
Multitasking Microscope

‘Laboratory in a Box’ Conducts Thousands of Experiments Simultaneously David Weaver is out to help drug discovery “bloom” at Vanderbilt University. Weaver came… Read More

Photo: International visit

Ralf Habermann, M.D., leads a tour of Vanderbilt’s facilities for a group of physicians from Korea seeking to learn more about how long-term care issues are addressed in the United States. Read More

Mission focus key to meeting health care challenges: Balser

“There has never been a time when we need leaders more than today.” With these words, Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, began his quarterly conversation with colleagues at Wednesday’s Clinical Enterprise Leadership Assembly in Langford Auditorium. Read More

Program helps children cope when parents are ill

When Kim O’Leary was diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma, a type of cancer that had invaded her lymph nodes and caused tumors in her abdomen, her biggest worry was her then 6-year-old son Andrew. Read More

Discovery sheds new light on marijuana’s anxiety relief effects

An international group led by Vanderbilt University researchers has found cannabinoid receptors, through which marijuana exerts its effects, in a key emotional hub in the brain involved in regulating anxiety and the flight-or-fight response. Read More

VUPD testing emergency notification system March 12

A test of the university’s emergency mass notification system, AlertVU, is planned for Wednesday, March 12. AlertVU is used for emergencies posing an imminent threat or danger to the Vanderbilt community. Read More

Help Vanderbilt Theatre build a forest at live performance art event

A diverse group of artists, students and others will create a forest that is part visual art and part live theater performance at Vanderbilt’s Neely Auditorium March 28 and 29. Read More

Concur opens Tuesday for most employee reimbursements

Concur, the online expense system, opens Tuesday for most types of employee reimbursements. The expense system will be disabled on Monday, but travel arrangements may still be made. Read More

Author Courtney E. Martin to discuss best-selling book ‘Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters’ March 25

Award-winning author Courtney E. Martin will deliver the 2014 Cuninggim Lecture on Women in Culture and Society at Vanderbilt University March 25. Her talk, “Perfect Girls: A Generation of Young Women Were Told We Could Do Anything and Somehow Heard that We had to be Everything,” is free and open to the public. Read More

Report contributions to outside retirement plans by April 1

Employees who contribute to a non-Vanderbilt retirement plan through outside businesses in which they are at least a 50 percent owner need to report their contributions to Human Resources by April 1. Read More

Vanderbilt research team earns top AERA award

The Vanderbilt research team of Doug and Lynn Fuchs has received the American Educational Research Association's premier acknowledgement of outstanding achievement and success in education research. Read More

Register for March Safe Zone workshop

The next Safe Zone workshop is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Sarratt Student Center, Room 189. Safe Zone… Read More

Stick to normal sleep schedule to ease daylight saving transition

Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. this Sunday, bringing more sunshine in the evenings at the price of an hour of sleep. Vanderbilt Sleep Disorders Center specialist Kelly Brown says a little extra planning can alleviate the groggy feeling that often accompanies the time change. Read More

Engineering graduate student selected to attend Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates

School of Engineering graduate student Alex Walsh has been selected to attend the 64th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, this summer. Read More

Sticking to normal sleep schedule can ease daylight saving time transition

(iStockphoto) Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, bringing more sunshine in the evenings at the price of… Read More

Web tool speeds pulmonary hypertension discovery

The pulmonary arterial hypertension knowledgebase (PAHKB), developed by Vanderbilt researchers, provides a useful tool for identifying PAH-related genes and signaling pathways relevant to pathogenesis. Read More

VUCast: Mosquito sperm can smell

See how a discovery about mosquito sperm could fight deadly disease; learn where to click for the coolest original music created by Vanderbilt students; and tour the newest evolution of College Halls. All this and more in the latest VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast. Watch now. Read More

Remembrance of Lessons Past

When Blair Academy of Music first opened its doors in the fall of 1964, I was a violin student of Wilda Tinsley [MMus’43], having lessons in a beautiful old house on West End Avenue. I still remember my first lesson with Miss Tinsley at the new school on 18th Avenue. Read More

Engineer alumnus proud to be part of sophisticated robot, test chamber project

Joe Clement, BE’97, a senior engineer with Kansas City-based MRIGlobal, is helping develop a human-like robot designed to provide data on the effectiveness of protective… Read More

Thesis documenting discovery of famous psychological effect donated to Vanderbilt

The original thesis of John Ridley Stroop, who discovered one of the most famous tasks in cognitive psychology while studying for his doctoral degree at Peabody College, was donated to Vanderbilt by his son Fred. Read More