Engineering And Technology
Wilson awarded Komen breast cancer research grant
An engineering professor has received financial support from Susan G. Komen for breast cancer research. His project is among 60 grants totaling $26 million awarded to researchers nationwide. Those initiatives are focused on improving outcomes for metastatic breast cancer, reducing disparities in survivorship and developing new, more effective treatments. John T. Wilson, assistant professor of... Read MoreSep 25, 2019
Antibody “road block” enables fine-tuning for cardiac recovery, decreases risk of heart failure
A new study published by Vanderbilt mechanobiology researchers details a possible solution for fine-tuning inflammation and cellular activity in cardiac recovery – thanks to an antibody initially developed for rheumatoid arthritis. Read MoreSep 19, 2019
Department of Energy webinar on federal funding set for Sept. 26
A special webinar on federal funding from the Department of Energy is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 26, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Baker Building, Room 800C. Remote viewing will be available with advanced registration. Register here to attend the webinar in person or remotely. “DOE and Biological Sciences” will cover a broad range of... Read MoreSep 17, 2019
On-the-move cancer cells prefer a “comfort cruise,” follow predictable paths of least resistance
New research from a group of Vanderbilt biomedical engineers reveals that while cancer cells metastasize quickly, they generally choose pathways that use the least amount of energy. Read MoreSep 13, 2019
NSF funds Vanderbilt graduate trainee program to develop workplace innovations for those with autism
A $3 million NSF grant will establish a new graduate program to train students focused on innovations connecting workforce needs to the talents of neurodiverse individuals. Read MoreSep 11, 2019
Nanoscale origami: Smallest-ever, atomically precise structures set stage for quantum breakthroughs
New technique for manipulating graphene opens the door to new breakthroughs in quantum technology. Read MoreSep 6, 2019
Chang, Englot receive $3M NIH grant for epilepsy imaging work
A team led by an engineering professor who specializes in techniques to analyze functional neuroimaging data and a neurosurgeon-scientist has received a $3 million National Institutes of Health grant for epilepsy research. Read MoreAug 29, 2019
Hatzell wins ECS Toyota 2019-20 Fellowship
Kelsey Hatzell, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is one of five recipients of an Electrochemical Society Toyota 2019-20 Young Investigator Fellowship awarded this year for projects in green energy technology. Read MoreAug 29, 2019
ORAU award supports BME professor’s work on whole brain statistical modeling
Mika Rubinov, whose research involves building statistical models of whole brain data sets, has received a competitive research grant from Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Read MoreAug 26, 2019
REDCap data management tool reaches million user mark
Developed in 2004 by BME research professor Paul Harris Fifteen years after it was launched, REDCap, Vanderbilt University’s research data management tool, has reached 1 million users throughout the world. REDCap, or Research Electronic Data Capture, is a web-based platform originally devised by Paul Harris, professor of biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics and biostatistics. To date,... Read MoreAug 22, 2019
REDCap data management tool reaches million user mark
Developed in 2004 by BME research professor Paul Harris Fifteen years after it was launched, REDCap, Vanderbilt University’s research data management tool, has reached 1 million users throughout the world. REDCap, or Research Electronic Data Capture, is a web-based platform originally devised by Paul Harris, professor of biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics and biostatistics. To date,... Read MoreAug 22, 2019
Mahadevan-Jansen elected to global photonics society’s presidential track
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Orrin H. Ingram Professor of Engineering and director of the Biophotonics Center at Vanderbilt University, has been elected to serve as the 2020 vice president of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. Mahadevan-Jansen will serve as president-elect in 2021 and as the society’s president in 2022. Read MoreAug 16, 2019
Cellular soldiers designed to kill cancer cells that get loose during surgery, stop metastasis
Cellular soldiers created using the body’s own defenses can track down and kill escaping cancer cells during surgeries, preventing metastasis and saving lives, a Vanderbilt University biomedical engineer has discovered, particularly in cases of triple negative breast cancer. Read MoreJul 24, 2019
Vanderbilt engineers tripped people 190 times, but it was for a good cause
The automatic stumble response, so natural for most people, is virtually impossible for those who use prosthetic legs, simply because even state-of-the-art prosthetics cannot adapt to stumbling. Read MoreJun 19, 2019
Quick DNA test for malaria drug resistance is life-saver, holds promise for other diseases
Doctors formerly had to extract the malaria parasite’s DNA first, virtually impossible to do in rural, low-resource areas. Read MoreJun 12, 2019
iPhone plus nanoscale porous silicon equals cheap, simple home diagnostics
A Vanderbilt University electrical engineer has combining her research on low-cost, nanostructured thin films with a device most American adults already own to create a diagnostic tool. Read MoreJun 11, 2019
Vanderbilt wins NASA’s 2019 Student Launch Competition, sixth in 7 years
Vanderbilt’s Aerospace Design Laboratory again has earned top honors in NASA’s National Student Launch Competition, the lab’s sixth national championship and second consecutive win in 12 years. Read MoreMay 16, 2019
Road test proves adaptive cruise control can add to traffic jam problem
For the experiment, the team put seven different cars from two manufacturers on a rural highway and simulated actual driving conditions. Read MoreMay 7, 2019
Lippmann awarded NSF CAREER grant to study mechanics of blood-brain barrier
Ethan Lippmann, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development grant. Read MoreApr 12, 2019
Hatzell awarded NSF CAREER grant to expand research on lithium-ion batteries
Kelsey Hatzell, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development grant. Read MoreApr 12, 2019