
Researchers identify novel biomarker for diabetes risk

Researchers at the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital have identified a biomarker that can predict diabetes risk up to 10 years before onset of the disease. Read More

The College Choice: First-year student and New York Times blogger shares his story

The process of applying to college is memorable for many reasons — filling out pages and pages of applications, nervously waiting to hear back from… Read More

Mapping brain membrane proteins

New mass spectrometry imaging methods will enable studies of the distribution and identification of membrane proteins directly within tissues. Read More

The Tennessean: We must walk fine line when it comes to testing

We must make sure that standardized tests actually cover what we all agree is important for children to learn, writes Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development. Read More

Global hunger activist and expert to speak at Vanderbilt

Roger Thurow, whose reporting on famine in Africa has received international accolades, will speak at the Divinity School as part of the Cal Turner Lecture Series Sept. 18. Read More

Kudos: Read about faculty, staff and alumni awards, appointments and achievements

Read about faculty, staff and alumni awards, appointments and achievements. Read More

Volunteers needed for campus events

Sign up today to volunteer for a campus event or fundraiser. Read More

New Health and Wellness Wellcast: Depression & Mindfulness

Listen to a new Wellcast on depression and mindfullness. Read More

Peabody College LPO Colloquium 9/10/13 — Professor Cassie Guarino, Indiana University

The State of the Art in Value-Added Measures of Teacher Performance: Taking Stock of What We Know and Don't Know Read More

Penny Arcade: 40,000 students worldwide are studying Lord of the Rings Online and you can too

Professor Jay Clayton of Vanderbilt University is chatting with me over Skype, but he admits that his attention is slightly divided. He's got Lord of the Rings Online running on a second monitor, and countless players are sending him messages to say hello. Read More

Cancer nanomedicines on target

Therapeutic nanoparticles may offer a powerful new way to image and treat cancer at the same time. Read More

ACEing Autism tennis program seeking participants

Children ages 6 to 14 years with an autism spectrum disorder can have fun learning tennis at the Centennial Sportsplex, thanks to the Vanderbilt Club Tennis Team Read More

Vanderbilt Libraries present ‘Thomas Jefferson and His Books’

Jon Meacham, author of a noted biography on Thomas Jefferson, and Mark Dimunation, who directed the reconstruction of Thomas Jefferson's Collection at the Library of Congress, will speak at Vanderbilt Sept. 30. Read More

This CoRPs Wants You

With more than 31,000 applications received for the Class of 2017, Vanderbilt is red hot. By representing Vanderbilt at college fairs, interviewing applicants and contacting… Read More

VU study identifies DNA changes in drug-resistant cancer cells

Vanderbilt investigators have combined next-generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analyses to screen for genome-wide genetic mutations associated with drug resistance in a series of lung cancer cell lines. Read More

Federal grant bolsters pulmonary fibrosis research

Lisa Young, M.D., associate professor of Pediatrics and Medicine and Cell Biology, has been awarded a five-year, $1.9 million National Institutes of Health grant to study what causes cellular dysfunction and pulmonary fibrosis in patients with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS). Read More

New rounds series focuses on supporting caregivers

Bedside Matters, a new hourlong, monthly rounds geared toward helping all Vanderbilt University Medical Center health care providers deal with the social and emotional issues of caring for patients and families, will begin this month. Read More

VU tracking drug’s ability to prevent type 1 diabetes

Vanderbilt’s Eskind Diabetes Clinic has been selected to examine the ability of the drug abatacept to prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D). As part of the TrialNet consortium, Vanderbilt will be one of 14 North American sites observing the effects of the drug in people at high risk to develop T1D. Read More

Two named to National Academies’ advisory board

Vanderbilt University’s Roger D. Cone, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Heitman, Ph.D., have been appointed to the National Academies’ Board on Life Sciences, which advises the government and scientific community on a wide range of topics, from stem cell research to bioterrorism. Read More

Discovery lecturer to discuss genetic information’s challenges

Wylie Burke, M.D., Ph.D., an expert in the social, ethical and policy implications of genetic information, will deliver the next Flexner Discovery Lecture on Thursday, Sept. 19. Read More