ACCRE launches experimental technologies program ‘ACCREx’
To continue expanding the tools available to its user base, Vanderbilt's Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education is launching new types of resources through a program called “ACCREx.” Read MoreJun 18, 2020
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2021 Rita Allen Foundation Scholars Award
Vanderbilt (VU and VUMC collaboratively) anticipates the opportunity to nominate one candidate for the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars Award Program. The foundation supports early-career biomedical scholars doing pioneering research. Read MoreJun 18, 2020
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2020 Procter & Gamble Higher Education Grants
Vanderbilt University may submit two applications from each school for the Procter & Gamble Higher Education Grant Program. The program provides support for efforts that will better prepare students for success in business. Read MoreJun 18, 2020
Vanderbilt University partners with ACADIA Pharmaceuticals to develop novel treatments for central nervous system disorders
Vanderbilt University’s Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery has entered into an exclusive worldwide licensing and collaboration agreement with San Diego-based ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. to develop treatments for disorders like Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. Read MoreJun 16, 2020
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2021 Sloan Research Fellowships
Vanderbilt University may nominate up to three tenure-track faculty per department for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's 2021 Sloan Research Fellowships. The goal of the fellowships is to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. Read MoreJun 11, 2020
Data Science Institute welcomes 18 undergraduate fellows for virtual summer research
The DSI Summer Research Program engages students who are interested in carrying out data science-related research with a Vanderbilt faculty member and integrates them into the institute’s community of data science scholars. Read MoreJun 5, 2020
VU alumni’s startup empowers refugees with financial security
How can the world’s roughly 70 million forcibly displaced people, who may not have access to smartphones or the internet, access and secure their finances with ease? That’s one of the questions that Vanderbilt alumni Tori Samples and Nat Robinson teamed up to answer with their startup company, Leaf Global Fintech. Read MoreMay 29, 2020
VU Data Science Institute takes on challenge of COVID-19 readiness for Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt's Data Science Institute has developed short- and long-term readiness models specific to the needs of the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt to address COVID-19's impact on policies and procedures, better preparing the hospital to provide the best care for patients. Read MoreMay 27, 2020
New COVID-19 Research and Innovation Fund engages community in Vanderbilt’s fight against coronavirus
Vanderbilt University has established a new COVID-19 Research and Innovation Fund. The fund enables donations to support research and innovation projects to fight COVID-19. Read MoreApr 29, 2020
Huron selected as new electronic research administration system vendor
After more than a year of vendor comparison and implementation preparation, Vanderbilt University has selected Huron Grants and Agreements to replace Vanderbilt’s current electronic research administration systems, Coeus and PEER. Read MoreApr 27, 2020
COVID-19 project funding opportunities captured on two VU websites
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations have compiled lists of public and private funders that are accepting applications related to COVID-19. Read MoreApr 15, 2020
Webinar on education research federal funding for early career faculty set for March 25
A webinar for early career faculty discussing federal funding for education research is scheduled for Wednesday, March 25, from 2 to 3 p.m. Read MoreMar 23, 2020
Canceled: Q&A with director of White House Office of Science and Technology Policy March 9
Kelvin Droegemeier, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, will participate in a question-and-answer session on Monday, March 9, from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. at the Kissam Center Multipurpose Room, C210. Read MoreMar 2, 2020
Data Science: Next Generation Committee to advance computing at Vanderbilt
The Data Science: Next Generation Committee has been formed to evaluate current computing expertise and resources at Vanderbilt University. The committee will assess future needs to strengthen the foundations of computing across campus, establish cross-disciplinary connections, and emphasize social and ethical aspects of computing. Read MoreFeb 28, 2020
Rafat receives Young Investigator Grant from Breast Cancer Alliance
The two-year, $125,000 award will allow Marjan Rafat and her research group to investigate how radiation influences tumor and immune cell recruitment in triple negative breast cancer. Read MoreFeb 19, 2020
New website to engage VU community in electronic research administration system implementation
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research has launched a new website to engage community members in the replacement of Vanderbilt University’s two electronic research administration (ERA) systems, Coeus and PEER, with a new single Vanderbilt ERA system. Read MoreFeb 18, 2020
New VURC Subcommittee for International Research and Engagement formed
Faculty have been named to a new subcommittee formed by the Vanderbilt University Research Council to provide governance for the GlobalVU initiative. Read MoreNov 18, 2019
Valentine appointed new faculty liaison to Oak Ridge National Lab
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory collaboration with Vanderbilt University will grow stronger through a new faculty liaison and enhanced management of travel assistance awards. Read MoreNov 7, 2019
Faculty and staff invited to electronic research administration system vendor demos in September
Sponsored Programs Administration in the Office of the Vice Provost for Research invites Vanderbilt faculty and staff to upcoming product demonstrations by the two vendors, InfoEd and Huron, under consideration for Vanderbilt’s next electronic research administration system. Read MoreSep 13, 2019
NSF funds Vanderbilt graduate trainee program to develop workplace innovations for those with autism
A $3 million NSF grant will establish a new graduate program to train students focused on innovations connecting workforce needs to the talents of neurodiverse individuals. Read MoreSep 11, 2019