
New tool helps track residents’ progress

Dramatic changes are coming to the way resident physicians in all medical specialties are evaluated as they advance through training. Faculty with the Department of Anesthesiology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) have developed an automated tool to help more accurately assess residents’ performance as they meet educational goals and ultimately become better doctors. Read More

Grant aids premature infant hydrocephalus research

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of premature infants with post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus is the subject of a new research study at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Read More

Employment may improve autism symptoms: study

More independent work environments may lead to reductions in autism symptoms and improve daily living in adults with the disorder, according to a new study released in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Read More

Lung disease foundation lauds investigators

Two Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigators recently received awards from the ATS Foundation and its partners to support their lung disease-related research efforts. Read More

Monthly tastings to highlight available healthy food options

Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 22, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Courtyard Café will host a healthy food tasting in the dining area on the fourth Wednesday of every month, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Read More

Photo: Discovery Lecture

At last week's Flexner Discovery Lecture, David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D., described how a cellular network called the mTOR pathway regulates cell growth and metabolism. Read More

VUSN lands community partnership honors

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing was recognized as the Community Partner for the Year 2013 by Prospect Inc., a local nonprofit organization with home and day support services and employment training for individuals with disabilities over the age of 18. Read More

At the Clothes Closet, every donation matters

Peggy Buchanan, who runs the Vanderbilt Clothes Closet, has hundreds of stories. As the lead guest service representative for Hospital Guest Services, she has helped her share of patients and visitors. Read More

CHF project shows home monitoring eases readmissions

In preliminary testing, Vanderbilt Home Care Services (VHCS) has found that Internet-based remote patient monitoring reduces hospital readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) who are receiving home nursing visits. Read More

Awards honor dedicated efforts of research staff

Krassimira Garbett, Ph.D., Patricia “Cookie” Minton, R.N., and Kent Shaddox are the recipients of the 2013 Research Staff Awards at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Read More

Graduate student lead author of study of electron particles that can zap technology

A paper first-authored by Vanderbilt graduate engineering student Michael King concludes that electronics designed to operate with ultra-low power likely will exhibit high sensitivity to electron-induced single-event upsets due to interference from solar flares, cosmic rays and the like. Read More

Heroes as Defined by the Arts

Published on Jan 15, 2014 Watch video of the most recent presentation in the Food for Thought lunchtime series – Heroes as Defined by… Read More

Groundbreaking study finds children with autism hear and see out of sync

It’s like a poorly dubbed film – the words heard don’t match up with the video seen. Vanderbilt researchers report (Journal of Neuroscience) that this… Read More

HIV’s impact on B cells

Understanding how HIV infection affects immune system B cells may guide strategies for vaccine development. Read More

VUCast: Autism communication breakthrough

In the latest VUCast: What people with autism see may not match what they hear; how “supersizing” could help you lose weight; and hear what earned a Vanderbilt astronomer a Grammy nomination. Watch now. Read More

Babies and You: Child care – what to look for

(photo courtesy of Health Plus) Learn more about important considerations and options for quality child care from Rhonda Laird, early childhood coordinator at the… Read More

Mohning to retire from student financial aid post

David D. Mohning, executive director of the Office of Student Financial Aid and Undergraduate Scholarships, plans to retire from Vanderbilt, Vice Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions Douglas L. Christiansen announced Jan. 8. Read More

Vanderbilt study reveals senses of sight and sound separated in children with autism

Children with autism spectrum disorders have trouble integrating simultaneous information from their eyes and their ears--as if they experience the world like a badly-dubbed movie. Read More

Poster campaign and website to raise awareness about sexual assault

Reducing sexual assault and providing easy access to support services are the aims of a new poster and website designed to provide a single point of entry for information about sexual assault for the Vanderbilt community. Read More

Peter Guralnick to discuss e-book reissues at Hall of Fame

Vanderbilt students get free admission to a discussion by English professor Peter Guralnick of new enhanced digital editions of two of his classic books, "Feel Like Going Home" and "Lost Highway." Read More