Babies and You: Child care – what to look for

(photo courtesy of Health Plus)

Learn more about important considerations and options for quality child care from Rhonda Laird, early childhood coordinator at the Vanderbilt Child and Family Center, from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, in 419 Light Hall. The event is free and no registration is required to attend.

Health Plus offers Babies and You, a worksite prenatal health promotion program, to all Vanderbilt employees, spouses and dependents. The program encourages early and consistent prenatal care and provides monthly educational opportunities on various topics.

A $50 incentive is offered to those who register in their first trimester, attend at least three of the monthly classes, and go to all prenatal provider visits. After the birth of your baby, you will qualify for an optional home visit by a registered nurse. The service is available for Davidson and surrounding counties.

Health Plus is part of Faculty/Staff Health and Wellness at Vanderbilt.