Elizabeth Barna, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology, has been selected to present this July at the International Educational Conference Auschwitz in Poland, which gathers top scholars of genocide studies from around the world. Barna will present her dissertation research on the challenges of teaching about slavery and Native American genocide.
Sandra Barnes, professor of human and organizational development, has received the 2019 Cox-Johnson-Frazier Award from the American Sociological Association. The award is given to an individual for their work in the intellectual tradition of the works of Oliver Cox, Charles S. Johnson and E. Franklin Frazier, three African American scholars.
Cynthia Cyrus, vice provost for learning and residential affairs, served as an invited panelist for the American Council on Education South’s Winter Summit in New Orleans in February. The meeting’s topic was “Tackling the Mental Health Crisis on American Campuses.”
David Dickinson, Margaret Cowan Chair in Education and associate dean for research at Peabody College, has published with Ann B. Morse Connecting Through Talk: Nurturing Children’s Development with Language (Brookes Publishing, 2019).
Kyle Godbey and Savanna Starko, Ph.D. candidates in the Department of Physics, are among 600 of the world’s most qualified young scientists selected to participate in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting to be held June 30–July 5 in Lindau, Germany. The annual meeting aims to bring together Nobel laureates and young scientists to foster scientific exchange between different generations and cultures.
Bryan Lowe, assistant professor of religious studies, has received the 2019 John Whitney Hall Book Prize from the Association for Asian Studies for Ritualized Writing: Buddhist Practice and Scriptural Cultures in Ancient Japan (University of Hawaii Press, 2017).
Catherine McTamaney, associate professor of the practice of teaching and learning, has received the inaugural Montessori Innovator Award from the American Montessori Society and gave one of five TED-style talks for the opening plenary at the organization’s annual conference. The American Montessori Society is the foremost Montessori advocacy group in the United States, representing 95 teacher education programs, more than 1,500 schools and 14,000 individual member teachers.
Professor of Law Timothy Meyer’s 2018 Columbia Law Review article, “Free Trade, Fair Trade and Selective Enforcement,” was one of five articles selected for publication in the 12th edition of the Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, a compendium of the best articles addressing topics in environmental law published during the previous academic year. Associate Dean for Research Jim Rossi’s 2017 Minnesota Law Review article, “Carbon Taxation by Regulation,” received an honorable mention.
Norbert Ross, associate professor of anthropology, has received an extension to his ongoing NSF grant addressing how children experience and understand violence in El Salvador. The additional funds will allow him to travel with eight Salvadoran youth actors for two weeks to Tijuana, Mexico, where they will conduct approximately 15 playback theater workshops for Central American refugees living in refugee camps along the southern U.S. border.
Kevin M. Stack, Lee S. and Charles A. Speir Professor of Law, has been appointed to a two-year term as a public member of the Administrative Conference of the United States, an independent federal agency that advises the government on how to improve the administrative process.
Michael Vandenbergh, David Daniels Allen Distinguished Chair in Law and director of the Climate Change Research Network, has been elected a fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers, a professional association of lawyers and scholars who practice and study environmental law.
Eliza Wong, a senior violin performance major studying with Carolyn Huebl, professor of violin, was the national first-prize winner for stringed instruments in the Young Artist Competition at the 2019 Music Teachers National Association conference held March 16-20 in Spokane, Wash. The Music Teachers National Association is the leading nonprofit professional organization for the support, growth and development of music-teaching professionals, with 22,000 members in 50 states and more than 500 local affiliates.