Vanderbilt doctoral student conducts first-ever study of life expectancy among different Asian American ethnic groups
Darwin Baluran, a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology, sought to investigate the intermixture of ethnicities included under the “Asian” racial category—one of the nation’s fastest-growing groups—and the health of these groups in the United States. Read MoreNov 24, 2021
‘Multi-omics’ reveals treatment option for breast cancer subtype
by Bill Snyder In a multidisciplinary collaboration, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have identified a subtype of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) that appears to be able to escape detection by the immune system and evade immunotherapy. Their report, published Nov. 1 in the journal... Read MoreNov 18, 2021
10th Annual Surgery, Intervention and Engineering Symposium features expert in AI-powered computational cardiology
Learn about artificial intelligence and how developing a “digital twin” for the heart has improved human health during the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering annual symposium on Dec. 15. Read MoreNov 17, 2021
Headband device suitable for use at home with young ADHD patients
Vanderbilt biomedical engineering professor has developed a prototype headband to measure brain activity that could have widespread application in studying and ultimately treating ADHD and other neurological disorders. The device is lightweight, portable, and inexpensive to construct. Prototype components cost less than $250, compared to costs exceeding $10,000 for commercial systems. Audrey Bowden, associate professor... Read MoreNov 16, 2021
Headband device suitable for use at home with young ADHD patients
Vanderbilt biomedical engineering professor has developed a prototype headband to measure brain activity that could have widespread application in studying and ultimately treating ADHD and other neurological disorders. The device is lightweight, portable, and inexpensive to construct. Prototype components cost less than $250, compared to costs exceeding $10,000 for commercial systems. Audrey Bowden, associate professor... Read MoreNov 16, 2021
AI predicts 24-hour hospital discharge
Vanderbilt researchers used a machine learning algorithm and data from more than 26,000 hospital stays to predict who would and would not be discharged over the next 24 hours. Read MoreNov 16, 2021
CRISPR screen identifies new anti-inflammatory drug target
A novel CRISPR screen developed by Vanderbilt researchers identified a promising new target for anti-inflammatory therapeutics. Read MoreNov 11, 2021
The power of white matter
Using a novel analysis of fMRI data, Vanderbilt researchers discovered intriguing patterns of signals in the brain’s white matter, the “conduit” for relaying signals between different brain regions. Read MoreNov 11, 2021
Vanderbilt to lead $5 million Air Force center of excellence in radiation effects research on electronics
Center aims to advance the understanding of physical mechanisms responsible for radiation-induced effects on emerging technologies The Institute for Space and Defense Electronics at Vanderbilt University has been selected as the Center of Excellence in Radiation Effects by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Lab. The $5 million, five-year program will be... Read MoreOct 29, 2021
Vanderbilt to lead $5 million Air Force center of excellence in radiation effects research on electronics
Center aims to advance the understanding of physical mechanisms responsible for radiation-induced effects on emerging technologies The Institute for Space and Defense Electronics at Vanderbilt University has been selected as the Center of Excellence in Radiation Effects by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Lab. The $5 million, five-year program will be... Read MoreOct 29, 2021
Vanderbilt Microbiome Innovation Center launched as hub for resources, education, and research
The Vanderbilt Microbiome Initiative has been renamed the Vanderbilt Microbiome Innovation Center. It will offer a hub of resources for education, outreach and research around the microbiome—the community of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses that are crucial to sustaining life ecosystems. Read MoreOct 27, 2021
Researchers to test wearable tech to detect problem behaviors in children with disabilities and offer intervention strategies
Vanderbilt researchers have won a National Science Foundation grant to use wearable technologies to detect problem behaviors in children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and offer strategies to protect them from potential harm. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are at increased risk of showing problem behavior that expose them to being... Read MoreOct 27, 2021
Researchers to test wearable tech to detect problem behaviors in children with disabilities and offer intervention strategies
Vanderbilt researchers have won a National Science Foundation grant to use wearable technologies to detect problem behaviors in children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and offer strategies to protect them from potential harm. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are at increased risk of showing problem behavior that expose them to being... Read MoreOct 27, 2021
Novel advanced light design and fabrication process could revolutionize sensing technologies
Vanderbilt and Penn State engineers have developed a novel approach to design and fabricate thin-film infrared light sources with near-arbitrary spectral output driven by heat, along with a machine learning methodology called inverse design that reduced the optimization time for these devices from weeks or months on a multi-core computer to a few minutes on... Read MoreOct 21, 2021
Chang receives $1.1M grant to investigate brain-body connections, advance understanding of how brains age
Catie Chang, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received a $1.1 million NIH grant to investigate brain-body connections and advance understanding of aging in normal and pathological brains. Read MoreOct 18, 2021
Landman awarded $2.6M grant to improve Alzheimer’s patient management
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bennett Landman has received a $2.6 million NIH grant to improve the understanding of structural changes in the brains of people who have Alzheimer’s disease. Read MoreOct 15, 2021
New drug targets vascular inflammation, drastically improves vascular procedures’ long-term effectiveness
By Aran Sullivan THE IDEA Cardiovascular procedures like bypass grafting and vessel stenting are some of the most common surgeries performed in the United States, but about half of them will require additional corrective measures, according to Craig Duvall, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair and undergraduate director of biomedical engineering. The need for follow-up procedures is often... Read MoreOct 12, 2021
Chang receives $1.1 million grant to investigate brain-body connections, advance understanding of how brains age
An assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering has received a $1.1 million NIH grant to investigate brain-body connections and advance understanding of aging in normal and pathological brains. Catie Chang, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, leads the research team, which will focus on developing machine learning methods that can automatically reconstruct physiological... Read MoreOct 11, 2021
Faculty Innovators: Sheila Ridner and Barbara Murphy spearhead trials for first at-home head and neck lymphedema treatment device
Vanderbilt professors Sheila Ridner and Barbara Murphy have contributed to the development of a first-of-its-kind device to treat head and neck lymphedema, a chronic disease common after cancer treatment that causes fluid buildup in the body and can complicate normal functions. Read MoreOct 6, 2021
Vanderbilt and University of Tennessee-Knoxville win NSF Sustainable Regional Systems Research Network grant
Jonathan Gilligan, associate professor of Earth and environmental sciences, and Janey Camp, research associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, have won a Sustainable Regional Systems Research Network grant from the National Science Foundation. Jonathan M. Gilligan (Vanderbilt University) Janey Camp (Vanderbilt University) With a grant of nearly $150,000, they and researchers from the University... Read MoreSep 30, 2021