Yahoo! executive to lecture on Internet search engines

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A scientist with Yahoo! will lecture on the workings of Internet search engines at Vanderbilt University in January.

Jan O. Pedersen, chief scientist for search and marketplace with Yahoo!, will speak at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11, in Room 4327 of the Stevenson Center on the Vanderbilt campus. A reception will precede the lecture at 3:30 p.m. in Room 6333 of the Stevenson Center.

The lecture was originally scheduled for December, but was postponed because of a scheduling conflict.

Pedersen‘s topic will be “Web Search: How Does it Work?” The lecture is free and open to the public.

Pedersen, who holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Stanford University, has been issued more than 10 patents and has authored more than 20 refereed publications on information access topics.

The talk is sponsored by Vanderbilt‘s Advanced Computing Center for Research & Education, the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Contact: David F. Salisbury, (615) 343-6803

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