Op-ed: We’re beating cancer, so why stall funding for research?
Earlier this year, with surprisingly little media attention, we celebrated a major milestone in the fight against cancer — for the first time in record-keeping history, the number of American lives lost to cancer declined. Read MoreSep 14, 2006
Op-ed: On becoming a ‘real American’
From adolescence on, I heard a constant refrain from my Indian father: "Don't ever believe that you're really American." I found his advice peculiar, especially as I had been living in America since age 8 and had largely forgotten my time in India. To him, it didn't matter that the only language in which I could think a complex thought was English. It didn't matter that the only music I listened to was Michael Jackson, the Bee Gees and Billy Joel. Read MoreSep 14, 2006
Artist and educator Elliot Eisner to speak at Vanderbilt
Elliot W. Eisner, Lee Jacks Professor of Education and professor of art at Stanford University, will speak Friday, Sept. 29, at the Vanderbilt University Student Life Center. The speech is the second of the 2006-2007 Chancellor's Lecture Series and part of Vanderbilt's annual Family Weekend. Read MoreSep 13, 2006
Wait-and-see approach lowers antibiotic use for ear infections
A new study suggests that taking a wait-and-see approach before giving antibiotics to children with acute ear infections results in significantly lower use of antibiotics, with little difference in outcomes for the children. Read MoreSep 13, 2006
Vanderbilt professor wins Horace Mann Medal; Tracy Sharpley-Whiting to be honored for research accomplishments
Vanderbilt's Tracy Sharpley-Whiting is the winner of the 2006 Horace Mann Medal. The medal is awarded each year to a Brown University Graduate School alumnus or alumna who has made significant contributions to scholarly research. Read MoreSep 12, 2006
“The Shape of Things” premieres Sept. 29; Neil LaBute play takes critical look at current American values
"The Shape of Things," by Neil LaBute, will debut Thursday, Sept. 28, at Neely Auditorium at Vanderbilt University. The critically acclaimed play follows the moves of an art student who makes it her mission to transform a nerdy, insecure, overweight undergraduate into her confident, stylish, good-looking lover. Although the transformation seems beneficial at first, unpleasant consequences soon ensue. Read MoreSep 11, 2006
Paul Rusesabagina, real-life hero, inspiration for Hotel Rwanda, to speak at Vanderbilt University Sept. 25
Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager who saved more than 1,200 lives during the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and inspired the movie Hotel Rwanda, will speak Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at Vanderbilt University's Student Life Center. Read MoreSep 11, 2006
MEDIA ADVISORY — Vanderbilt professor to discuss 9/11’s impact with students across the nation, Videoconference involves 30 K-12 schools
"Remembering Sept. 11" will be the focus of a Vanderbilt University interactive videoconference on Monday, Sept. 11, with Professor James Booth, whose research includes the remembrance of national events. Read MoreSep 8, 2006
Vanderbilt University police chief retires
Allan Guyet, Vanderbilt University's chief of police for the past eight years, will retire at the end of the year. Read MoreSep 8, 2006
CD by Vanderbilt professors added to NEH’s We the People bookshelf; Happy Land to be sent to libraries across the nation
An album produced by two Vanderbilt University professors is the first music collection to be added to a National Endowment for the Humanities collection of works which strengthen students' understanding of American history and culture. Read MoreSep 7, 2006
Ceremony, open discussion to mark Sept. 11 anniversary at Vanderbilt
The Vanderbilt University community will mark the five-year anniversary of Sept. 11 with a morning remembrance and an open roundtable discussion led by faculty in the afternoon. Read MoreSep 6, 2006
Little Texas to perform under the stars at Dyer Observatory
Little Texas will perform acoustically at Vanderbilt's Dyer Observatory Saturday, Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 4 p.m. Tickets are $7 for students, $12 for Vanderbilt University faculty/staff and Bluebird on the Mountain season ticket holders, and $15 for general public. There is also a $50 VIP ticket that will allow for pre-show access and a meet and greet with the band. Read MoreSep 5, 2006
Broccoli & Desire explores connections between Maya farmers, American consumers
Have you considered how many hands it took to get the broccoli you just purchased from the field to your table? Did you know that it quite possibly came from Guatemala? Did you ever consider that someone grew that broccoli for you so they could send their kids to a better school? Read MoreSep 1, 2006
Mexican border reflections open semester of VU Divinity programming, Community breakfasts, Relevant Religion classes offered
Reflections from the Mexican-United States border by members of the Vanderbilt University community who spent a week traveling the area open the fall semester of community programming offered by Vanderbilt Divinity School. Read MoreAug 31, 2006
U.S. Senate debate set at Vanderbilt
U.S. Senate candidates Harold Ford Jr. and Bob Corker will square off for a statewide televised debate at Vanderbilt University's Ingram Hall Oct. 28. Read MoreAug 31, 2006
Juices may reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk
A juice every other day could keep Alzheimer's disease at bay, new research suggests. Read MoreAug 31, 2006
MEDIA ADVISORY — Vanderbilt students hit the road to cheer on team in season opener at Michigan
About 200 Vanderbilt University students will board buses on Friday, Sept. 1, to travel overnight to Ann Arbor, Mich., for the nationally televised football season opener between Vanderbilt and Michigan on Saturday, Sept. 2. Read MoreAug 30, 2006
Vanderbilt University wins $10 million to study impact of performance incentives in schools; First project will test impact of bonuses in Nashville schools
A new national research and development center has been created at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College of education and human development to answer one of the thorniest questions in education policy — do financial incentives for teachers, administrators and schools affect student achievement? Read MoreAug 30, 2006
Leader of sustainable design movement to speak at Vanderbilt; Architect William McDonough lectures on Sept. 26
Renowned architect William McDonough, a leader in the movement for sustainable architecture and product design, will speak at Vanderbilt University on Tuesday, Sept. 26. Read MoreAug 30, 2006
Economist Niall Ferguson to speak at Vanderbilt University; Historian of the global economy opens Chancellor’s Lecture Series
Niall Ferguson, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University, will speak on "The War of the World" on Tuesday, Sept. 12, at Vanderbilt University in the inaugural presentation of the 2006-07 Chancellor's Lecture Series. Read MoreAug 29, 2006