Save the date: Alzheimer’s Disease Research Day set for Nov. 13
Save the date for the second annual Alzheimer’s Disease Research Day on Friday, Nov. 13, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This interdisciplinary virtual event will feature a keynote address from Dr. Prashanthi Vemuri, associate professor of radiology at the Mayo Clinic. Read MoreAug 7, 2020
Faculty Senate to co-host town hall on new electronic research administration system
The Vanderbilt Faculty Senate and Vice Provost for Research Padma Raghavan will co-host a virtual town hall on Tuesday, Aug. 11, to discuss the progress of the new Vanderbilt Electronic Research Administration (VERA) system and its implications for university research. Read MoreAug 7, 2020
Alumni brothers pioneer groundbreaking method of cybersecurity
Worst-case scenarios of cyber warfare are motivating Brad and Tim Potteiger, twin brothers and Vanderbilt alumni who are pioneering a new method of cybersecurity known as "moving target defense." Read MoreAug 7, 2020
Turning Heads: The Vanderbilt Brain Institute has emerged as a hub of discovery as neuroscience’s influence expands
The VBI recently marked its 20th anniversary, a span that has seen the institute’s wide-ranging missions—including administering the university’s Neuroscience Graduate Program, as well as postdoctoral training and community outreach—steadily coalesce under a single umbrella. Read MoreAug 5, 2020
Siciliano wins Fay/Frank Seed Grant and Alkermes Pathways Research Award
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Cody Siciliano has been awarded the Fay/Frank Seed Grant from the Brain Research Foundation and the Alkermes Pathways Research Award from the biopharmaceutical company Alkermes. Both awards support early-stage researchers pursuing high-risk, high-impact innovative research so that their work may become competitive for NIH grants and other types of funding in the future. Read MoreAug 5, 2020
VINSE Spotlight Podcast: Michael Kosson–3D print cement
The VINSE Spotlight Podcast interviews researchers associated with the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering to highlight the depth and breadth of discoveries and innovations related to the institute. Read MoreJul 31, 2020
Faculty webinar: ‘Department of Defense 101’ Aug. 12
Experts from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will highlight how the Department of Defense funds science and technology research and development. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 12, and will be broadcast remotely. Read MoreJul 31, 2020
16th annual Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology Symposium set for Aug. 6
The 16th annual Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology Symposium is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. CST. The event is sponsored by Ancora Innovation through Vanderbilt’s partnership with Deerfield Management and will be broadcast remotely. Read MoreJul 27, 2020
VINSE Spotlight Podcast: Matthew Gerboth–Heat moves through materials at the nanoscale
The VINSE Spotlight Podcast interviews researchers associated with the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering to highlight the depth and breadth of discoveries and innovations related to the institute. Read MoreJul 26, 2020
New faculty at Data Science Institute engage in data science for the social good
Tyler Derr, Xin (Maizie) Zhou and Zhongyue (John) Yang, the newest faculty co-hires joining the Data Science Institute this fall, have more in common than an interest in revealing patterns through big data—these new faculty focus on research and innovation that positively impact society. Read MoreJul 24, 2020
VINSE Spotlight Podcast: John Slack–Fuel cells convert chemical energy into electricity
The VINSE Spotlight Podcast interviews researchers associated with the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering to highlight the depth and breadth of discoveries and innovations related to the institute. Read MoreJul 19, 2020
Faculty webinar: ‘COVID-19 federal funding opportunities and guidance’ July 30
Experts from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will cover the spectrum of available funding opportunities as the federal research enterprise seeks to tackle COVID-19 and its effects. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. and will be broadcast remotely. Read MoreJul 17, 2020
Vanderbilt receives NIH award to enhance student diversity in biomedical sciences
Vanderbilt awarded NIH funds to establish the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) program to support diverse and research-focused undergraduates in biomedical sciences. Read MoreJul 14, 2020
Vanderbilt bioengineer’s trailblazing cancer research receives $1M W. M. Keck Foundation grant
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering Cynthia Reinhart-King's trailblazing cancer research will be supported by a three-year, $1 million grant from the prestigious W. M. Keck Foundation. Her research takes a bold engineering approach to sort breast cancer cells based on their behavior first and has produced compelling data that show less migratory cells create more metastases, contradicting the prevailing hypothesis on how cancer spreads. Read MoreJul 14, 2020
VINSE Spotlight Podcast: Andrew Naclerio–Exceptional properties of 2D materials
The VINSE Spotlight Podcast interviews researchers associated with the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering to highlight the depth and breadth of discoveries and innovations related to the institute. Read MoreJul 12, 2020
Faculty webinar: ‘Federal Funding for Health Disparities Research’ July 14
Experts from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will discuss existing and emerging funding opportunities to conduct research on health disparities. The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to noon and will be broadcast remotely. Read MoreJul 9, 2020
Center for Technology Transfer & Commercialization breaks records in rapid facilitation of COVID-19 related agreements
To keep pace with Vanderbilt researchers developing COVID-19 solutions, the Center for Technology Transfer & Commercialization has facilitated three license agreements, 11 patent applications and 43 material transfer agreements in record time. Read MoreJul 9, 2020
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2020 Greenwall Faculty Scholars
VU and VUMC (combined) may select one applicant for the Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics. These three-year career development awards enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research that goes beyond current work in bioethics. Read MoreJul 9, 2020
Limited Submission Opportunity: The Memorial Foundation Grant
Vanderbilt University may submit one application to the Memorial Foundation Grant program. The Memorial Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to people who live in the geographic area served by Nashville Memorial Hospital. Read MoreJul 9, 2020
Townsend wins Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Steve Townsend has been named to this year’s class of Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awardees. Every year, the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation supports the careers of a select number of faculty in the chemical sciences who are in the first five years of their academic career, exhibit a strong body of research, and demonstrate a commitment to teaching. Read MoreJul 8, 2020