Vanderbilt wins $9.3M DARPA contract to evolve tools for military vehicle design
Vanderbilt University engineers in the Institute for Software Integrated Systems have been awarded a $9.3 million contract over two years to continue their work to mature META tools that are part of a flagship Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) program. Read MoreMay 1, 2013
Vanderbilt’s role in new planet-finding space mission
A team of Vanderbilt astronomers will play a key role in the planet-seeking space telescope that NASA has just approved and scheduled for launch in 2017. Read MoreMay 1, 2013
Taking the ‘noise’ out of protein data
Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel algorithm to improve results from proteomic studies. Read MoreMay 1, 2013
Consumer taste for high altitude beans shifts opportunity to small farmers
Economic prospects improved for small mountain farmers in Guatemala when consumers developed a taste for coffee brewed with beans grown at high altitude, according to a new study from the Vanderbilt Institute for Coffee Studies. Read MoreApr 29, 2013
Fava beans’ impact on urine sodium
Eating fava beans increases dopamine in blood and urine, but does not stimulate urinary sodium excretion. Read MoreApr 29, 2013
Factor reduces virus-related asthma attacks
An immune system factor associated with severe asthma may actually reduce asthma attacks induced by viral infections. Read MoreApr 26, 2013
Tracking gunfire with a smartphone
A team of computer engineers from Vanderbilt University’s Institute of Software Integrated Systems has developed an inexpensive hardware module and related software that can transform an Android smartphone into a simple shooter location system. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Events honor, celebrate VU’s women scientists
Vanderbilt University Medical Center is celebrating its women scientists with five events this month that feature inspiring women sharing their research achievements and lives. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Coordinated messaging key to federal support: Cooper
In an era of budget cutting and belt-tightening, how can science get more support from the federal government? Read MoreApr 25, 2013
New computer speeds clinical data collection
Tucked in a data center in the basement of Vanderbilt University Hospital, a new computer the size of a large armoire, called a data warehouse appliance, is delivering a new order of speed to Vanderbilt clinical scientists as they search, filter, analyze and annotate the de-identified medical records of approximately 2 million patients. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Study takes ‘cool’ approach to reducing heart attack damage
Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute is participating in a clinical study to further evaluate the safety and feasibility of rapidly lowering the body’s temperature to significantly reduce the amount of damage caused by a heart attack. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Food variety drives overeating in mouse model of obesity syndrome
Dietary variety – not high-fat or sugary foods – appears to stimulate overeating in a mouse model of an inherited obesity syndrome. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Latest research on key education policies to be presented April 27 – May 1
The latest research on the nation’s key education issues will be presented by Vanderbilt University Peabody College faculty April 27 - May 1 at the American Educational Research Association’s annual conference in San Francisco. Read MoreApr 24, 2013
Setting mosquito hearts racing
Vanderbilt researchers have figured out how to set the mosquito's heart racing, helping them understand how the insect's immune system works and the methods that mosquito-borne parasites like those that cause malaria and yellow fever employ to circumvent it. Read MoreApr 23, 2013
Vanderbilt professor receives AERA Outstanding Book Award
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) will present its 2013 Outstanding Book Award to Vanderbilt University professor Christopher Loss for "Between Citizens and the State: The Politics of American Higher Education in the 20th Century." Read MoreApr 23, 2013
Aerospace club wins payload design category of annual NASA rocket contest
For the fourth year in a row, the Best Payload Design award went to the Vanderbilt Aerospace Club in the 12th annual NASA University Student Launch Initiative Sunday, April 21, in a field at Bragg Farms in Toney, Ala. This is the sixth year the club has entered the national rocketry competition. Read MoreApr 22, 2013
M. Eric Johnson named dean of Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management
Former Owen Graduate School of Management professor M. Eric Johnson will return as dean beginning July 1, leaving the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Read MoreApr 22, 2013
Prosthetic limb advances could help victims of the Boston Marathon bombings
Within the next one to three years, "bionic" prosthetic devices will become available for the people whose limbs were amputated in the Boston Marathon bombing that are substantially smarter, more capable, more active and more interactive than those currently on the market. Read MoreApr 19, 2013
Child development award goes to Peabody researcher
Velma McBride Murry is the recipient of the Society for Research in Child Development’s 2013 Distinguished Contributions to Cultural and Contextual Factors in Child Development Award presented April 18 at SRCD’s biennial meeting in Seattle. Read MoreApr 19, 2013
Lack of exercise not a factor in health disparities
Health disparities between white and black adults in the South are not connected to a lack of exercise but more likely related to other factors such as access to health care, socioeconomic status and perhaps genetics, according to a Vanderbilt study published in PLoS ONE. Read MoreApr 18, 2013