MyVU News
Vanderbilt to increase support for graduates’ career success
Vanderbilt is elevating its career engagement resources for students, alumni and employers by making the leader of career advancement and engagement activities a direct report to the provost. The vice provost for career advancement and engagement also will serve as the Evans Family Executive Director of the Career Center. Read MoreOct 21, 2020
Ellis named director of Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence
Franklin Ellis Jr. has been named director of the Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence (OIE), Vice Provost for Academic Advancement and Executive Director of OIE William H. Robinson has announced. Read MoreOct 21, 2020
VandyRide to provide free shuttle to polling place for early voting
VandyRide will provide a free shuttle to the Green Hills Public Library on Saturday, Oct. 24, for any student—undergraduate, graduate or professional—who wishes to participate in early voting. Read MoreOct 21, 2020
Watch free Nashville Opera production of ‘One Vote Won’
The Vanderbilt community is invited to view "One Vote Won," a new work by the Nashville Opera. The production tells the story of two real-life figures from Nashville history. Read MoreOct 20, 2020
New faculty Savanna Starko: Seeking answers to big questions
Senior Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy Savanna Starko originally intended to become a high school math teacher. But when a battle with thyroid cancer disrupted her first year of college, a professor helped her see how physics might be a better fit. Read MoreOct 20, 2020
Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery names Craig Lindsley as director
Craig Lindsley, the William K. Warren, Jr. Chair and University Professor of Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Chemistry, will become director of Vanderbilt University’s Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery, effective Dec. 1, 2020. Read MoreOct 20, 2020
Three from Vanderbilt elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Three Vanderbilt University faculty members have been elected this year to the National Academy of Medicine, the organization announced Oct. 19. Read MoreOct 20, 2020
Three from Vanderbilt elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Three Vanderbilt faculty members—Nancy Carrasco, Velma McBride Murry and Consuelo Wilkins—have been elected this year to the National Academy of Medicine, the organization announced on Monday. Read MoreOct 20, 2020
Return to Campus Update for Oct. 19
Nashville is seeing a significant rise in positive COVID-19 cases, and Vanderbilt has seen a slight uptick in its student testing positivity rate over the last week. It is more important than ever for Vanderbilt community members to abide by university health and safety protocols at all times, whether on or off campus. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Vanderbilt to conduct exit testing for undergraduate students, additional optional testing for all students before end of fall in-person classes
As the end of in-person classes on Nov. 20 approaches, and with the interest of protecting public health as students prepare to leave campus and return to the homes of their parents and families, Vanderbilt will conduct mandatory undergraduate student “exit testing” and will also provide a final optional COVID-19 testing opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate and professional students. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Vanderbilt to co-host webinar on race, class and the pedestrian safety crisis Oct. 20
Vanderbilt will co-host the next webinar in Walk Bike Nashville's Vision Zero Speaker Series on Tuesday, Oct. 20. The webinar will focus on race, class and the pedestrian safety crisis. Vanderbilt seniors Veer Shah and Kamala Mullur will serve as moderators for the event. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
‘Stories of Intersex and Faith’: Vanderbilt to host film screening and discussion Oct. 26
"Stories of Intersex and Faith," a documentary in which five intersex people offer insight into their extraordinary challenges, will be screened online Oct. 26 with a panel discussion to follow. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Neighboring Belmont University to host presidential debate Oct. 22
The 2020 presidential debate season will culminate just a few blocks from Vanderbilt, as neighboring Belmont University prepares to host the final debate on Thursday, Oct. 22. VUPS has been communicating closely with Belmont's campus security team to monitor developments and determine any possible impact to the Vanderbilt community. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Center for Student Wellbeing offers tips, resources for academic success
The Center for Student Wellbeing is offering tips and resources, including workshops, academic coaching and an online learning space, for students to help them succeed academically this semester. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Melodores advance in a cappella championships, face Belmont next; vote now
The Vanderbilt Melodores have advanced to Round 2 of the "UpStagedAID: One World, Every Student Voice" competition. In Round 2, the Melodores face off against the Belmont University Prismatics. Voting ends tomorrow, Oct. 20, at 11:59 p.m. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Vanderbilt community invited to attend 14th Annual VPA Symposium Oct. 29
The Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association will host a virtual symposium on Thursday, Oct. 29, featuring poster sessions and talks by Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Oak Ridge Associated Universities consortium postdoctoral scholars. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Learning community, asynchronous resources for inclusive faculty searches available online
New resources for faculty search committees are available through an online learning community and asynchronous resource repository. These resources will support the efforts of departments and schools to attract a strong, diverse pool of candidates and to recruit the best new colleagues. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Search committee announced to find next director of Bass Military Scholars Program
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente has appointed a committee to conduct a national search for the next director of the Bass Military Scholars Program. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
Theatre instructor takes her teaching, latest play into VR world
Writer in Residence in Theatre Krista Knight is taking a creative twist on COVID-19 protocols by teaching her Introduction to Writing for Stage and Screen course in an online, virtual reality world. Read MoreOct 19, 2020
New faculty Felipe Barrera-Osorio: Beyond the balance sheet
New Vanderbilt Peabody College Associate Professor Felipe Barrera-Osorio has dedicated his research to understanding how education policies can increase human capital—the knowledge, skills and other intangible assets that add value to an organization. Read MoreOct 19, 2020