VUSN‘s Susan Cooper Named Tennessee‘s Commissioner of Health
Susan Cooper, M.S.N., assistant dean for Practice at the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, has been named the new Commissioner of Health for the state of Tennessee by Gov. Phil Bredesen. Read MoreJan 10, 2007
Bush‘s Iraq dilemma unprecedented, says Vanderbilt presidential historian, Vietnam parallels misleading, according to professor
Although many commentators have suggested parallels between the Vietnam War and President George W. Bush‘s anticipated decision to increase the military presence in Iraq, in truth Bush‘s situation is without a clear precedent from that earlier conflict, according to Thomas Alan Schwartz, professor of history at Vanderbilt. Read MoreJan 9, 2007
Vanderbilt No. 7 in ranking of productive research universities; No. 1 in Pharmacology, Spanish and Portuguese, Education categories
Vanderbilt University placed No. 7 in rankings released for the scholarly production of professors at research universities in the United States. Read MoreJan 9, 2007
Abu Ghraib Prison photos and Latino/a immigration two of the timely topics featured in VU Divinity community breakfasts and programming
The Vanderbilt University Divinity School will host community breakfasts and programming this spring focused on timely and relevant topics such as the impact of the Abu Ghraib Prison photos, creation narratives, different voices interpreting the Bible and Latino/a immigration. Read MoreJan 9, 2007
Type of health care system affects caregiver stress
Finding the right healthcare for a child or loved one can leave you feeling like you need a visit to the doctor. A new study by Vanderbilt University researchers has found that the type of stress you experience may depend on the type of health care system with which you are dealing. Read MoreJan 9, 2007
Curb Lecture to feature Eric Klinenberg on media consolidation, Author of Fighting for Air: The Battle to Control America‘s Media
The author of a new book about the effects of media consolidation on the American public will deliver the Curb Lecture at Vanderbilt University on Monday, Jan. 15. Read MoreJan 4, 2007
Vanderbilt policy center taking pulse of education in Tennessee; New poll released as part of ongoing statewide education policy initiative
The Vanderbilt Peabody Center for Education Policy is undertaking an ongoing initiative to generate, share, debate and discuss the latest information on the state of education in Tennessee. Read MoreJan 4, 2007
Trio of African-American women leaders kick off Vanderbilt University’s Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Series Jan. 15-23
Constance Rice, Rita Sanders Geier and Cordelia Taylor, three African-American women dedicated to making a difference in their communities, will speak at Vanderbilt University Monday, Jan. 15.Their lectures ñ Taylor's at noon, Geier's at 3:30 p.m. and Rice's at 6:30 p.m. ñ help kick off the university's 2007 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Series scheduled Jan. 15-23. This year's series' theme is "Living the Legacy: Inquiries into Inclusion (Who's In and Who's Out)." All series events are free and open to the public. Read MoreJan 4, 2007
TIPSHEET: Saddam Hussein Execution: Vanderbilt Expert Back from Iraq
Vanderbilt University Law Professor Mike Newton is an expert on the Saddam Hussein trial and has just returned from his fourth trip to Iraq. Read MoreDec 29, 2006
Yahoo! executive to lecture on Internet search engines
A scientist with Yahoo! will lecture on the workings of Internet search engines at Vanderbilt University in January.Jan O. Pedersen, chief scientist for search and marketplace with Yahoo!, will speak at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11, in Room 4327 of the Stevenson Center on the Vanderbilt campus. A reception will precede the lecture at 3:30 p.m. in Room 6333 of the Stevenson Center. Read MoreDec 21, 2006
Baltimore TV news producer joins Vanderbilt News Service
Amy Wolf has joined the Vanderbilt News Service as a senior public affairs officer and will work primarily with Vanderbilt Law School and the Owen Graduate School of Management. Read MoreDec 20, 2006
Scientist discovers some mammals can smell objects under water
A Vanderbilt researcher has discovered that some stealthy mammals have been doing something heretofore thought impossible — using the sense of smell under water. Read MoreDec 20, 2006
Leading U.S. poetry critic Helen Vendler to speak at Vanderbilt
Recently recognized by The New York Times as the "leading poetry critic in America," Helen Vendler will speak Thursday, Jan. 18, at the Flynn Auditorium at the Vanderbilt University Law School. Read MoreDec 20, 2006
Developing our brightest minds: a report from the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth after 35 years
Who will be the next Albert Einstein? The next Stephen Hawking? A new report from Vanderbilt University reveals the complex mix of factors that create these intellectual leaders: cognitive abilities, educational opportunities, investigative interests and old-fashioned hard work. Read MoreDec 18, 2006
A prescription for Jewish-Christian relations; “The Misunderstood Jew” is Amy Jill Levine‘s new book
Amy-Jill Levine recalls twice being approached by "nice, silver-haired Protestant women" who had never met a Jewish person. They wanted to know where she had had her horns removed. Read MoreDec 18, 2006
Vanderbilt Celebrates Mark Collie Chair in Diabetes Research
Vanderbilt University Medical Center has announced the establishment of the Mark Collie Chair in Diabetes Research. The endowed chair, which will support diabetes research and care, is named in honor of country music recording artist, award-winning songwriter, actor, filmmaker and philanthropist Mark Collie. Read MoreDec 15, 2006
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley to speak at Vanderbilt; A writer discusses reading, writing and creativity
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley will speak Tuesday, Jan. 23, at Ingram Hall at the Blair School of Music on the Vanderbilt University campus. Read MoreDec 14, 2006
‘Project HealthDesign‘ Awards Vanderbilt University Medical Center $300,000 Grant to Design and Test Innovative, Consumer-Centered PHR Applications
Vanderbilt University Medical Center has been selected as one of nine teams nationwide to participate in a landmark program from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to design and test bold ideas for how consumers can use information technology to better manage their health and navigate the health care system. Read MoreDec 14, 2006
TIPSHEET: Vanderbilt expert says airline mergers are inevitable
"Airline consolidation is inevitable," says Michael Lapr√à, associate professor of management at Vanderbilt University‘s Owen School of Management and an expert on the airline industry. Media reports say UAL Corporation, the parent company of United Airlines, is in preliminary talks with Continental Airlines about a possible merger. Lapr√à says airline mergers are unavoidable and, "a sensible idea to pursue." Read MoreDec 13, 2006
LifeFlight named EMS Regional Communication Center
Vanderbilt LifeFlight‘s Office of Emergency Communications has been designated as the EMS Regional Communications Center (EMS RCC) for the Mid-Cumberland Region by Tennessee Department of Health EMS officials. Read MoreDec 13, 2006