Sleep strategy used by night nurses throws off their circadian clocks
As many as 25 percent of hospital nurses use sleep deprivation to adjust to working on the night shift, the poorest strategy for adapting their internal, circadian clocks to a night-time schedule. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Film shot by Vanderbilt visiting professor at Nashville Film Festival
The North American premiere of Musica Campesina, shot by Chilean filmmaker Alberto Fuguet while he was a visiting resource professor at the Center for Latin American Studies, will be April 17 at the Nashville Film Festival. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Sexual assault awareness month events April 14, 20
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
VU Police Department earns accreditation from TACP
The Vanderbilt University Police Department has earned accreditation from the Tennessee Law Enforcement Accreditation program of the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Afro-Cuban history symposium April 15
Two noted scholars of Afro-Cuban history will speak at an April 15 symposium at the Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Brain injury strongly linked to depression, but treatments lack study
Though a direct link has been found between traumatic brain injury and depression, not enough is known about how to treat those suffering the results. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
April 21 presentation: Health care and retirement planning
There will be a presentation on the financial impact of health care coverage on retirement planning noon to 1 p.m. April 21 in the auditorium of the Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Lunch and Learn: Alzheimer’s Disease April 20
The Vanderbilt Child and Family Center is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn event noon to 12:45 p.m. April 20 on "The Unraveling - Alzheimer's Disease." It will be held in Room 411 c/d of Light Hall. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Blood drive April 20
A blood drive, bone marrow registry and tissue-organ donor registry will be held 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 20 in the Children's Theater of Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
AlertVU service disruption resolved
After a tornado warning was issued for campus on Monday, April 4, AlertVU, was not launched as a result of an unexpected hardware/software failure by the vendor that supplies the technology for AlertVU. Vanderbilt officials have met with the vendor and steps have been taken to assure that this system works reliably in the future. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Memorial for Kevin Putney April 16
A memorial service for sophomore Kevin Putney is scheduled 3 p.m. Saturday, April 16, in Farmington, Conn. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
More info at Health and Wellness Portal
It’s easier than ever to access your Vanderbilt Health & Wellness program information all in one convenient location. Three new options are now available to you through the portal: View your Health Plus measurements for height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure done… Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Walking Wednesdays have begun
Health Plus Walking Wednesdays run April 13-May 18. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
USAC/Kroger partnership aids employees
USAC/Kroger partnership will raise money for needy employees. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Combined Gifts Have Impact In Medical Center Giving Campaign
Support the areas or programs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center that most interest you. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Divinity school’s Lim named as Henry Luce III Fellow in theology
Paul Lim, a historian at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, is one of seven scholars of religion named as a Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology for 2011-2012. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Hank Ingram House hosts Pride Day to integrate individuals with disabilities into the community
The Bungee Run was a popular activity. (Vanderbilt University/Mary Donaldson) Hank Ingram House, one of the freshman residence halls that makes up The Commons, hosts an annual Field Day event as an end-of-the-year celebration. This year, the students decided to do something special. They invited… Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Use Google with caution, media scholar says
Roughly a dozen years into its history, Google has become “the lens through which we investigate the world,” said cultural historian and media scholar Siva Vaidhyanathan. But can we trust the results of a Google search to be neutral, and is our blind faith in the search engine… Read MoreApr 11, 2011
School of Medicine Spring Faculty Meeting to be held May 25
The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Spring Faculty Meeting, including the announcement and presentation of VUSM faculty awards, will be held 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, in Room 208 Light Hall. Read MoreApr 11, 2011
Meeting space reservations for Fall 2011/Spring 2012 to be taken beginning April 20
Sarratt Student Center (Vanderbilt University) Reservations and Events will begin taking requests for standing reservations for meeting space for both the 2011 Fall Semester and the 2012 Spring Semester beginning, Wednesday, April 20, at 8 a.m. You may make your requests: in person: 100 Sarratt Student Center… Read MoreApr 11, 2011