
Champ’s Corner Store open for business

Building on an already successful venture to offer a variety of safety products to patients and families, the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt has expanded its Safety Store to become Champ’s Corner Store. Read More

Sleep education helps families of children with autism

Parent sleep education is beneficial in improving sleep and aspects of daytime behavior and family functioning in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), according to a Vanderbilt study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Read More

Nobel laureate Beutler to speak at VU Sept. 23

Nobel laureate Bruce Beutler, M.D., will discuss his research on innate immunity during a noon seminar Monday, Sept. 23, in 208 Light Hall. Read More

Breakfast free for children Sept. 17

In observance of No Kid Hungry’s Hunger Awareness month in September, The Courtyard Café will be giving away breakfast to children under 12 on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Read More

School of Nursing receives renewal of HRSA grants

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing has received a $427,499 award from the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) for 2013-14, marking the 10th consecutive year that VUSN has received the grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Read More

Embolism not about to change young singer’s tune

As a member of the Tune Town Show Chorus, 20-year-old Kyla Hallums was used to belting out songs and thought it strange when she became short of breath on Sept. 1. Read More

Options to treat childhood C. diff. infection studied

After more than a month in and out of the hospital with her daughter, Kynslee, Kristen Allen felt she was at the end of her rope. Last spring, the nearly 2-year-old Columbia girl developed diarrhea that wouldn’t go away after taking antibiotics for repeated ear infections. Read More

MRI used as new tool in predicting lymphedema risk

A new Vanderbilt study is the first to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to noninvasively measure lymphatic flow. Read More

Program takes new approach to pain management

Patients with chronic pain who are covered by the Vanderbilt Employee Health Care Plan or workers’ compensation system can now enroll in an innovative rehabilitation program that could dramatically change how chronic pain is treated. Read More

‘Proofreader’ key to coronavirus growth

A coronavirus protein is required for replication of the viral genome and may be a good treatment target for SARS and other diseases caused by coronaviruses. Read More

Vanderbilt dedicates position to protection of minors on campus

Dawn Riddle, hired in June as director for the protection of minors, will provide training and education, develop and disseminate best practices and coordinate the response to any incidents. Read More

Commodore Award winners, work milestones recognized at campus celebration

The Commodore Award, Vanderbilt’s highest staff honor, was presented to two staff members during the Service Awards Celebration Sept. 10 in Langford Auditorium. Read More

Vanderbilt Business: A matter of life and death

Ensuring patient safety in today's medical environment requires a fundamental shift in today’s health care organizations, says Ranga Ramanujam. Read More

Deconstruct the 2012 presidential election with authors Balz, Sides, Vavreck

Several authors and other political experts will discuss the 2012 election at a free event at the First Amendment Center Sept. 24. Read More

Vanderbilt Magazine: How to study a skeleton

Tiffiny Tung, associate professor of anthropology, is on familiar terms with the dead. She may not know their names, but she can tell you a surprising amount of information about how they lived—and even, on occasion, how they died. Read More

Art historian Andrew Graciano to give fall Goldberg Lecture

Andrew Graciano, associate professor of art history at the University of South Carolina, will deliver the fall 2013 Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Lecture in Art History at 4:10 p.m. Sept. 26 in Vanderbilt's Cohen Hall. Read More

Be the greenest group on campus and win a VIP football tailgate

Vanderbilt Athletics, the Vanderbilt Sustainability and Environmental Management Office, and Waste Management, Inc. are looking for the greenest group on campus during this year’s Athletics Sustainability competition. Read More

Vanderbilt Medicine: A shining light

The Aspirnaut program, funded by Billy and Julie Hudson, brings science, technology, engineering and math lessons and labs to rural teachers, students and school districts via video and teleconferencing. Read More

Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution

In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities. Read More

Great Performances at Vanderbilt announces 39th season

Great Performances at Vanderbilt’s 39th season brings a three-event lineup offering a touch of soul-stirring musical fusion, theater excellence and the best of jazz innovation. Read More