Engineering And Technology
Vandy’s three-time national rocketry champs are off to a strong start defending their title
A student team hosted by the Vanderbilt Aerospace Design Lab is off to a strong start defending its national rocketry title in the 2015-16 NASA University Student Launch Challenge competing against a field of 39 other university teams. Read MoreNov 20, 2015
Doctoral student’s company provides researchers with ‘X-ray’ on cellular processes
Researchers in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries long have used cells as mini-factories to produce fuels, medication and other products. A new company out of Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, MetaMap BioWorks, seeks to open a window on those processes. Read MoreNov 12, 2015
Quantum dots made from fool’s gold boost battery performance
Vanderbilt engineers have discovered that adding quantum dots made from fool's gold to the electrodes of standard lithium batteries can substantially boost their performance. Read MoreNov 11, 2015
Vanderbilt’s medical capsule robots’ hardware, software goes open-source
Researchers around the globe who want to customize medical capsule robots won’t have to start from scratch – a team from Vanderbilt University School of Engineering did the preliminary work for them and is ready to share. Read MoreNov 5, 2015
Free public lecture on future of solar sailing Nov. 5
NASA physicist and author Les Johnson will give two public lectures on campus on the technology of solar sailing and its potential for exploring the solar system and reaching other stars. Read MoreNov 3, 2015
New faculty: Maithilee Kunda explores the role of visual thinking in problem solving and learning
Throughout history, many feats of creativity, scientific discovery and memory have been credited to visual thinking. Maithilee Kunda wants to understand how this kind of thinking works at a computational level. Read MoreOct 22, 2015
Vanderbilt engineering MOOC leads talented Indian student to Nashville
A Coursera student in India’s round trip of 16,716 miles began with an invitation to spend a summer in Nashville, Tennessee, as a computer science intern at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 16, 2015
New faculty: Hiba Baroud uses Bayesian modeling to better predict natural disasters
Fortunately for both Vanderbilt’s School of Engineering and the victims of natural disasters, Hiba Baroud found a way to combine her risk analysis and statistics skills, her love of teaching and her passion for helping people in need. Read MoreOct 13, 2015
BOOM! How the Maker Movement is changing the world
Mark Hatch, CEO and co-founder of TechShop, a fast-growing chain of co-working spaces where people come to build prototypes for the products they want to sell, is giving a free public lecture on the Maker Revolution. Read MoreOct 2, 2015
VenoStent, PinPtr edge closer to market with boost from $200K AIR-TT grants
Two innovative but very different products designed by Vanderbilt University engineers are getting a financial push onto the market, thanks to National Science Foundation Accelerating Innovation Research–Technology Translation (AIR-TT) grants of about $200,000 each. Read MoreOct 1, 2015
First circularly polarized light detector on a silicon chip
Invention of the first integrated circularly polarized light detector on a silicon chip opens the door for development of small, portable sensors that could expand the use of polarized light for drug screening, surveillance, etc. Read MoreSep 22, 2015
Leg braces created at Vanderbilt help dog walk
VIDEO» There are prosthetics for people, but what do pet owners do when their animal needs help walking? Read MoreSep 11, 2015
Bridge student part of team selected as finalist for R&D 100 Awards
A doctoral student in the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master's-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program has helped develop a new kind of detector with potential applications in medical diagnostics and national security. Read MoreSep 11, 2015
Surgery and engineering initiative becomes institute
VISE is keeping its acronym but changing its name. The Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering will become the Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Sztipanovits builds on ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘Industrial Internet’ for the next tech revolution
Janos Sztipanovits wants to connect the whole world to the internet--and that means not just people, but clothes dryers, traffic lights and smoke detectors, too. Read MoreAug 18, 2015
Experts address promises and problems of 3D printing large structures
The prospect that 3D printing will transform the way we construct the concrete structures that dominate the built environment brought a group of experts to campus to discuss the research opportunities this creates. Read MoreJul 24, 2015
Tiny mechanical wrist gives new dexterity to needlescopic surgery
VIDEO» A Vanderbilt research team has successfully created a mechanical wrist less than 1/16th of an inch thick -- small enough to use in needlescopic surgery, the smallest form of minimally invasive surgery. Read MoreJul 23, 2015
Zelik, team discover hip, foot muscles more important to walking than previously thought
In his effort to develop better prosthetic limbs, Karl Zelik had to start with deciphering more clearly how muscles function in walking. His path not only led to a better way of quantifying human locomotion, but also to the discovery that muscles around the hip and in the foot are more important to walking than previously thought. Read MoreJul 13, 2015
Five-year, $20 million TN-SCORE program boosts state’s energy research capacity
For the last five years, scientists and engineers at Vanderbilt University have been collaborating closely with colleagues with other public and private universities and research centers throughout Tennessee in an effort to increase the state’s energy research capacity Read MoreJun 24, 2015
Vanderbilt researcher’s look at fatty liver disease hits home with dad’s diagnosis
Jamey Young, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, wants to learn more about the estimated 5-10 percent of people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease who never develop its deadliest complications in the hopes of developing new treatments. Read MoreJun 11, 2015