Year: 2017
Fall Faculty Assembly is Aug. 24
Professor Ebony O. McGee will open the 2017 Fall Faculty Assembly with a presentation, and Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will deliver his bi-annual address and present several of the university’s highest honors to faculty. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: EpicLeap to make care seamless at VUMC
EpicLeap, a project that will transform patient care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) through new technology and processes, started in 2015 with a notification from a technology vendor. A few of the key pieces of software VUMC uses to currently provide care were no longer going to be supported by the vendor. Vanderbilt’s HealthIT team was then faced with a crucial decision — they could provide support for the software bundle themselves, upgrade to the vendor’s suggested replacements, or consider a totally different solution altogether. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: Extensive planning, preparation set stage for smooth launch
“If you haven’t been part of an Epic Go Live before, it’s a pretty amazing experience,” said Chris Costello, director of the EpicLeap program, referring to the time period when Epic software goes into production for the first time. “It’s borderline magical.” Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: Epic transition promises benefits for VUMC patients
When eStar goes live in the early morning hours of Nov. 2, the transition process should be largely invisible to the hundreds of patients who will be in the care of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) at the time. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: Parking plan for EpicLeap training in effect
With EpicLeap training underway this month, employees will need to ensure they are following the special parking rules in effect until early November. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: eStar training for employees to be ‘all hands on deck’ effort
Training an entire organization on how to use a new computer system isn’t a simple task — especially when it involves adequately training more than 17,000 employees during a span of just 10 weeks. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Focus on Epic: eStar creates galaxy of interconnected applications
In an effort to continue its constant search for ways to enhance patient care, VUMC has embarked on a journey to reach for the future of health care — a new galaxy equipped with the resources needed to take its work to new heights. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Assembly outlines how Epic aligns with organizational goals
Much more than a just software replacement, eStar, the Epic-based clinical software platform replacing StarPanel, will be the backbone of a new information technology ecosystem for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) that will usher in future successes and create the potential to better serve patients, said Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of VUMC and dean of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Awards honor dedication to excellence
The most recent Credo Award and Five Pillar Leader Award winners were announced at this week’s Clinical Enterprise Leadership Assembly at Langford Auditorium. The awards are conferred on a quarterly basis. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Cancer patient creates artwork for Radiation Oncology suite
In her life, Jessi Zazu, 27, has toured the world as a musician in the group Those Darlins, recorded three studio albums, starred in music videos and exhibited her original artwork in individual and group art shows. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
University returns to regular working hours next week
The university summer flex schedule runs through Aug. 11. The university returns to regular working hours the week of Aug. 14. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
VU Athletics Bridge Program helps new student-athletes transition to college life
Thirty-one incoming first-year student-athletes took in instructional sessions on topics ranging from academic integrity and college writing to financial management, networking and mental health as part of Vanderbilt Athletics' Summer Bridge Program. Read MoreAug 10, 2017
Coping with Stress
Bruce Compas has a groundbreaking study that shows which coping strategies work best. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Around the Mall
Next Steps students graduate The Next Steps class of 2017 includes, from left, Jason van Wulven, Jamal Underwood, Deondre “Dre” Howard, Amber Cameron and Nila Huddleston. Next Steps at Vanderbilt held its annual commencement ceremony in April at the Wyatt Center. Next Steps is Tennessee’s first postsecondary education program for young people with intellectual… Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Boomers, Elders and More: ‘Family Dynamics in Caregiving’ Aug. 16
oin Gretchen Napier, CEO of LifeLinks Care Management and Advocacy, as she shares tips for avoiding the potholes of family dynamics. This session of the Boomers, Elders and More series is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16, in Light Hall, Room 431. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
School of Nursing celebrates accomplishment during August pinning ceremonies
The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing recognized more than 350 students for the completion of their programs with pinning ceremonies held at Langford Auditorium Aug. 6. Pinning is a tradition unique to nursing that signifies entry into the profession. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Vanderbilt IT speaks to University Staff Advisory Council about how to protect against phishing attacks
Masood Sidiqyar, VUIT’s director of security operations, spoke to members of the University Staff Advisory Council Aug. 8 about how to spot a malicious email. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Breast Cancer Genomic Profiling Reveals Clues to Treatment Resistance
Thanks to advances in treatment, the relative five-year survival rate from all combined subtypes of breast cancer now exceeds 90 percent and yet the disease remains the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States after lung and colorectal cancers. Read MoreAug 9, 2017
Make a change for life: Attend upcoming Diabetes Prevention Program info sessions
Health Plus is offering new sessions of the national Diabetes Prevention Program for faculty, staff and/or their spouses with prediabetes or a history of gestational diabetes. Read MoreAug 9, 2017