HR announces new referral bonus policy

Vanderbilt University Human Resources has announced a new referral bonus policy. Starting July 1, employees may receive a bonus if they refer an individual who becomes employed by Vanderbilt University to a position that is difficult to fill or retain. The referral payment is a taxable bonus.

In collaboration with Human Resources, each school, department or unit will determine eligible jobs for the employee referral bonus. Eligible jobs are based on market demand and the length of time the position has been open and unfilled.

To be eligible to receive a referral bonus, the recipient must be an active employee on the date the payment is processed. Bonuses are paid to the employee through their paycheck and are paid 90 and 180 days after the person they referred is hired and working at Vanderbilt University. Bonus amounts vary based on school, department or unit.

The following individuals are not eligible for the referral bonus incentive:

  • Individuals transferring from one department to another department on campus
  • Managers and supervisors who are involved in the recruitment of the vacant staff position
  • Human resources professionals (HCMs, administrative managers, etc.) in the department offering the referral bonus
  • Hiring committee members, if applicable, and any other employee involved in influencing the hiring decision

Campus Dining to pilot the program

Vanderbilt Campus Dining will be the first department to use referral bonuses to increase the number of candidates for Campus Dining positions. 

2022 Employee Referral Bonus Program

  • Starting July 1, 2022, employees referring individuals to Campus Dining positions will receive a taxable referral bonus in the amount of $500.
  • The referral bonus will be paid in two installments. The referring employee will receive half of the bonus once the new staff member successfully completes 90 days and the other half when the new employee completes 180 days of employment. Referral bonus payments will be made within two pay cycles of those completed dates.
  • Providing a referral for an applicant is not a guarantee that the individual will receive an interview or be selected for a role.
  • Both the referrer and the referred employee must be employed on the date of the bonus payment(s).
  • All full-time and part-time open positions in Campus Dining between July 1, 2022–Dec. 31, 2022 will be considered for the referral bonus.

For more information, see the HR Referral Bonus Policy and FAQ page.