Undergraduate Research
New undergraduate and faculty research collaborations inspire, inform
The Littlejohn Family Undergraduate Research Program enables Arts and Science undergraduates to conduct original research alongside faculty fellows. Read MoreApr 29, 2014
Mosquito sperm have a sense of smell
Vanderbilt biologists have discovered that mosquito sperm have a “sense of smell” and that some of same chemicals that the mosquito can smell cause the sperm to swim harder. Read MoreFeb 3, 2014
CEE senior continues award-winning research in graduate school
Two months before graduating with a degree in civil engineering Mason Hickman earned two awards at the 2013 Southeastern Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education for his research on portable structures capable of withstanding blasts from explosives. Read MoreOct 2, 2013
Photo: Sharing knowledge
(photo by John Russell) Ryoma (Puck) Ohi, Ph.D., assistant professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, talks with students during the second Vanderbilt International Summer Research Academy (VISRA). The eight-week program is designed for international undergraduate students considering careers in biomedical research and gives them a taste of… Read MoreAug 23, 2012
Undergrads shine at Summer Science Academy
Since the Academy was established in 2002, more than 650 undergraduates have participated in the summer research program. About 10 percent have pursued graduate and/or medical studies at Vanderbilt. Read MoreAug 9, 2012
Hothouse for Scientists: Undergraduates with a passion for scientific inquiry work alongside seasoned researchers as equal players
Experience, so they say, is the best teacher. But when it comes to cutting-edge laboratory-based research, hands-on work often is the exclusive purview of graduate students and faculty. So how does an undergraduate student interested in research go about obtaining the experience and exposure that can help launch a career?… Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Undergraduate students conduct research in the Stubbs Lab
Learn about an unusual research lab on Vanderbilt’s campus which employs almost entirely undergraduate students. Read more: Biology Lab Utilizes Undergraduate Research to Study Protein Diseases Produced by Vanderbilt student Harrison Dreves. Read MoreDec 13, 2011
Creation of the largest human-designed protein boosts protein engineering efforts
A team of Vanderbilt chemists have designed and successfully synthesized the largest artificial protein using a new approach that greatly expands scientists’ ability to create proteins unknown in nature. Read MoreNov 15, 2011
NSF renews grant for scientists who study how the brain acquires visual expertise
A network of scientists who study how the brain acquires visual expertise has received a five-year renewal of support from the National Science Foundation. Read MoreNov 3, 2011
Taking introductory astronomy beyond Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit
Astronomer David Weintraub has given introductory astronomy a “CSI” format by following the scientific evidence that gives us the age of the universe and has put this in a popular science book. Read MoreOct 7, 2011
Laboratory throws away cookbooks in pursuit of discovery
Students at BSC111c poster session discussing project that determined the phylogenetic relationship of a number of common insects (Susan Urmy / Vanderbilt) In an educational environment increasingly characterized by canned and virtual science experiments that always come out right, Vanderbilt’s alternative introductory biology laboratory (BSC 111c) stands… Read MoreMay 20, 2011