Health And Medicine
Ecstasy associated with chronic change in brain function
Recreational Ecstasy use is associated with a chronic change in brain function, raising concerns about proposals to use it to treat post-traumatic stress and other disorders. Read MoreMay 5, 2011
Vanderbilt partners with Chinese government to reduce HIV in gay men
Vanderbilt University researchers are partnering with the Chinese government to test methods for reducing the spread of the AIDS virus among gay men. Read MoreMay 4, 2011
Host cell factors keep toxin at bay
Researchers have identified genes that may influence sensitivity of human cells to a bacterial toxin. Read MoreMay 3, 2011
Gene variant impacts exercise blood pressure
Subtle genetic changes can have big effects on blood pressure while exercising. Read MoreApr 28, 2011
Fishing for a new model of tuberous sclerosis complex
A zebrafish model of the genetic disease tuberous sclerosis complex will speed new discoveries. Read MoreApr 27, 2011
New ‘stethoscope’ to monitor critically ill patients
Vanderbilt cardiothoracic anesthesiologists and surgeons are pioneering the use of a tool that many in the cardiac field are calling the “new stethoscope” when it comes to monitoring critically ill patients. Read MoreApr 22, 2011
Evolution points to genes involved in birth timing
Researchers have identified a gene associated with accelerated evolution in humans that may increase some women's risk to deliver their baby prematurely. Read MoreApr 19, 2011
Potassium channel gene modifies epilepsy risk
The discovery of a new gene that can influence a person's risk for developing epilepsy could improve diagnostic tools and open the door for new therapies. Read MoreApr 18, 2011
Vanderbilt Heart to participate in CoreValve clinical trial
Vanderbilt Heart will soon begin testing the safety of a novel, non-surgical approach to treating aortic stenosis, a common heart problem caused by an abnormal narrowing of the heart's aortic valve. Read MoreApr 18, 2011
Dialing down the mercury
Antioxidant compounds may counteract the neurotoxic effects of methylmercury, new research suggests. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Researchers discuss ethical considerations of ‘curing’ disabilities
Vanderbilt researchers from the Department of Pediatrics, Peabody College and the Divinity School joined with parent advocates for a panel discussion on the ethical considerations of "curing" disabilities. Read MoreApr 14, 2011
Mouse study offers clues for childhood obesity
An obesity-associated genetic variation makes fatty food more rewarding yet less satisfying, new research in mice suggests. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Brain injury strongly linked to depression, but treatments lack study
Though a direct link has been found between traumatic brain injury and depression, not enough is known about how to treat those suffering the results. Read MoreApr 13, 2011
Vaccines do not harm children with metabolism disorders
A new study finds no link between childhood vaccinations and a type of metabolism disorder. The study is the latest to provide evidence of vaccination safety. Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Soy foods not a risk for breast cancer survivors
(stock.xchng) After years of confusion about the safety of soy food consumption by breast cancer survivors, a large new study found that eating soy foods did not increase the risk of cancer recurrence or death among breast cancer survivors. The study was presented at the American Association for Cancer… Read MoreApr 12, 2011
Four new Alzheimer’s genes uncovered
Jonathan Haines, director, Vanderbilt Center for Human Genetics Research (Vanderbilt) Vanderbilt researchers, who helped organize a consortium including the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and the Boston University School of Medicine, have identified four new genes linked to… Read MoreApr 4, 2011
Gene ups risk for needing pacemaker
Researchers have identified a gene that increases the risk for developing sick sinus syndrome – the most common cause for implanting a cardiac pacemaker. Read MoreApr 1, 2011
Grant bolsters molecular imaging resource
Vanderbilt has received a $10.3 million federal grant to establish a national research resource for mass spectometry. Read MoreApr 1, 2011
How young brains make sense of senses
The brain’s ability to process multiple sensory inputs continues to develop well into childhood, a recent study shows. Read MoreMar 31, 2011
Gene ‘signature’ may predict cancer outcomes
A gene signature may be useful in predicting outcomes for patients with rhabdomysarcoma, a form of cancer most commonly diagnosed in children. Read MoreMar 25, 2011