
Upcoming Frist events to feature Vanderbilt anthropologists

Several events planned in conjunction with an upcoming exhibition at The Frist Center for the Visual Arts will feature lectures by Vanderbilt anthropologists and be co-sponsored by Vanderbilt's Center for Latin American Studies. Read More

VSG to celebrate faculty and staff on Thursday

Vanderbilt Student Government is sponsoring Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day Feb. 28 to say thank you to all who work on campus. Read More

Kudos: Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements

Read about faculty, staff, student and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read More

Public lecture traces symmetry from Greeks to present day

University of Maryland physics professor Sylvester "Jim" Gates will give a free public lecture that traces the important role that the concept of symmetry has played in physics from the time of the ancient Greeks through present-day efforts to create a physical “theory of everything.” Read More

Walkway closed Feb. 26 to accommodate multipurpose facility construction

The north end of the new multipurpose facility is taking shape. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) The walkway from 25th Avenue South to the entrance of the… Read More

My Health at Vanderbilt to unveil simpler look

A redesign of My Health at Vanderbilt will give users an improved experience that is consistent with other Vanderbilt University Medical Center websites. Read More

Share your stories of retiring Associate Dean Fräncille Bergquist

After more than 35 years of helping undergraduates in the College of Arts and Science, Associate Dean M. Fräncille Bergquist has announced she will retire at the end of the current academic year. Colleagues, friends, students, alumni and parents are encouraged to submit stories, photos or congratulations for the dean. Read More

Dyer Observatory offers tours, telescope viewings to public

Dyer Observatory will open soon for its 2013 season, offering regular open houses and telescope nights from March to November. Read More

Our favorite Tweets and Facebook posts of the week: Vanderbilt’s economic impact on Tennessee

Vanderbilt is proud to call Tennessee home. A new economic analysis released Feb. 21 finds the university and medical center had an $8.6… Read More

Education reform conversation Feb. 27 features state commissioner and social justice advocate

The state commissioner of education and a social justice advocate at Vanderbilt Law School will discuss education reform during a Feb. 27 forum. Read More

Get discount on March 9 basketball game

Enjoy a "spring break discount" on the VU vs. South Carolina basketball game on March 9. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) Can’t get away for spring… Read More

Justice, God and sex topics of Religious Life programming this spring

The Office of Religious Life at Vanderbilt has a wide variety of events going on this spring to feed the soul, challenge the mind and revive the spirit. Read More

Circadian clock linked to obesity, diabetes and heart attacks

Disruption in the body’s circadian rhythm can lead not only to obesity, but can also increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. That is the conclusion of the first study to show definitively that insulin activity is controlled by the body’s circadian biological clock. Read More

Structural snapshot hints at new influenza approach

A careful look at how the body’s natural defenses disarm virulent strains of influenza hints at the possibility of a way to fight the flu. Read More

Middleton named VU Health System informatics chief

Blackford Middleton, M.D., MPH, M.Sc., corporate director of clinical informatics research and development at Partners Healthcare in Boston, will join Vanderbilt later this month in the role of assistant vice chancellor for Health Affairs and chief informatics officer for Vanderbilt University Health System. He succeeds John Doulis, M.D. Read More

Patient & Family Promise to be introduced next week

The Patient & Family Promise will be rolled out to the public next week. Read More

Series of events explore brain disorders, neuroscience research

“Brain Blast,” a half-day of free, hands-on activities for children and adults will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, March 2, at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks. Read More

Patient and Safety Scholarship program inaugurates first class

Vanderbilt’s Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy has named its inaugural class of 34 scholarship recipients to participate in the Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety’s (CBPPS) certification program. Read More

Photo: Nursing job fair

(photo by Anne Rayner) At last week’s pediatric nursing job fair at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, newly employed… Read More

Event offers smokers free quitting lessons, screening information

Smokers who want assistance to help them kick the habit are invited to a free counseling session with a “quit-smoking” adviser, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks, first floor conference room. Read More