 2017
A target to heal tiny lungs
The protein beta-catenin may be a good target for therapies to treat lung disease that is a common complication of preterm birth. Read MoreFeb 23, 2017
Organ-on-a-chip mimics heart’s biomechanical properties
Scientists at Vanderbilt University have created a three-dimensional organ-on-a-chip that can mimic the heart’s amazing biomechanical properties in order to study cardiac disease, develop heart drugs. Read MoreFeb 22, 2017
First Academic Pathways Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium to be held March 2
The Vanderbilt community is invited to attend the finalists' symposium March 2 at Sarratt, featuring research from the humanities, social sciences and life/physical/biomedical sciences. Read MoreFeb 22, 2017
Risk of death in sickle cell disease
Two factors commonly used to evaluate patients with sickle cell disease are associated with each other and can predict increased mortality, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered. Read MoreFeb 22, 2017
Vanderbilt’s Heinrich named AERA Fellow
Vanderbilt education professor Carolyn J. Heinrich is among 14 scholars selected as 2017 fellows by the American Educational Research Association. Read MoreFeb 21, 2017
New system will guide behavior analysis in the classroom
Blair Lloyd's study is supported by a $400,000 early career grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. Read MoreFeb 21, 2017
Vanderbilt psychologist wins Sloan research fellowship
Psychologist Jennifer Trueblood has been awarded a $60,000 research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at encouraging promising young scholars. Read MoreFeb 21, 2017
Laughing gas for labor
Although nitrous oxide was less effective than epidural anesthesia for pain management during labor, mothers who used nitrous oxide were equally satisfied with their childbirth experience. Read MoreFeb 21, 2017
Improving therapies for GI tumors
A signaling protein overexpressed in upper gastrointestinal cancers is an attractive therapeutic target. Read MoreFeb 20, 2017
Alien particles from outer space are wreaking low-grade havoc on personal electronic devices
Alien subatomic particles raining down from outer space are wreaking low-grade havoc on your smartphones, computers and other personal electronic devices. Read MoreFeb 17, 2017
Team’s study uncovers cellular responses to bird flu vaccine
New research from Vanderbilt University eavesdrops on gene expression in human immune system cells before and after vaccination against bird flu. Read MoreFeb 16, 2017
Norman selected as national ambassador for nursing research advocacy
Linda D. Norman, dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Valere Potter Menefee Professor of Nursing, has been named ambassador for the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research, an independent nonprofit organization that advocates for nursing science and its role in promoting the health and well-being of Americans. Read MoreFeb 15, 2017
Tie free trade agreements to economic equality: Vanderbilt researcher
Citizens would be more supportive of free trade deals if provisions were made in the agreements to combat income inequality, says Vanderbilt law professor Timothy Meyer. Read MoreFeb 15, 2017
Teacher turnover rates critical in TN turnaround efforts
Both ASD and IZone schools are recruiting effective teachers, but the iZone schools are doing a better job of retaining them. Read MoreFeb 14, 2017